posted on December 29, 2022
 Lifeforce Founder, Peter Hamilton, created a first Knowledge Tree of Hope decades ago. It was first part of his poetry “Writings from Someone Visiting”. Music and art has always been part of his life that included a rock band and art gallery exhibits. Peter wrote the songs, “Broken Promises” and “Far From Home”, for the Lifeforce videos that exposed the inhumane, scientifically fallacious experiments on animals by the powerful “research industry”. His photography and videos continues to open the eyes of the world to such injustices. Peter created the Lifeforce educational campaigns in addition to Eco Games, sculptures of orcas and the sculpture “Crazy World” (it was in the early Vancouver BCTV Newsroom for many years since they also thought that the world needed changes).
The Knowledge Tree of Hope will hopefully help humans bear witness in order to end the violations of the rights of life. Will the future be...
Peace or Sadness For All Life?
Please Help Continue the Life Saving Work of Lifeforce!
Memberships and Donations.
posted on December 29, 2022
 Making a Donation? Why Wait for Tax Time? Save Now and Help Organizations Targeted by Animal Abuse Industries!
Lifeforce has been registered as a BC Charity since 1981. In the 90s, Lifeforce also had Federal status but some of the animal industries complained to the Canadian government to stop us. The CCAC (Canadian Council On Animal Care) said that opposition to experiments with animals is not charitable. Lifeforce refused to support any type of vivisection and also the captivity of animals at the Vancouver Aquarium.
Lifeforce lost a lot of donations since some supporters wanted the tax exempt donation receipts. However, did you know that it is not 100% back on your Income Taxes? Also, the approximate 30 to 50% tax refund limit depends on your income.
You can save the refund amount right away! For example: Why not donate $50 instead of say $100 to immediately receive the maximum 50% refund without the Income Tax Time wait for only an unknown amount?
You can help fight against the animal exploiters by helping organizations who do not compromise and spend only the government allowed advocacy work (that was only 10% of any government deemed controversial campaigns). Support the Lifeforce 3s: No Animal Abuses by Eating, Experimenting and Entertainment (Aquariums, zoos, rodeos, circuses and more)!
Before you donate your time and/or money investigate the organizations’ original, creative campaigns that truly changed history! Find the true activists! There are many great groups out there! Maximize the impact of your support! Numerous Animal Rights violations that we fought against decades ago continue today! We must rethink and stop the compromises.
In Respect for All Life,
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director
In December 2018, the Canadian federal government amended the Income Tax Act (“ITA”) to allow registered charities to pursue charitable purposes by engaging in non-partisan political activities and in developing public policy, without any financial constraint. Restrictions against partisan political activities, however, remain. (New Rules Governing Political Activities of Charities - PooranLaw)
posted on December 29, 2022
 Since 1981, Lifeforce has greatly appreciated the moral and financial help from everyone supporting our crucial work to protect all life. In 2021, Lifeforce planned projects to commemorate our 40th Anniversary. The Lifeforce Anniversary Projects includes a Lifeforce Documentary, Animal Rights History books, and other very necessary plans. Numerous Violations of Animal Rights that we fought against decades ago continue today! We must rethink and stop the compromises. For the sake of protecting the rights of animals the truth will be told so history does not repeat itself!
Lifeforce Achievements
Since 1981, Lifeforce has educated countless people around the world about our successful campaigns. Our messages to instill “A Respect for All Life” brought respect and helped protect all life with who we share this planet. Lifeforce’s “3 Es” looks at How Humans Eat, Entertain and Experiment. We continue to teach people how to live eco friendly lifestyles that do not harm people, animals and ecosystems.
Lifeforce achievements include the first ever Animal Rights Day to a Cetacean Ban Bylaw (both in Vancouver, BC) to countless more victories. Learn more at our Facebooks, petitions and web site (www.lifeforcefoundation.org).
Life Needs Your Help!
For centuries, all human races conquered, enslaved, and decimated their “enemies” for wealth and power. Human “nature” had little respect and kindness for people let alone animal rights. Sadly, the television stations still are promoting numerous violent shows through the holiday season?
“Peace for All Life” Must Be Everyone’s Goal to Help All Life
I hope you will help Lifeforce fulfill my lifelong goals. All of the Lifeforce financial support goes to important campaigns that fight for respecting and saving lives. Lifeforce needs to continue our decades of successes because this planet desperately needs “Peace for All life!”
