Lifeforce Disclaimer Terms And Privacy
Terms and Conditions of Use
The Lifeforce Foundation is the sole owner and operator of this website. Except as noted, the entire content of LifeforceFoundation.org is copyright © 2004 Lifeforce Foundation. All rights reserved. Use of this site signifies your agreement to all terms and conditions of use.
I. The content of LifeforceFoundation.org may not be copied, reproduced, republished, transmitted or distributed without the prior written approval of Lifeforce.
Any reproduced content must include the following notice:
Copyright © 2004 Lifeforce Foundation
Reprinted with permission of the Lifeforce Foundation www.LifeforceFoundation.org
II. While Lifeforce makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information presented on LifeforceFoundation.org, Lifeforce does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of such information. The information contained on LifeforceFoundation.org is provided as general information only and is not intended nor shall be construed as legal advice. Only a licensed attorney can provide legal advice. Use of any information on LifeforceFoundation.org is strictly voluntary and any reliance on it should only be undertaken after an independent review by qualified experts. Lifeforce is not responsible for, and expressly disclaims all liability for, damages of any kind arising out of the use of any information contained on this website.
Contact Lifeforce for any questions about these terms and conditions of use or to report any violations.
Privacy and Security Statement
The Lifeforce Foundation is the sole owner and operator of this website. By visiting LifeforceFoundation.org, you are accepting the practices described in this privacy and security statement. Lifeforce reserves the right to modify or amend this statement at any time and for any reason by posting such changes at LifeforceFoundation.org.
I. Lifeforce has a firm commitment to data privacy and security. All information submitted to Lifeforce is considered private. Lifeforce does not sell, rent, distribute or transfer personally identifiable information obtained from any user to any other parties without the express approval of the user.
II. Lifeforce may send email and other correspondence, but only to those users who have expressly agreed to receive such information.
III. Lifeforce does not track individual user’s visits, but does examine user data in aggregate in order to facilitate the online experience of users and improve the quality of its content.
IV. Lifeforce uses generally accepted, industry-standard security systems, software and encryption technologies for security purposes.
a. The policies contained in this statement do not extend to any non-Lifeforce sites linked to LifeforceFoundation.org. Please check with these companies, organizations and sites for their policies regarding data privacy and security.
b. While Lifeforce, as outlined in this statement, has incorporated security measures to protect the privacy and security of information submitted to LifeforceFoundation.org, such privacy and security cannot be guaranteed by Lifeforce. In no event shall Lifeforce be liable for damages of any kind suffered as the result of a breach of privacy or security with respect to information submitted to LifeforceFoundation.org.
Contact Lifeforce for any questions about this privacy and security statement.