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Holiday Thought Card

posted on December 23, 2009

Holiday Thought Card

As we reflect upon what has been accomplished and what must be done we send you this Holiday Thought card. You can also read our Annual Report at http://lifeforcefoundation.org/index.php

Also, Please visit our Image Gallery to view new nature photos added to the Wildpeace series. You can purchase one or more for yourself and others. See http://lifeforcefoundation.org/gallery.php?cur=wildpeace&id=wildpeace

Peace For All Life,

Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director

Holiday Thought Card:

Lifeforce Annual Report - Peace For All Life!

posted on December 6, 2009

Lifeforce Annual Report - Peace For All Life!

Here's the 2009 Lifeforce Annual Report. If you would like to receive regular Lifeforce News updates send us you email (lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com) Donations are greatly appreciated.

And Remember Let's Work for Peace For All Life!


Us Thanksgiving Greeting

posted on November 26, 2009

Us Thanksgiving Greeting

A Thanksgiving Thought to Americans and All.

Victory - Petting Zoo To Be Closed But Battle Continues

posted on November 26, 2009

Victory - Petting Zoo To Be Closed But Battle ContinuesIt’s a major victory - finally the Stanley Park Petting Zoo will be closed. At a Special Meeting last night the Board voted 4 to 3 in favour of the recommended budget cuts. Thanks to everyone who wrote to the Park Board.

During the Lifeforce campaign, the public voted twice, in 1990 and 1993, for “No Zoo” in Stanley Park. The petting zoo should have been closed with the rest of the zoo. The Board and City must not waver under the raucous union gang and speciesists who want to continue to exploit animals.

If the general public was aware of these infinite treasures of nature they would choose these experiences over that of chasing and getting sick from petting some “farm” animals. Economic realities and changing ethical standards will continue to show us that scarce funds must not be spent on animal prisons in zoos and aquariums

Here’s the last Lifeforce letter:



The Parks Board has stated that the petting zoo would be closed as part of budget cuts but the pro-zoo people are trying to change their minds. You can help close the Stanley Park “farmyard” (Vancouver, BC). Some of the buildings could be used for a new Stanley Park Ecology Centre. There is a diversity of fauna and flora living freely in the park that people can learn about. Stanley Park is a free ecology experience.

Please Write to the Park Board Commissioners: pbcomment@vancouver.ca and the Mayor and Council: mayorandcouncil@vancouver.ca

More Details on our new Facebook:

Stop the Stanley Park Petting zoo – Support an Ecology Centre

Lifeforce Article in Vancouver Geaorgia Straight

Here's my article in the Vancouver Georgia Straight re: closing the petting zoo in Stanley Park. Please read:


And please post a comment on the article. The pro-zoo people will and we must show greater numbers.

The Million Dollar Pro-Zoo Lie


Letter: Myth No Reason To Prolong Animal Suffering, Vancouver Sun

Download MYTH.html


Dear Commissioners and Councillors:

Re: Petting Zoo Farmyards Not Educational

I ask would it not be reasonable to assume that in order to provide a truthful education program all the relevant issues must be provided – the whole story?

First, Stanley Park is obviously not farmland. If needed, community gardens could be used for agriculture education - not animals and parkland. The City of Vancouver was to prepare rules about proper care and housing re: backyard chickens. Teaching respect for animals can come from nature walks and volunteer work at animal sanctuaries.

See Full Letter with Posters/Leaflets

Download CloseZooLetterDecember11.pdf

Shore And Sea Birds Part 1

posted on November 1, 2009

Shore And Sea Birds Part 1

The following article has been published in the All Point Bulletin. This is the first of two articles that look at the diversity of shore and sea birds who live in or migrate through Point Roberts Washington.The next part will be released in December.



View Shore and Sea Bird Images:

Download ShoreandSeabirdsImages.pdf

You can also see the lateset September Wildlife Report at:

Download SeptemberWildlifeReport2009.pdf

Taking walks to view wildlife is good for your health and promotes viewing wildlife without imprisoning them in zoos and aquariums.

Please help by making a donation.

Thank you.

Stop Orca Cruelty

posted on August 12, 2009

Stop Orca Cruelty

Get up close with orcas or else those companies who harass them will go broke? Financial profits must not take priority over stopping orca cruelty! The innocent orcas can only try to avoid all the boats all day long.