In Respect for All Life,
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director
posted on November 8, 2022
 Tens of thousands of animals have died during wars and being use as weapons of war. Domestic animals include dogs, pigs, oxen, camels, and horses. Elephants, pigeons, and rats were also used for transport and bomb detection. Dolphins and sea lions are presently used by the military. Belugas were kept in pens at Nanoose Bay!
Military Experiments
In addition to Canadian military bases, there are universities and hospitals also conducting experiments. In the 80s Lifeforce exposed US military funded experiments at the University of Western Ontario. Live monkeys were used in laser weapon tests on their eyes.
The Canadian military continues using thousands of live animals for testing chemical-weapons and other military purposes.
In 2019, two Chinese biologists were removed from the Winnipeg-based National Microbiology Lab (NML) and stripped of their security clearance. The case raised the possibility of Chinese espionage. It's a matter of record that the couple shared information and virus samples from the Canadian lab with the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Animals were infected with viruses.
In Memory of Forgotten Victims
Lifeforce believes that all people and animals should have rights for their protection and freedom. Musicians, artists, and others formed a very powerful peace movement against racism and wars in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Sadly, ongoing wars and the violence affecting all life continue.
All human races have carried on with war crimes for centuries. And this violence and killing of people and animals continue today! Will it ever end? Will the human species ever live together in peace with different beliefs for the wars to end?
A new peace movement for all life is desperately in need. This time “peace” movements must include animal rights and oppose speciesism. The opposition to ending eating animals, experimenting on animals and abusive so called “entertainment” with animals is part of the centuries long wars on animals. While it is appears to be “human nature” it is violence towards nature and fellow sentient beings with whom we share this planet.
posted on October 22, 2022
 It has been one year since Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Founder, published his first “Nature's Tickle Times”. Nature's moments to tickle your funny bones.
It has been a busy year. During these challenging times a bit of wildlife humour can help take any blues away. In 2022, Peter Hamilton also published “Birding’s Tickle Times” and “All Life Matters” that is an armchair nature walk. Recently, Peter updated his 1993 “Orca: A Family Story” that is about the abusive aquarium captures that was a major factor in the decline of the Southern Resident Killer Whales!
For over twenty years, Peter Hamilton has mixed photos with humour and words of wisdom against speciesism. His books carry his message of a Respect for All Life to raise awareness of the unique and wonderful fellow beings with whom we share this planet.
See the four books at: Peter's four books.
You can help continue Lifeforce campaigns to further our important lifesaving work. To save the future we must learn from the past. We must raise public awareness of the ongoing need to end speciesism in order to finally bring Peace for All Life!
Donations can also be made to Lifeforce either by mail to: Lifeforce Foundation, Box 3117, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6B 3X6 or through PayPal at Download DONATIONFORM2023.pdf
The attached photo is the first brochure by Lifeforce in 1980.
posted on October 10, 2022
 Respect Animal Rights and Families as Lifeforce fought for since 1981! Peace for All Life!
Help Us Continue Our Life Saving Campaigns by donating to:
Lifeforce Foundation either by mail to: Lifeforce Foundation, Box 3117, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6B 3X6 or through PayPal. Click on “Support Us” on the web site PAYPAL DONATION FORM.
Thank You!
posted on August 18, 2022
 In August, DFO researchers were off Comox Harbour, BC areas with what looked like a crossbow to shoot skin biopsy darts into the sensitive bodies of Humpbacks! Some Moms had their new babies with them! (See the Petition Update).
Several research methods, such as tracking darts and skin biopsies, can hurt and evening kill cetaceans. It is time to reduce the excessive experiments and conduct only humane studies.
Cetaceans Need a True Protection Plan!
Instead of excessive research vessels, more humane, modern alternatives must be implemented. This can include land-based whale watching/monitoring (with high power telescopes and other research equipment); land-based drone monitoring; hydrophones and motion sensing cameras on navigation markers and at land bases; the tracking/vocal identifications by the use of vast government, university and other hydrophone networks in the Salish Sea and oceans; satellite monitoring and much, much more.
Lifeforce’s New Plan for Orca Protection promotes modern technological advances. A moratorium/reduction on research vessels will have significant life-saving value to the whales because it reduces the proven harmful impacts from boat traffic.
