posted on December 15, 2013

News Release
Lifeforce Urges Vancouver to Fight for Animals Rights at Winter Olympics
Vancouver will be sending openly gay Councillor, Tim Stevenson, to the 2014 Winter Olympics in Russia. This is to take a stand Russia’s anti-gay propaganda law.
The host city of the 2014 Winter Olympics also plans to showcase two wild-caught orca whales and use an endangered dolphin as a torchbearer before the opening ceremony during the games in Sochi, Russia.
This violates the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) Environmental Mandate, which makes conservation a top priority, and Agenda 21, which insists the games will be conducted, “with the preservation of the natural environment in mind,” and strongly suggests that “all upcoming Olympic developments will be carried out with a commitment to environmental consciousness and sustainability.”
There is growing worldwide public opposition to the abuse of orcas and other dolphins in captivity. This is due to “Blackfish” that exposes the cruelty at SeaWorlds. This movie includes Lifeforce’s rare footage of the orca abuse at the now defunct Sealand in Victoria, BC . The Vancouver Aquarium continues to work with SeaWorlds.
Further, it has been suggested that some orcas also appear to participate in “gay” activities. It's rare for animals to be exclusively homosexual, but bisexuality is common. While male orcas seem to relish their same-sex romps, they mate with females, too. Lifeforce’s orca studies have also found seeming “gay” play between males in the wild. Homosexual behavior is common in captivity.
Lifeforce commends Vancouver politicians for fighting for justice for all. We hope that they will include the rights of gay and straight orcas too. Vancouver could help stop the Russian dolphin abuses. They can also protect animal rights from stopping the Vancouver Aquarium expansions (being funded by environment polluters such as TECK and public tax money.)
For Further Information: lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com
posted on December 14, 2013
 Lifeforce Naughty and Nice List |
posted on December 14, 2013
 Lifeforce Holiday Don'ts and Dos/Naughty and Nice Lists |
posted on December 7, 2013
 Add your memory to the Memorial Campaign in Remembrance For All Life.
Send Lifeforce your cherished photograph and donation to be added.
You can choose to put your memory on a personal tree or a group tree. It will stand on the Facebook Memorial Campaign in Rembrance For All Life at: In Remembrance For All Life. |
posted on November 30, 2013
 Dear Friends:
The Lifeforce projects this year have been very successful. From stopping the exploitation of raptors in an opera to getting our orca investigation video in the popular Blackfish movie, our message to protect all life has been very far reaching.
Send us an email to receive a PDF copy of the Lifeforce Annual Report 2013 so you can read more about Lifeforce’s important work.
I hope you will want to help us with your valued financial support.
Peace For All Life,
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director
How You Can Help Now!
Freedom Not Captivity Stickers
Weather Proof/$5.00 including postage/4.5"x4.25"
Buy Them to Protect Orcas!
Enjoy Nature and Protect Life!
Please buy one of the hundreds of incredible photographs by Lifeforce’s Founder Peter Hamilton.
Many more can seen on our website at Wildpeace Wildpeace.
Nature Moments videos are on our Lifeforce ECO TV Nature Moments.
Here you can find other merchandise that you can purchase to help continue the Lifeforce campaigns. Lifeforce Store. |
posted on November 14, 2013
 Help Stop the Killing Permit! There should be Peace On Earth for these gifts of nature.Please read the Poster.
You can also email the Mayor and Council in Oak Bay (Part of the Capital Regional District)
Please Support Peace on Earth for these “Gifts of Nature” with whom we are blessed with.
Oak Bay plans to kill 25 deer. This would be the beginning of a never ending slaughter. They are one of 13 municipalities in the Capital Regional District (CRD) on Southern Vancouver Island. We must also protect the Capital Resident Deer too!
There will always be “resident” wildlife because overpopulated humans continue to encroach upon their habitats. We must use nonlethal, humane solutions to live in harmony.
Read more at: Boycott BC Deer Kills.
We updated our Boycott petition. This also includes previous plans by Central Saanich. Please go to Boycott BC Deer Kills to sign and share.
December 2013
Lifeforce has updated our petition stop the unnessary massive slaughter of deer in BC. Elkford, BC said they will kill 50 deer. The killings must stop!Please share the petition with all your friends. Say No to BC Deer Killings.
December 11
Open Letter (This information has been sent to the Mayors and Councillors in Elkford (plans to kill 50 Deer), Oak Bay (plans to kill 25 deer), Central Saanich and Kimberley (plans to kill 30 deer).)
Great News! Deer Hazing with Dogs to be Permitted!
Presently there is no provision within the BC Wildlife Act, or its attendant Permit Regulations that allows for the hazing of deer with dogs. There was a temporary permit issued to Kimberley in May 2013, the trail proved that hazing can successfully remove deer from town areas.
In February 2013 Lifeforce was advised that staff is working on amendments to the regulation. Once supported by an order in Council it could go into effect in the 2013/14 fiscal year.