I have studied the behaviour and travel patterns of orcas for 15 years. Some of that work was done under a DFO research permit. It is a fact that boat traffic has a negative impact on the lifestyles of orcas. Industry people want to hide behind any gap in “science” when it just makes common sense to respect orcas. Let Them Be!

Our 2008 report “Contact: In Pursuit of Orcas” provides many, many examples of whale watch companies’ non-compliance with rules and legislation (see http://www.lifeforcefoundation.org/files/INPURSUITORCASJAN2009_sm.pdf)
For 15 years the Lifeforce’s Boater Awareness Program has advised boaters of the rules and, most importantly, respect when operating in the vicinity of endangered orcas. We found that the pleasure boaters usually say they are just doing what the companies are doing because they thought at they knew what to do. When not watched by government enforcement agencies whale watch companies get too close and block the path ways.

More enforcement is needed so existing and any improved laws are adhered to. Lifeforce urges all to email US Commerce Gary Locke to increase orca protection by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (Email TheSec@doc.gov). In Canada contact Minister Shea (Email Shea.G@parl.gc.ca).

The US NOAA Fisheries has started a Public Comment regarding new laws to restrict boat traffic. Their web site is www.noaa.gov . Comments can be sent to orca.plan@noaa.gov up until October 27, 2009.


More Information:
Download StopOrcaCruelty!.pdf

See Lifeforce New Video "Stop Orca Cruelty"

Daisy Sentenced To Life In Aquarium Prison

posted on July 29, 2009

Daisy Sentenced To Life In Aquarium PrisonThe Harbour porpoise, Daisy, who has been moved to the Vancouver Aquarium will spend the rest of her life in an aquarium prison if she survives. This inhumane move will also open the door for the captivity of other Harbour Porpoises as a new aquarium attraction.

“It was apparent from the beginning that the Aquarium had no intention to release her,” stated Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Founder, “They were teaching her to perform tricks not rehabilitating her for release. Instead of being rewarded with freedom for her struggle to survive, she is being punished by being forced to be an aquarium circus performer. The greatest threat to porpoises is the human predators exploiting them as a first North American show.”

On May 1, 2009 Lifeforce wrote to the Vancouver Aquarium’s veterinarian and DFO proposing that Daisy be immediately removed to a sea pen at their research station for a study of porpoise behaviour, rehabilitation and release. She would be introduced to foraging for fish, readapt to natural life and rejoin porpoises in the wild. Daisy could provide rehabbers and others with a greater insight into Harbour porpoise behaviour and more data about releasing marine mammals. This is consistent with stated Aquarium goals to use “untapped resources” such as the “Greater Use of Rehabilitation and Display Animals” for research (Marine Mammals in the Lab: Tools for Conservation and Science, September 2007). Most importantly Daisy would be treated more humanely. Failure to do so will lose a rare chance for Daisy and science itself.

This porpoise is a fighter. Although she was cruelly confined for months, she has beaten the odds to survive and be free. She is a good candidate for release options. It was once an Aquarium "fact" that if a human touches a seal pup the mom would not take her back. However this was proven to be incorrect. The Vancouver Aquariums has made many mistakes (see the Lifeforce video “Rehab 101” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONDN0I2qwSk). Many have died in the hands of these self-proclaimed experts and it is luck if any survive.

Hamilton added, “There are still many unknowns about marine species. It is not a proven scientific fact that a young porpoise cannot be rehabbed for release. It is not a proven fact that she is better off in captivity and captivity would not kill her. There are examples of successful Harbour Porpoise releases.”

See also:
Free Daisy
Free Daisy.
Dolphin Freedom NOT Captivity!
Dolphin Freedom NOT Captivity.

For further information: Peter Hamilton lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com

Orca Center 2009

posted on June 29, 2009

Orca Center 2009

Lifeforce has recently updated our displays and educational information in the Orca Center in Lighthouse Marine Park, Point Roberts.

Take a photo walk through to see the displays created by Lifeforce/Peter Hamilton Copyright.