SRKWs and other cetaceans have been treated as research tools for lucrative grants and careers! Decades of these experiments hasn’t saved them! It is not necessary to have most of the present boats on these orcas all the time. Boat traffic is one of the three major threats! Reduce it now or lose the SRKWs and others forever!
We Can and Must Do Better! Orcas, Humpbacks and Others Need a New Protection Plan!
Help Save the Whales! Please Sign and Share the petition “Cetaceans Must Not Be Mistreated Like Suffering Laboratory Animals”!
Stop Shooting Humpbacks!
posted on August 7, 2022
 Bird or Butterfly or Bee Bush?
The Bush Food Battles continues between the Hummingbirds, Butterflies and Bees. Is it really just a “Butterfly Bush”? We all must share!
For more wildlife humour see my books on Amazon. There is also an “armchair nature hike” for kids, seniors and everyone! This video shows some of the many species in the books... Lifeforce Facebook.
See the EBooks and Paperback Books at:
Help Lifeforce by Purchasing Our Books.
Have a Very Tickle Time!
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founder |
posted on June 23, 2022
 A Laugh a Day Can Keep the Blues Away!
My second book "Birding’s Tickle Times" carries on with my humorous messages that began with “Nature’s Tickle Times”. It is a fascinating blend of incredible photography and cheerful commentary meant to raise awareness of the unique and wonderful fellow beings with whom we share this planet. Laugh with a diversity of wild birds and other surprises.
This is the third book that I have published including the armchair book hike “Art in Action: All Life Matters”. All proceeds from book sales will be spent on the Lifeforce 40th Anniversary projects.
See the EBooks and Paperback Books at:
Birding's Tickle Times.
Have a Very Tickle Time!
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founder
posted on June 18, 2022
 On Fathers' Day and everyday everyone should Respect All "Fathers" of All Species! |
posted on June 12, 2022
 Lifeforce has sent the following letter to the Langley City Council including our investigative report “Rodeo 101”. So far, the responses have been positive. See Rodeo 101 video version RODEO 101 VIDEO.
Animal and Child Abuse
In 2009, Lifeforce had previously urged Chilliwack Mayor and Council; Langley Mayor and Council and
Surrey Mayor and Council to protect young children being injured at “Lil’ Britches Rodeos”. At these “rodeos” kids were crying and injured. Parents had to sign a waiver for "injury or death".
This is part of the brainwashing of the lucrative rodeo industry. These are some of the reasons that it is time to stop this cruel exploitation of animals and people. Further information/video "Bless the Beasts and the Children" Bless the Beasts and the Children.
Human Rights Violations
The proposed Langley rodeo contact is the former vice president of the Cloverdale Rodeo & Exhibition Association who, with other Cloverdale Rodeo Board Members, are being investigated by the B.C Human Rights Tribunal for alleged conspiracy to cover up racism, sexism, and physical abuse.
Rodeo Bans
Lifeforce has been investigating the animal abuses at Canadian rodeos for many years and supports a total ban. In the 80s, Lifeforce investigations of circuses led to the total ban of all circus animal acts of circuses operating in Saanich and Victoria, BC. This was a first in the world!
Over the years many rodeos were stopped. The City of Vancouver and the District of North Vancouver have banned rodeos. Bans also include several cities in the US and Europe, the U.K. and Holland.
Take Action Now!
Please email the Township of Langley mayorcouncil@tol.ca who will be addressing these issues Monday Night on June 13th. Tell them you don’t support a Langley rodeo for cruel tourism! Businesses must stop promoting violence in our society. Violence begets violence. Violence towards animals leads to violence against people. Ban rodeos and replace them with people and animal friendly events.
Lifeforce Letter to Town of Langley
Dear Council Members:
On behalf of our members and supporters in Langley, I submit one of our investigations detailing the ongoing abuse, injuries and deaths of animals exploited in rodeos. As you see this also includes “rodeo” children (“Rodeo 101”)
I have investigated numerous rodeos including the Cloverdale Rodeo and Abbotsford Agrifair and Rodeo. This report exposes some of the continued cruelty inherent with the rodeo industry. Please Vote No to Rodeo Cruelty in Langley! Please protect animals and people!