On December 11th Lifeforce was advised that as a regulation change to the Permit Regulation it is an identified priority regulation change by Order in Council.
Therefore the killing of deer must not proceed due to this and many other nonlethal solutions. In addition, it has been proven that “culls” have not resolved issues. Lifeforce has also proposed to local and provincial governments our hazing solutions without dogs that would not need any permitting.
Further information: lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com
Sad News
Kimberley has started their barbaric plans to kill 30 deer > Kimberley to kill deer. They killed 101 in 2012.
This town successfully got deer out of town last year by using herding dogs. But they claim they can’t count on it BUT the government will permit hazing by dogs this year!
Contact Mayor Ron McRae and Council > Mayor@Kimberley.ca; DarrylOakley;Sherry Shrieves-Adams;KGoodwin@kimberley.ca;AHoglund@kimberley.ca;DMcCormick@kimberley.ca;BMiddlebrook@kimberley.ca;JRatcliffe@kimberley.ca;
posted on November 9, 2013
 Tens of thousands of animals have died during combat and being use as weapons of war. Domestic animals include dogs, pigs, oxen, camels, and horses. Elephants, pigeons, and rats were also used for transport and bomb detection. Dolphins,and sea lions are presently used by the military.
Military Experiments
Canada: In addition to military bases, universities and hospitals also conduct experiments. Trauma surgeries are presently conducted at Vancouver General Hospital to train combat surgeons.
In the 80s Lifeforce exposed US military funded experiments at the University of Western Ontario. Live monkeys were used in laser weapon tests on their eyes.
The Canadian military continues using thousands of live animals for testing chemical-weapon antidotes and medical training. A study in the journal Military Medicine revealed Canada was one of only six NATO countries still using live mice, ferrets and pigs for military purposes. (Canadian military experiments.)
US: The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) experiments extensively on a wide range of species. There are currently 34 (DOD) labs worldwide, with four outside the U.S. During Fiscal Year 1999 DOD reports experimenting on 327,097 animals, a 12% increase over the previous year. 187,257 animals die in actual DOD labs, and 139,840 suffer in non-DOD labs funded by DOD contracts. Most (80%) of these animals are experimented on by the Army, the Air Force using 8%, the Navy using 3%, and unaffiliated DOD labs using 9.3% (Source: SAEN, an animal advocacy organization).
In Memory of These Forgotten Victims
“Lifeforce believes that all people and animals have rights to their freedom. Musicians, artists, and others formed a very powerful peace movement against racism and wars in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. In view of ongoing wars and violence affecting all life the song, “Simple Song of Freedom”, still needs to be heard. A new peace movement for all life is desperately needed, stated Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Founder, “This time a “peace” movement must include animal rights and oppose speciesism. The old peace movement included those who experimented on animals. From UC Berkeley to UBC the wars on animal victims continued in hidden laboratories. Many experiments were funded by the war machine and contributed to the military madness. “A Simple Song of Freedom” Simple Song of Freedom.
Lifeforce is raising funds for online and on location Memorials for fellow animals with whom we share this planet. They continue to suffer and die in various ongoing human battles. They are the unwilling victims of painful, unnecessary experiments. Please donate to Lifeforce’s Memorial Campaign: In Remberance For All Life In Remembrance For All Life.
For further information: lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com
posted on October 22, 2013
 After the death of a whale trainer in the early 90s, activist Peter Hamilton obtained photographic evidence of the abuse of three orcas at Sealand of the Pacific, Victoria. During a covert operation Lifeforce obtained footage of the secret “holding module”. This “prison” was only approximately 25’ x 30’ x 12’. The orcas were locked up every night. They suffered physically and psychologically. Following the Sealand trainer death, the orcas were sold to Sea World. Lifeforce warn them to not put any one in the pool with Tilikum. He later killed two others. The crux of this captivity issue is that the imprisonment at Sealand led to the deaths.
Blackfish tells the story of Tilikum. Director-producer Gabriela Cowperthwaite compiles shocking footage and emotional interviews to explore the creature’s extraordinary nature, the species’ cruel treatment in captivity, the lives and losses of the trainers and the pressures brought to bear by the multi-billion dollar sea-park industry.
This emotionally wrenching, tautly structured story challenges us to consider our relationship to nature and reveals how little we humans have learned from these highly intelligent and enormously sentient fellow mammals. There has been the deaths of at least 39 cetaceans resulting from the Vancouver Aquarium imprisonment alone. (As of August 2012 at least 9 orcas, 7 narwhals, 10 Belugas, and 13 Pacific white-sided dolphins have died. They also “loan” belugas to Sea World).
Read the Blackfish “Take Action” that includes Lifeforce campaigns to stop captivity at Take Action.
The movie will air on CNN on October 24th at 6 PM and 9 PM Pacific Time. Check your local tv schedule for other dates.
For further information: lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com
Willie Nelson Cancels Sea World Concert Due to Cruelty!