See Orca Center Photo Walk:

Download ORCACENTER2009.pdf

Life In A Toilet Bowl For Captive Belugas

posted on June 8, 2009

Life In A Toilet Bowl For Captive Belugas“First, imagine spending your entire life in a bathroom. That’s a fair comparison for belugas imprisoned in an aquarium pool and deprived of ocean freedom”, stated Peter Hamilton, Founder of ecology organization Lifeforce, “Then add to that cruelty that they will be swimming around and around and around in toxic feces and urine. It’s very sad that another beluga has been sentenced to life in a toilet bowl.”

Read Lifeforce News Release


Read Lifeforce Letter To Editor, Vancouver Sun

Tide turning on aquariums.

Read 35 Reasons To Boycott the Vancouver Aquarium


Read Lifeforce Founder's Commentary in Vancouver Georgia Straight, July 24, 2009

Peter Hamilton - Baby beluga faces life in a toilet bowl.

Baby-beluga fans must get past the attraction of a new baby at the Vancouver Aquarium and remember the plight of marine wildlife in captivity.

Give The Belugas Peace And Quiet!

posted on June 6, 2009

Give The Belugas Peace And Quiet!

As any pregnant person could relate to, the belugas should be given peace and quiet. The Vancouver Aquarium should not tell hundreds of people to go there and gawk at them from a few metres away. That is stressful and cruel.

Boycotting the Aquarium captive dolphin programs will give this mom and her newborn some privacy so they can bond without all the human distractions. At this early stage in a baby's life they need the seclusion and privacy to properly bond. Even Whale Watch Tours give moms and babies from 100 to 400 metres. Boycotting this aquarium circus would also help stop the future exploitation of other dolphins.

The Aquarium should have a live video hookup so people can watch from the Aquarium theatre or at home. Millions of people wordwide could watch without intruding upon the belugas. This has been done with eagles and other wildlife living freely in the wild. The same ethical considerations should be extended to captive dolphins.

They are dangling the birth in front of the public to pay and see. That is irresponsible. They should stop trying to profit financially and provide privacy.

At least 35 dolpins have died at the Vancouver Aquarium since 1964. They must stop the suferring. They must stop the imprisonment.


Read BC CTV Online:

Foundation calls for privacy at beluga birth

Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director

Greater Vancouver Zoo Video

posted on June 3, 2009

Greater Vancouver Zoo Video

This is further evidence why all should Boycott Zoos and Aquariums!

UPDATE JULY 21, 2009

Lifeforce, the Vancouver based ecology organization, as conducted several investigations of the Greater Vancouver Zoo. We found numerous appalling conditions for animals that has resulted in psychological abuses. This includes abnormal pacing back and forth, bar liking and bar biting. In addition to the animals' suffering there are human safety issues. Visitors are not protected from all threats of animal bites and zoonotic diseases. This video is a very brief look at the comprehensive report that Lifeforce has completed. You will see some of the lone animals and the lockups. It is also revealed that nearly 300 Fallow Deer were sold to game farms for venison and products such as aphrodisiacs.


Please also see "A Zoo Is A Zoo" video focusing on the abnormal stereotypical behaviours of the tigers, coyote and camel.


(Videos are on our web site ECOTV > 3Es > ENTERTAINMENT)

For Freedom!

Milk Not So Delicious!

posted on June 2, 2009

Milk Not So Delicious!

The Dairy Industry is releasing misleading ads such as Island Farms “Every Drop Delicious” and “Great Canadian Moo” (June 3, 2009 – urging people to press a Moo button to show their support of dairy industry as “A Source of Pride”).

These campaigns ignore the plight of animals used for dairy products and the associated human health hazards.

BC's Island Farms parent company is Agropur based in Quebec. Quebec has had the highest bacteria and somatic cell counts in their milk.

Awareness of the animal cruelty and human/animal health problems informs us that milk is NOT SO delicious. It is a source of shame not pride!