In Respect for All Life,
Peter Hamilton
posted on June 5, 2022
 Humpbacks Big Mama and calf were breaching off Comox Harbour on June 2. It was documented by Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Foundation, and they were identified by the Marine Education and Research Society (MERS). This is Big Mama’s seventh baby. They arrived further south in May from Hawaii.
Although whales are a wonder to watch it has caused major life threatening injuries to boaters, humpbacks and orcas. Read how to be safe on the water at Marine Education and Research Society - See A Blow? Go Slow! (mersociety.org) and www.lifeforcefoundation.org
posted on May 16, 2022
 The new book “All Life Matters” by Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Founder, gives everyone the wonderful experience of an armchair nature book hike. Experience a diversity of wildlife from insects to whales in their natural homes in the warmth and comfort of your home.
“All Life Matters” is the first of Lifeforce’s Art in Action books. As with protest songs, “protest” art can also lead the way to protect all life!
Since 1981 the amazing photography collection of Peter Hamilton helped taught everyone to understand the intrinsic beauty of all life with whom we share this planet. Many species suffer by the hands of humans. Throughout history humans have been a violent species. Violence to animals begets violence to humans. We all must raise public awareness of the ongoing need to end speciesism.
Learn about being a protector of nature through this "Book Hike" through the wilds. All proceeds from book sales will help protect people, animals and ecosystems. View at Purchase All Life Matters.
Donations can also be made to Lifeforce either by mail to: Lifeforce Foundation, Box 3117, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6B 3X6 or through PayPal (Click on “Support Us” on the web site). Lifeorce Donations.
Have Great Hiking Times!
posted on May 5, 2022
 In every country there are countless mothers and families in harm’s way every day! How people eat, entertain and experiment can bring sufferings to other sentient beings with whom we share this planet!
Lifeforce hopes you will sign and share these petitions:
Orcas Must Not Be Treated Like Suffering Laboratory Animals!
Let’s Make Tertiary Sewage Treatment the Law!
Your valued moral and financial support would be greatly appreciated. You can help by making a donation to Lifeforce Foundation through Paypal: http://www.lifeforcefoundation.org/support.php or by mail: Lifeforce, Box 3117, Vancouver, BC V6B 3X6
posted on April 24, 2022
 Stopping Inhumane Experiments on Domestic and Wild Animals!
During our 4 decades the Lifeforce endless campaigns protected people, animals and the environment. I investigated and exposed research atrocities behind the closed doors of vivisection laboratories and out of public view in the wild. Lifeforce’s new plans have included exposing the cruel, barbaric experiments on endangered orcas and numerous other marine lives. Stop Vivisection Canada.
In the Labs since the 80s
Our work continues to “Stop Vivisection Canada”. There must be a phase out period of no longer than ten years. We are also raising public awareness of the history of experiments at the St. Paul’s Hospital since the 50s to stop it from continuing at the new 2027 hospital site in Vancouver, BC. Monkeys, dogs and many other species have been subjected to experiments including forced inhalation of cigarette smoke. See our video: No New Animal Labs at St. Paul’s Hospital! No New Animal Labs at St. Paul's Hospital!
When I see dogs and cats it brings back my horrific memories of the labs. I see the electrodes implanted into their brains, chronic restraint, full body burns, severed spinal cords and much, much more. I live with PTSD but I keep going to help stop all vivisection and to end the harm to sentient beings from inhumane, scientifically fallacious experiments.
The greatest gift for my birthday on April 26th would be your donations to continue the work of Lifeforce. Donations for a Lifeforce documentary and important projects can be made to Lifeforce Foundation either by mail to: Lifeforce Foundation, Box 3117, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6B 3X6 or through PayPal (Click on “Support Us” on our web site www.lifeforcefoundation.org ).
Peace for All Life!
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founder
posted on April 18, 2022
 World Day for Animals in Laboratories is Sunday, April 24th with the surrounding World Week as April 20th to April 26th.
The Lifeforce Foundation is continuing to raise public awareness of the urgent need to shut down the industries’ inhumane, scientifically fallacious experiments on domestic and wild animals. It can be achieved as a phase out period in less than 10 years. This can be compared to governments now mandating companies to end their life threatening environmental pollution. Tell your politicians to take actions to protect all life!
Read more about the vivisection businesses exploiting both domestic animals and wildlife on Stop Vivisection Canada! STOP VIVISECTION FACEBOOK.