First Barenaked Ladies cancelled and now Willie Nelson.
Let's hope that Tilikum, Lolita, Morgan, and others will be "On the Road
Again" (Willie's song) to Freedom!
Willie Nelson Boycotts Aquariums and Zoos.
SeaWorld concert: Heart drops out after Barenaked Ladies, Willie Nelson ditch Orlando festival
Sorry, classic rockers. Nancy Wilson and sister Ann will not be going crazy in Orlando.
At least, not at the 2014 edition of SeaWorld Orlando's Bands, Brew & BBQ Festival set to begin Feb. 1.
Heart on Saturday became the third act to bow out of the festival amid online pressure prompted by the documentary "Blackfish," which is critical of the park's treatment of killer whales.
Country singer Willie Nelson canceled Thursday.
Barenaked Ladies announced last week that it had scrubbed its appearance because of the "Blackfish" controversy.
"While we're disappointed a small group of misinformed individuals was able to deny fans what would have been a great concert by Heart at SeaWorld, we respect the band's decision," Nick Gollattscheck, SeaWorld Orlando's director of public relations said in a statement.
"The band and artists have a standing invitation to visit any of our parks to see for firsthand or to speak to any of our animal experts to learn for themselves how we care for animals and how little truth there is to the allegations made by animal extremist groups opposed to the zoological display of marine mammals," he added.
Other acts scheduled to come to SeaWorld include Cheap Trick, REO Speedwagon, Justin Moore, Scotty McCreery, Martina McBride and 38 Special.
Heart wasn't on the original list of performers. But the band's departure was significant enough for Change.org to release a statement Saturday,
One of the band's signature songs is "Crazy on You," which became Heart's first commercial hit in 1976
Change.org's statement said: "Heart guitarist Nancy Wilson confirmed that the band had canceled their SeaWorld performance on Twitter earlier today."
The tweet didn't specifically mention the "Blackfish" controversy.
"The Sea World show was planned long ago as an Orlando show,'' the tweet said. "Had we known, we'd have said no then. We said no today. Love you all."
The petition was launched by Heart fan Shani Roushar of Pembroke Pines in South Florida.
"Roushar was inspired by recent Change.org petitions that successfully pressured both the Barenaked Ladies and Willie Nelson to drop their February performances at SeaWorld Orlando,'' Change.org said.
Shani is quoted as saying she appreciated Heart's "compassionate decision to say no to SeaWorld animal cruelty."
Change.org said Nelson in an interview on CNN on Friday corrected SeaWorld's claim that his show had been cancelled "due to scheduling conflicts."
"I understand there are petitions going around with thousands of people's names on it, so I had to cancel. Also, I don't agree with the way they treat their animals. It wasn't that hard a deal for me," Nelson is quoted as saying.
By Kevin P. Connolly, Orlando Sentinel
6:04 p.m. EST, December 7, 2013
Copyright © 2013, Orlando Sentinel
Joan Jett’s objection to SeaWorld playing her music, without permission, at the orca show...
Joan Jett Tells SeaWorld to Stop Using Her Music.
The Vancouver Aquarium continues to have numerous party rentals every year.
December 10:
Vancouver Aquarium must stop forcing their captives to do cheap circus tricks!
Cheap Trick is 4th act to cancel SeaWorld performance
Orlando Sentinel staff
11:45 p.m. EST, December 10, 2013
A fourth band scheduled to perform at SeaWorld Orlando's Bands, Brews & BBQ Festival in 2014 has dropped out of the lineup, a theme park official has confirmed.
Cheap Trick, scheduled to perform Feb. 8, has followed Barenaked Ladies, Willie Nelson and Heart in canceling their festival concerts, say Fred Jacobs, SeaWorld's vice president for communcation. The event is scheduled to run on weekends from Feb. 1 to March 9.
Although the three other acts said they bowed out amid online pressure prompted by the documentary "Blackfish," which is critical of the park's treatment of killer whales, Cheap Trick has not officially explained the cancellation. A representative at Cheap Trick's management company, Vector Management, told WKMG-Channel 6 that she did not immediately know the reason for the show's cancellation.
Artists have been under public pressure, particularly from petitions on the website Change.org. People there have officially called on announced Bands, Brew & BBQ acts Scotty McCreery, REO Speedwagon, and Justin Moore to not appear at the theme park. There's a petition aimed at Trisha Yearwood, who was not listed by SeaWorld originally but has a SeaWorld concert posted on her site for Feb. 22.
December 12
This growing musicians' protest reminds me of the many musicians who helped
build the Peace Movement. Hopefully now the Blackfish Dolphin Peace
Trisha Yearwood is the 5th Musician to Say No to SeaWorld.
posted on September 4, 2013
 The image shown was our first newsletter cover in 1981 and there was a similar display. It shows the interrelationship of human, animal, and environmental issues. We must put all the pieces together to solve the puzzle.