Read Lifeforce Commentary in Vancouver's Georgia Straight:

See the Lifeforce Brochure:
Download MilkNotSoDelicious.pdf

See Lifeforce ECOTV:

“Little Doggies” video

“Milking Machines”

“Free and Tie Stalls”


Download ExaminetheScienceforYourself.pdf

June 2009: Orca Awareness Month

posted on May 26, 2009

June 2009: Orca Awareness Month

Many Celebrate but Orcas Still Not Protected
It is great news that Washington State Governor Gregoire has once again declared June 2009 as Orca Awareness Month. So why did the BC Government failed to act upon Lifeforce’s 2008 request to enact a similar proclamation? The Southern Community of orcas are a transboundary species that travel in both BC and US waters. They are designated as endangered in both countries.
At least for this month people in the US may look at their impact on marine environments that have resulted in orca populations becoming endangered. From aquarium captures to using chemicals that pollute to overfishing these are some of the practises that individuals can help stop.
But what about the endless boat traffic and noise from commercial whale watch boats and research boats? We know that such heavy traffic causes stress and interrupts lifestyles. Lifeforce investigations has found that the problems are as rampant as ever. Patrols by Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife will be reduced by approximately 50% this year due to funding cuts.
Whale Watch Companies do not follow the guidelines and regulations when they are not being monitored by government agencies. It is time for regulations, stiff fines and more enforcement.
We must also change the way whales are watch on water. This would include giving the orcas some days off and breaks during the day.
Whale Watch Companies
Whale Watch Operators Association Northwest (WWOAN)have operators who are some of the worst violators of guidelines. The photo above shows one Executive driving into a group of orcas and following within 100 meters.

See Lifeforce’s Free Orca Awareness Month Poster:

Download ORCAAWARENESS2009.pdf

Read 50% Cut in Orca Protection:


Help Stop The Sea Otter Slaughter

posted on May 21, 2009

Help Stop The Sea Otter SlaughterThe Nuu-Chah-Nulth Tribal Council in British Columbia wants to kill at least 20 sea otters every year for “ceremonial” purposes. Permitting a sea otter slaughter is not only cruel but opens the door to the killing of other marine mammals such as whales.
In Canada sea otters are list as of special concern but the exact numbers aren’t known. They haven’t fully recovered. There are less than 3500 in BC. They have only repopulated 25% to 33% of historic territory over many decades. The impacts of fishing, boat strikes and other causes of death are also undetermined.
The Nuu-Chah-Nulth is targeting a population of approximately 2000 in their territory. This population is at risk of extinction from an oil spill, pollution, disease, fishing, boat strikes and human threats which now includes a potlatch fur trade. Approximately 3000 sea otters alone died during the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill in 1989.
Sea Otters maintain a balance and prevent “sea urchin barrens”- the destruction of kelp forests that provides habitat for a diversity of marine life including threatened fish stocks. So every sea otter matters for their survival and their protection of natural ecosystems.
You can help stop the slaughter of precious sea otters by writing to:
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Mininister Gail Shea – Shea.G@parl.gc.ca
Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council c/o cliff.atleo@nuuchahnulth.org; michelle.corfield@nuuchahnulth.org;florence.wylie@nuuchahnulth.org; simon.read@nuuchahnulth.org

Read the Lifeforce Background Information:

Read Vancouver Sun Story:
Download VancouverSunSeaOtterStory.pdf

Harbour Porpoise Still Languishing In Isolation Tank

posted on May 5, 2009

NEWS UPDATE: "Daisy" Still Languishing in Isolation Tank

After two months of the Lifeforce “Free Daisy” campaign a Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) spokesperson, Paul Cottrell (604-666-9965), has finally talked to Lifeforce. He said that they have yet to finalize the fate of Daisy. He said that they haven’t determined the “facility” but did not rule out that it could be a sea pen.

In December 2007 the Vancouver Aquarium deemed this Harbour porpoise to be healthy. However instead of being rehabbed for released she has since languished in which is basically an isolation tank. Although it was Daisy who fought to survive the rescue in August 2007 near Victoria is praiseworthy but now it is cruel and inhumane treatment. Her prison is an approx. 4’ shallow pool that is only approx. 10’ in diameter. The temporary treatment pool has caused Daisy psychological and physical harm.

Read the entire Daisy Update and How You Can Help Her!


Econews: Vivisection In Canada

posted on April 15, 2009

Econews: Vivisection In Canada

Apri l 15, 2009

I have some very important information about vivisection in Vancouver, BC. This is very timely in view that World Week for Animals in Laboratories is planned for April 18th to 26th. Organizations and individuals throughout the world will conduct events to focus on the plight of animals and the harm to people that result from these scientifically fallacious “animal models”. Every year Lifeforce provides a free downloadable poster. The poster is available at:

More Posters are available in our Resources>Poster section.