Lifeforce was formed in 1981. Our Anniversary plans include a documentary and Animal Rights books. This will include the history of our exposure of animal experiments across Canada and the US. From ending Pound Seizure in California to stopping the Heart Foundations’ experiments on wild caught baboons at the University of Western Ontario to exposing the spinal cord experiments on kittens and dogs at UCLA and UBC. A lot has been accomplished but a lot more has to be done!
Lifeforce Founder, Peter Hamilton, did ground breaking investigations over the decades. He created strategies to help define the new Animal Rights Movement. His investigations and campaigns were crucial in leading the way to help protect people, animals and ecosystems.
Lifeforce’s upcoming documentary is tentatively titled “In Respect for All Life”. Here is a short video as a reminder of a few of the many victories that Lifeforce has achieved. LIFEFORCE DOCUMENTARY.
You can help protect the rights of fellow sentient creatures with whom we share this planet. Peter’s birthday is on April 26th so please also help him continue his lifesaving work by making a donation.
Donations for the Lifeforce documentary and projects can be made to Lifeforce Foundation either by mail to: Lifeforce Foundation, Box 3117, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6B 3X6 or through PayPal (Click on “Support Us” on the web site). Please use our printable donation form for all postal mail donations. DONATION FORM.
To save the future we must learn from the past so history does not repeat itself. We must raise public awareness of the ongoing need to end speciesism in order to finally bring Peace for All Life!
posted on March 17, 2022
 Did You Know?
There have been countless marine life polluters! In 2018 the herring fleet likely illegally dumped sewage that contaminated shell fish and over 150 people got sick from the norovirus (Probable cause as determined by BC Center for Disease Control). No fines were issued and DFO wrote a meager reminder to them of the regulations and to try to do better. NOROVIRUS SICKENS OVER 150 PEOPLE.
2022 DFO NOTICE : PUBLIC HEALTH AND AQUACULTURE: “Vessel Masters are reminded that there are numerous clam and oyster leases in Baynes Sound. Disposal of human waste into waters near shellfish harvest areas creates potentially serious health risks for shellfish consumers. The discharge of untreated sewage into all Canadian inland waters and Canadian coastal waters within 3 nautical miles of land is banned under the Canada Shipping Act. Vessels participating in the herring fishery are required to abide by sewage discharge regulations and are requested to minimize impact to aquaculture sites by utilizing marinas, anchoring in existing sanitary closures and minimizing congregations of vessels near shellfish aquaculture sites as much as possible.”
Let’s Have the Truth!: No More Crap! End Marine Pollution!
Stop Treating Ecosystems as Sewage Dumps!
The sewage dumping and leaching into water ways and oceans continues to impact countless marine lives in the now broken ocean food chain along the BC Coastline and beyond.
It is time to end quick, cheaper temporary fixes seen with the dumping raw sewage off Victoria in the home of the orcas now driven to the point of extinction; the Comox Valley sewage dumping 300 meters off Cape Lazo in whale habitat; the leaking sewage pipes along Point Holmes harming streams and Baynes Sound; after over 30 years the Courtenay-Comox Sewage Commission delaying a raw sewage “odour” improvement for a cheaper plan and in 2018 the B.C. Ministry of Environment issued the Village of Cumberland another non-compliance notice for its sewage treatment issues but later included a referral for an administrative penalty.
Please Sign and Share: CUT THE CRAP! PETITION.
If You Can Please Help Fund Lifeforce 40th Anniversary Projects. Donations can be made to Lifeforce Foundation either by mail to: Lifeforce Foundation, Box 3117, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6B 3X6 or through PayPal (Click on “Support Us” on the web site). Please use our printable donation form for all mail in donations. PLEASE DONATE.
Thank You! |
posted on February 20, 2022
 My new book "Nature's Tickle Times" carries on my message of a “Respect for All Life”. It is a fascinating blend of incredible photography and cheerful commentary meant to raise awareness of the unique and wonderful fellow beings with who we share this planet. Laugh with a diversity of wildlife from hummingbirds to Humpback whales.
During these stressful, depressing times I hope this brings many smiles and laughter. All proceeds from book sales will be spent on the Lifeforce 40th Anniversary projects. See the EBook and Paperback Book at: Nature's Tickle Times.