Please help continue our orca protection work and all the other important Lifeforce campaigns. We are $2500 in debt.
Donations can be sent to Lifeforce, Box 121, Point Roberts, WA, 98281 or Lifeforce, Box 3117, Vancouver, BC V6B 3X6.
Thank you for helping us help all life. |
posted on August 28, 2013
 August 28, 2013
Re: Labour Day Boaters Should Be Aware of Orcas Protection Laws
As the last summer long weekend approaches both pleasure boaters and Whale Watch Companies should be aware of Canadian and US laws to protect endangered transboundary orcas. Presently there are only 81 Southern Resident Killer Whales who travel in BC and Washington waters. Their future is threatened by depleted salmon stocks, pollution, military tests, and boat traffic harassment.
The US government increased government enforcement while the Canadian has cut funding over the past two years.
WA Appoints Killer Whale Cop.
Recently Lifeforce started a petition to Gail Shea, the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans. We are urging her to provide funds to government enforcement agencies so they can help protect the orcas.
Lifeforce has also challenged the Pacific Whale Watching Association President, Brian Goodremont, to post the petition and to urge other members to do the same. After all he claimed “Without the feds and state agents out there, it’s sort of been left to us to keep the peace and protect the whales.”
Whale Patrols
If all companies stop breaking the rules then they should not care if they are being monitored.
“The need for increased enforcement and education was once again evident as seen by the insane, irresponsible actions of boaters monitored by Lifeforce this past week,” stated Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Director, “One Canadian company driver spent his Thursday evening off showing his family the orcas. The problem was that he chased and blocked their pathway (Photo available). Other boaters were constantly within 100 metres and leap frog to get close and in front of approaching orcas (see above photo). On Sunday, two boats from the same company sped through at least one group of orcas to get to another further away. Lifeforce tried to warn the company. A later email from the company stated that they are on a private company only system and do not monitor the regular orca VHF channels. That makes it more difficult to contact them and for companies to know where all the orcas are. It appears that using a private system was done to avoid detection and being monitored. Lifeforce photographs have led to fines being laid by the US Fish and Wildlife. ”
Lifeforce also contacts tourism agencies that irresponsibly show whale watch companies too close. DFO’s Paul Cottrell is also doing good work for this part of education. He told Lifeforce, “I have talked with the Federal tourism council and several other levels of Government. Educating these agencies is very important and is ongoing. Often the promotion occurs in other countries and is done by the travel agencies themselves. As you know we don't want false expectations and the promotion of bad whale watching behaviour.”
In Canada and the US all vessels (including kayaks) must not block the pathways of orcas. In Canada, it is the law that they must also stay 100 yards away and in the US it must be 200 yards (400 yards from approaching orcas). More info at
Be Whale Wise.
Further information: Lifeforce will be on the water monitoring boat traffic. We will be checking the email lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com
posted on August 19, 2013
Open Letter
August 19, 2013
Dear Commissioners and City Council:
Celebrate! Stanley Nature Park!
It has been 125 years since the battle for Stanley Park began. Has it all been for the better or has some of the commercialization been for the worse? In spite of opposition to violating animal rights and imprisoning wildlife in zoos and aquariums, the Vancouver Aquarium continues their barbaric expansion plans to imprisonment more dolphins and other wildlife.
In 1988 Lifeforce made a submission to have Stanley Park designated as a National Historic Site. In 1989 the Federal government advised Lifeforce that we had been successful. (see attached Board snubbed as Stanley Park dubbed historic site, Vancouver Sun, January 21, 1989) I had suggested planting a tree instead of a plaque. I was not invited to any ceremony if there was one.
In addition, Lifeforce also produced a series of ten Stanley Park Nature and History Walk brochures. These self-guided nature walks blend the natural history with historic information. These brochures “live” on. I have recently been contacted by Sean Kheraj, Assistant Professor, Department of History, York University. He wishes to scan the series for a forthcoming article on the website (http://seankheraj.com) and The Otter, a Canadian environmental history blog (http://niche-canada.org/otter).
The Lifeforce Foundation was formed in 1981 as an ecology organization to show the interrelationship of human, animal and environmental problems. We strive to contribute to a better world in which all life and our planet is respected.
Since the 80s we have fought against the multi-million dollar zoo and aquarium industry that imprisons animals and deplete wildlife populations. We have tried to stop the many Vancouver Aquarium expansions that consume precious Stanley Park land and destroy natural wildlife habitats. Stanley Park is free ecology classroom where there is a diversity of wildlife living freely in the park. Please go to our web site and see “Let Stanley Park Be!” (Let Stanley Park Be!.) This free ecology classroom must be promoted and protected.
The public had voted against a zoo in Stanley Park and the new Aquarium expansion would also expand their “zoo” animal menagerie. Aquarium plans include getting river otters for their expansion. They said they may get “nuisance” otters. The public had said NO ZOO! partly because of the neurotic otters being inhumanely imprisoned. The proposed new zoo would have “rotating” otters all day long kept in squeeze cages behind the scenes. Pro zoo proponents said it was to show active ones not sleeping ones because they are nocturnal. The Aquarium also wants beaver too. Hey there is a beaver family in Beaver Lake with a planned live underwater video cam.