In this ECONEWS read about:
Item #1: BC Fire Fighters Burn & Wound Lab at VGH
Item #2: Canadian Military Experiments on Animals at VGH
Item #3: ICORD Spinal Cord Experiments at VGH
How Many Animals Are Killed In Canada?
(There was a substantial increase of animals including experiments with 3660 marine mammals.)


What You Can Do!
The Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) has failed to adhere to their claimed mandate called the “3Rs” – Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of experiments on animals.
Tell them to stop the burn/wound experiments and the military training/experiments with animals because viable non-animal methods are available. Email Dr. Clement Gauthier, Executive Director – cgauthier@ccac.ca

Stop Ski Resort Zoos

posted on April 11, 2009

Stop Ski Resort Zoos

Bears are bears. They are innately wild by nature. The hundreds of successful rehabilitation and releases have proven that they do not need further study and training in captivity as proposed by the “Grouse Mountain Zoo” gang.
The BC government should be investing $400,000 in the existing wildlife rehabilitation facilities that have a proven track record of successful bear rehabilitation or in preventative programs to prevent human / bear conflicts (garbage containment, by law enforcement, back woods food drops and so on).
It is a dangerous plan to start a new “zoo” in a public area. This is a major zoo prison under the guise of a rehabilitation/conservation.
There is a history of animal abuses at the Grouse Mountain and their cohorts at the Kicking Horse Ski Resort Zoo. It is a history of Captivity NOT Freedom.

Please help stop this fraud and deceit. The plans for a major zoo with numerous animal prisons and hotel complex are well documented. Stop Ski Resort Zoos!

Please send your letters to Minister Barry Penner – env.minister@gov.bc.ca and Mayor and Councillors, District of North Vancouver, dnvcouncil@dnv.org and City of North Vancouver – mayor@cnv.org

Read the Lifeforce Letter:

Download GMZOO.pdf

Parks Board Pet Zoo Photo Is Irresponsible

posted on April 6, 2009

Parks Board Pet Zoo Photo Is IrresponsibleThe Parks Board web site photo of a baby kissing a goat is irresponsible and a threat to the safe health of kids visiting petting zoos. THEY MUST NOT BE ENCOURAGED TO KISS THE ANIMALS!

Lifeforce is a Vancouver-based ecology organization that looks at the interrelationship of human, animal and environmental problems. As part of this work we have investigated Petting Zoo operations in Metro Vancouver and the Lower Mainland.

Petting zoos are hotbeds of serious pathogens, including E. coli and salmonella bacteria. Numerous children have been severely sickened as a result of visiting animal displays, and some have even died. Those who come in contact with E. coli can develop bloody diarrhea, anemia, chronic kidney failure, or neurological impairments such as seizures or strokes. The pens were children play can be soaked with urine and remains of feces that are not picked up by broom/shovels.

Animals are continuously harassed and even sick animals may be on display. Problems included a lamb with a broken leg, a dying chick and kids petting animals covered with feces (from a sick goat with diarrhoea). At the end of the season some operators send the animals to auction for food slaughter.

During Lifeforce’s investigations we found that there are only guidelines not regulations for Petting Zoos . These guidelines are often not adhered to and there is a lack of enforcement. When advised of problems Health Inspection agencies can only recommend improvements.

In March 2008 Lifeforce found numerous problems at the petting zoo in Stanley Park. We sent a long list of concerns. For example:

“... we were shocked to see several bunnies kept in an approximate 12” x 36” window exhibit. It is not only cruel to keep them in such a small space with kids banging on the windows but it promotes the purchase of such animals at Easter. After Easter when the novelty wears off they are often disposed of by such practises as illegal dumping in public parks.”

We have not been contacted re: our letter of April to address the outstanding issues.

Here’s our part of last letter:

Dear Mr. Joseph:

Re: Stanley Park Petting Zoo Problems

Although I appreciate the information that you provided it failed to respond to the number of issues and/or failed to fully address the issues.

For example:

1. Were the bunnies removed from the window display?
2. