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Stop Shooting Humpbacks!
posted on August 18, 2022

Stop Shooting Humpbacks!

In August, DFO researchers were off Comox Harbour, BC areas with what looked like a crossbow to shoot skin biopsy darts into the sensitive bodies of Humpbacks! Some Moms had their new babies with them! (See the Petition Update).

Several research methods, such as tracking darts and skin biopsies, can hurt and evening kill cetaceans. It is time to reduce the excessive experiments and conduct only humane studies.

Cetaceans Need a True Protection Plan!

Instead of excessive research vessels, more humane, modern alternatives must be implemented. This can include land-based whale watching/monitoring (with high power telescopes and other research equipment); land-based drone monitoring; hydrophones and motion sensing cameras on navigation markers and at land bases; the tracking/vocal identifications by the use of vast government, university and other hydrophone networks in the Salish Sea and oceans; satellite monitoring and much, much more.

Lifeforce’s New Plan for Orca Protection promotes modern technological advances. A moratorium/reduction on research vessels will have significant life-saving value to the whales because it reduces the proven harmful impacts from boat traffic.

SRKWs and other cetaceans have been treated as research tools for lucrative grants and careers! Decades of these experiments hasn’t saved them! It is not necessary to have most of the present boats on these orcas all the time. Boat traffic is one of the three major threats! Reduce it now or lose the SRKWs and others forever!

We Can and Must Do Better! Orcas, Humpbacks and Others Need a New Protection Plan!

Help Save the Whales! Please Sign and Share the petition “Cetaceans Must Not Be Mistreated Like Suffering Laboratory Animals”!
Stop Shooting Humpbacks!