Lifeforce had asked the new Vancouver Parks Board to stop the proposed Aquarium revised expansion. They failed to get the $120 million to open for the 2010 Olympics. These new plans have not gone through the proper public comment process. The public does not know that the Aquarium plans more captive dolphins and many other species.
Fulfilling the goal of no more aquarium expansions would help celebrate a more natural Stanley Park. Lifeforce and others have fought hard to protect it as a National Historic Site and a free wildlife sanctuary.
For Freedom,
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director
www.lifeforcefoundation.org |
posted on July 30, 2013
 BC Day Long Weekend. Please respect orcas, obey the laws and report violations. |
posted on July 24, 2013
 News Release
In the early 90s the Vancouver based ecology organization, Lifeforce, investigated the inhume imprisonment of a male orca and two females at Sealand of the Pacific, Victoria, BC. A “holding module” was used to keep the three orcas contained overnight. Few have seen inside. This rare Lifeforce footage has been used in the Blackfish movie.
Lifeforce Founder, Peter Hamilton, had stated that this cruel imprisonment resulted in physical and psychology abuses that made them dangerously aggressive. Lifeforce advised Sea World to not put anyone in the water with Tilikum.
During the investigation of the death at Sea World Florida was contacted by OSHA (US Occupational Safety and Health Administration). Lifeforce provided letters etc. proving that Sea World was fully aware of the dangers.
“It is great to see the Blackfish movie expose the cruelties resulting from keeping orcas in captivity, stated Peter Hamilton, Founder of Lifeforce, The Vancouver Aquarium started the orca slave trade in 1964 after their harpooned orcas survived and attracted crowds. In BC and WA, 68 were captured and at least 13 others died during captures. In spite of capture bans in North America, Sea Worlds, Marineland in Ontario, and others shamefully continue to capture orcas and other dolphins in other countries. The public can boycott aquariums to stop this slave trade.”
Background: “Tilikum: A Time for Change”
As with other orcas and dolphins imprisoned in aquarium tanks there is an extreme history of physical and psychological abuse. In this case, during evenings Tilikum and two females were lock up in a steel pen called the "holding module". It measured only approximately 25' x 30' . And it was only 12' deep.
Nootka IV was sent to SeaWorld Florida. She died after 12 years of captivity. Haida and son Ky were sent to SeaWorld Texas. Haida died after 19 years of captivity. In the wild, females can live over 90 years.
There have been many injuries at SeaWorlds and other aquariums - some very serious. Many are not made public and settled out out of court. In 2004 Tillikum's son Ky attacked a trainer.
Lifeforce called for an inquest into the Sea World Florida death. An inquest was conducted with the Sealand death. This was not done but the US government sued over safety issues and won. Lifeforce provided evidence to the government that proved that SeaWorld was fully aware of the first death. In 1991 Lifeforce advised them to stop putting trainers in the pools.
Watch: Lifeforce’s Tillikum: A Time for Change.
For further information: Peter Hamilton lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com
September 2013 Update
The film “Blackfish” exposes much of the plight of orcas in captivity. Here is some more history about the orca captures:
In 1982 Greenpeace and Lifeforce took direct action to stop Sealand of the Pacific, Victoria from capturing the SRKWs at Peddar Bay, BC. Lifeforce took to the air in ultralights to give GP boats scouting info to keep the orcas out of the bay. Sealand gave up but later brought in orcas from Iceland. That included Tilikum. This was the last attempt to capture orcas in Canada.
In addition, the Sealand cruel plan that was stopped was to "rotate" SRKWs orcas by capturing a few, keep them for 4 to 5 years, then release them and capture replacements. It would have gone on and on splitting up families and killing more during captures.
Also, the exclusive Lifeforce footage of the Sealand “holding module” at Sealand is in the film Blackfish. Three orcas were confined every night in an approx. 25’ x 30’ pool. This was both psychological and physical abuse.
Let's hope that the dolphin slave trade will end!
posted on May 25, 2013
 Many will Celebrate BUT Orcas are Still Not Protected
It is great news that Washington State Governor Jay Inslee has declared June 2013 as Orca Awareness Month. But why did the BC Government fail to enact a similar proclamation? The Southern Community of orcas are a transboundary species that travel in both BC and US waters. They are designated as endangered in both countries.
At least for this month people in the US may look at their impact on marine environments that have resulted in orca populations becoming endangered. From aquarium captures to using chemicals that pollute to overfishing these are some of the practises that individuals can help stop. Education is neded on both sides of the border.
And what about the endless boat traffic and noise from private boats, commercial whale watch companies, and research boats? We know that such heavy traffic causes stress and interrupts lifestyles. Lifeforce’s investigations have revealed that the problems are as rampant as ever. Patrols by Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife have been reduced due to funding cuts.
Many Whale Watch Companies do not follow the guidelines and regulations when they are not being monitored by government agencies. It is time for regulations, stiff fines and more government enforcement.
We must also change the way whales are watch on water. This would include giving the orcas some days off and breaks during the day.
See Lifeforce’s Orca Awareness Month Poster
posted on April 27, 2013

Finally getting studies conducted: Delta to test coal emmissions from Roberts Bank.
Lifeforce sent letters to Delta politicians and others. We included a list of health and environmental hazards >
Dear Mayor and Council:
Westshore Terminals has been polluting Vancouver, Delta, Point Roberts, Tsawassen and other areas for years. There should be more public outcry. The wind blows coal dust all over the place (see attached photo). I told their pr guy if they continue to sell coal then put a dome over it . He said too expensive. Black dust on boats, windows, cars etc.. Westshore PR guy said they will come to clean the boats etc. but what about everyone’s lungs. There was a report years ago and it claimed that coal dust was only found in some air borne particles. A current study is needed.
And how is this impacting marine ecosystems and the marine life such as the endangered orcas?
The issue is not just how the coal trains pollutes communities but also how the mountains of coal pollution at the terminals can impact health of people, animals and the environment.
I hope this is addressed with the coal train issues.
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founder
posted on April 23, 2013
 Since the 80s the Vancouver based animal rights and ecology organization, Lifeforce, has continued to investigate vivisection laboratories.
Lifeforce actually was instrumental in the change from the former World Day for Laboratory Animals to World Week for Animals in Laboratories. This was done to respect the sentient animals, some of whom were stolen or bought from pounds/SPCAs. They are not commodities, or research “tools”. Calling the vivisection victims "laboratory animals" is a big step backwards. NO ANIMALS SHOULD BE THE "WORKING" ANIMALS IN VIVISECTION LABS!
Vivisection is inhumane and scientifically fallacious.
For Stop Vivisection Canada! information see Stop Vivisection Canada!
Read All about Vivisection at the bottom or at Vivisection 101.
posted on April 20, 2013
 Vancouver Sun, Feb 19
Lack of cash leaves guardians of killer whales tied to shore.
Whale Watch Wars
Since the early 90s the ecology organization, Lifeforce, has been monitoring boat traffic watching endangered orcas in waters off Southern British Columbia and Washington. Our photos have led to fines. Our work is not so peaceful out on the water.
Photos and videos expose the harassment and risks that some whale watch companies subject Lifeforce volunteers to. They do not attack other monitoring organizations.
More information coming soon.
Please mail your donations or use the convenient PayPal at
Make a Lifeforce Donation.
For Freedom,
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director
May 1 Update
Whale Watch Wars
Lifeforce is reporting this important issue to expose how whale watch companies have been getting away with harassing orcas and Lifeforce that is trying to protect marine wildlife. The companies have gotten away with way too much for way too long. This results in life threatening negative impacts on the endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales whose population numbers only 84. It also is no peace on the water for Lifeforce volunteers.
Company threats have been escalating. During the Vancouver Aquarium beluga captures in the 90s the RCMP did charge one their hired guns for ramming our little boat and injuring a Lifeforce volunteer.
The public does not know that this is happening in BC/WA waters. This is only against Lifeforce. Why? Lifeforce does not approach any of the companies. We monitor and photograph violations from a distance. Our documentation has led to fines and that is why the companies want to stop Lifeforce.
“I have put up with all the harassment, threats, intimidation tactics and false radio accusations for years but now some companies have escalated the attacks. It is the companies who are acting like it is a war on the water, stated Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Founder, “ Lifeforce is not promoting violence we are reporting it. Lifeforce proposes vigilence and public awareness. The whale watch companies are causing the battles. If Lifeforce can get donations to be back on the water this year we want to be safe. We want these bullies to stop!
Video and photographs are available upon request.
posted on April 9, 2013
 BC Trophy Hunting starts April 1 and April 15th and the Vancouver based ecology organization, Lifeforce, is launching the “Make Love NOT Wildlife War” Campaign.
In addition, throughout this week the pro hunting station Wild TV will be airing the controversial video of Canuck Hockey Player, David Booth, baiting a bear in Alberta (it is illegal in BC). Next airing is 10:30 PM April 11th.
After viewing the first show, Lifeforce’s Peter Hamilton stated, “I was shocked and disgusted at the callous, inhumane treatment of one of God’s creatures. The wounded bear tried to escape and died a slow, painful death. The next day, he was tracked by his blood then they said “just take a couple of guns to make sure he’s done”. Bow hunting is not an instant death as alleged. Booth defender Ted Nugent was fined $10,000 and given a 1 year hunting ban when he wounded and failed to track a bear. Not so responsible and ethical spokespeople.”
Lifeforce is asking David Booth, to take a stand against killing wildlife and to end his trophy hunting hobby. As a Christian he can take that higher calling as an animal rights advocate to stop animal slavery. He and Pope Francis should follow Francis of Assisi’s work as the Patron Saint of Animals. Presently, Booth boasts about killing wildlife such as numerous ducks, deer, a mountain goat, and the baited bear in Alberta
Lifeforce also stands against the exploitation of panda bears such as, “Er Shun” and “Da Mao” recently brought to Canada on a ten-year loan. We will urge Prime Minister Stephen Harper to stop any plans to send Canadian wildlife as a reciprocal gift to China. The Chinese zoos are inhumane. Canadian wildlife should remain free in their homes not jailed like the Spirit Bear in the Kamloops zoo. It was shameful for the former PM Trudeau to sent four beavers to China in an attempt to get panda bears and failed.
In addition, Harper should ban trophy hunting. If he rightly would not support panda bear hunts then why permit the killing of Canadian bears?
As part of the campaign we have produced the “Make Love NOT Wildlife War” video. This is a satirical look at the humane use of arrows as done by Cupid, a pro love NOT war advocate. One who draws his bow to inspire romantic love, not to kill sentient creatures. You Tube link Make Love NOT Wildlife Wars!
We will be urging people to send polite tweets to David Booth @D_Booth7 or email him c/o fanservices@canucks.com. We also ask voters to contact PM Harper at pm@pm.gc.ca.
Read Lifeforce has previously challenged Booth to a Mantracker type hunt.
For further information: lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com
NOTE: It is interesting to see Ted Nugent try to defend David Booth and hunting. With his bad rep he clearly shows the disrespect and unethical hunting practises. He was fined $10,000 and given a 1 year hunting ban when he wounded and failed to track a bear.
Incredible that he thinks that all non hunters are mean, rotten people with no brains and no souls.
June 2013 UPDATE
Canuck Hockey Player David Booth posted a new pro hunting twitter account:
David Booth@Offseason7
This twitter account is for my hunting excursions. Please follow if you enjoy hunting. pic.twitter.com/IApYbDAB3Q (photo of killed "trophy" bear)
posted on March 24, 2013
 Dear Friends:
The Lifeforce Foundation, a Vancouver, Canada based ecology and animal rights organization, is raising funds for online and on location Memorials for fellow animals with whom we share this planet. They continue to suffer and die in various ongoing human battles. They are the unwilling victims. Please remember all life who suffered and those who continue to be exploited as they "serve”, are experimented on in military experiments, and die.
The Memorials are also for all those who have suffered and are suffering because loved ones are sick or who have left us.
We must extend our circle of compassion to include all sentient beings. Here is the link to Lifeforce’s Memorial Campaign In Remembrance For All Life: Memorial Campaign In Remembrance For All Life.
Please donate to create Memorials for all who suffer. All donations will be used for education on this Facebook. If, funds permit, we will create Memorial sites in numerous cities. This could include statues and other artistic memorials.
You can send your donations to Lifeforce, Box 3117, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6B 3X6 or through Paypal at www.lifeforcefoundation.org: PAYPAL DONATION.
Peace For All Life.
posted on February 14, 2013
February 14, 2013
Cranbrook admits to Deer Kill Plan. Please sign this petition Stop Cranbrook Deer Killers.
Feb 28, 2013
Cranbrook states that they have killed 24 deer and they have ended the killing. They had a permit to kill up to 50 deer until March 15th. |
posted on January 26, 2013
Dear Lifeforce Friend:
First I would like to thank you for your continue support of our important work to protect people, animals, and ecosystems for all life. Since 1981 Lifeforce has been at the forefront of the animal rights movement. Our ground breaking investigations exposed inhumane, scientifically fallacious experiments on animals, exploitation of wildlife by the zoo and aquarium industries, cruel factory farming of animals, and much more.
During the Christmas holidays most of the donations sent to Lifeforce were lost or stolen. This was the mail received from November 26th to December 17. The mail was picked up by one of our Directors at the Box 3117 in Vancouver and mailed to me on December 20th for deposit. We had just started forwarding the mail in order to save travel time and gas money. We have waited to tell you about this disappointing news in hope that the package would show up.
Lifeforce did receive all mail afterwards starting with mail that I picked up in January.
Please advise us if you did send a donation before December 17th. If you made a donation during that period and have found that your cheque has not been cashed, we hope that you will cancel it and send another one. You can also donate through PayPal (link below). Lifeforce depends on your generous support and desperately needs funding. We are volunteers and every penny is spent on our many projects.
We are very sorry for any inconvenience that this might cause. We have looked at all possibilities to try to locate these donations. It couldn’t have happened at a worse time. These are hard economic times for Lifeforce. We have been under a lot of stress over losing these donations. In order to prevent this from ever happening again, I personally resumed picking up the mail as I have done so since 1981.
Thank you for understanding.
In Respect for All Life,
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director
Lifeforce is a non-profit Vancouver based ecology organization that was formed in 1981 to raise public awareness of the interrelationship between people, animals, and the environment. We promote animal rights and ecological responsibility. In order to develop a non-violent society we must extend our circle of compassion to include all sentient creatures with whom we share this planet. We are based in Canada but our work has no boundaries.
Lifeforce has been registered as a non-profit organization under the Society Act of BC since 1981. Your memberships, donations and bequests help us continue our important work.
posted on January 26, 2013
 Good News For Now!
In the Fall of 2011, Lifeforce's Peter Hamilton was like a lone voice in the woods protesting against a planned massive slaughter of innocent deer in British Columbia. We started numerous petitions urging cities to use nonlethal methods to prevent any human/wildlife conflicts. Many deer were killed while Lifeforce got the word out and threatened tourism boycotts. People joined forces and even new community groups were formed. It was inspirational. Due to mass public protest against the BC governments’ plans to kill thousands of deer it appears that the cities WILL NOT slaughter more deer this year. People throughout the world said they would boycott BC if they continue to expand their deer killing plans. The battle continues but the deer are safe for now.
Re: the now closed petitions (Stop Kimberley Deer Kill Plan; Stop the Invermere Deer Kill Plan; Stop the Grand Forks Deer Kill Plan; Stop Penticton BC Deer Kill)
Dear Premier, Mayors, and Councillors:
Please be advised that thousands of people throughout the world have signed petitioners urging your governments to stop the mass slaughter of innocent deer. It is great to read that you are looking at why killing does not work and that there must be long term strategies to prevent any true human/wildlife conflicts.
We have removed the petitions and advised the signors:
Due to mass public protest against the BC governments’ plans to kill thousands of deer it appears that the cities WILL NOT slaughter more deer this year. People throughout the world said they would boycott BC if they continue to expand their deer killing plans.
Thank you for signing.
Please advise if our information is incorrect and that you are planning to kill more deer.
Thank you,
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director
www.lifeforcefoundation.org |
posted on January 18, 2013
 Here are 2 petition results that we sent to Rick Hansen.
If you haven’t already done so please sign and share the Change.org petition that we are continuing. Please also join our Facebook at Rick Hansen and Lifeforce 25th Anniversaries.
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director
From: Lifeforce
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2013 1:40 PM
To: info@rickhansen.com
Subject: Stop Supporting Inhumane Spinal Cord Experiments on Animals
January 18, 2013
Dear Mr. Hansen:
Over 750 people have now signed the petition to ask you to stop supporting spinal cord experiments on animals.(Change.org Petition.) Will you stop?
In Respect For All Life,
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director
Dear Mr. Hansen:
In another Care 2 petition (Care2 Petition.) to you there has been 1,128 signatures from our goal of 1,000.
Dear Rick Hansen:
I hope that during your next 25 years of raising money for spinal cord research (SCR) we will see the end of inhumane, scientifically fallacious spinal cord experiments on animals. It was 25 years ago when Lifeforce, a Vancouver based ecology and animal rights organization, gave you extensive data about the failure of “animal models” but you went on to fund animal experiments. Your Boards have had many vivisectors directing your funding priorities. You have raised millions of dollars for SCR as the “Man in Motion”. Your "dream" for a cure is a nightmare for animals.
It is time to stop the barbaric experiments that have been repeated for over 50 years. New technologies, clinical/ epidemiological studies permit humane studies with humans. That is how breakthroughs are discovered!
Once again, will you clearly state your position. The public has a right to know.
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director
posted on January 9, 2013
UPDATE January 10, 2013
This morning news reports state that the orcas are not there. Locals report
that wind shifted the ice and there is lots of open water. So hopefully they all escaped.
It has been reported that a plane is searching for the orcas.They did not the orcas.
Read CTV:
A group of killer whales that appeared to be freed from an icy prison in Hudson Bay after winds shifted overnight now face a 1,000-kilometre maze of deadly ice floes in order to reach the open Atlantic Ocean.
Read more:
Orcas Face Deadly Maze.
January 9, 2013
News Release
Re: DFO Duty is to Save the Orcas
Lifeforce, a Vancouver-based ecology organization, is urging people to write to Canada’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans Minister Keith Ashfield in order to save the orcas trapped in Hudson Bay. Email him at Min@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
“There is still time to save the orcas so get the ice breakers in there,” stated Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Founder, “It would be another disgrace for Canada if DFO fails to protect this orca family. It is DFO’s duty to save them. We must remind DFO that in 1988 there was a joint US and Russia successful rescue that freed two gray whales trapped in ice off Alaska. There is even a greater need to save these orcas because their loss could impact genetic diversity and threaten the survival of orca populations.”
Canada failed to protect marine mammals back in November 2008 when approximately 500 narwhals were inhumanely shot and killed. They were trapped in sea ice near Pond Inlet, Nunavut and DFO did not bring in an ice breaker to free them.
For further information:
Peter Hamilton at lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com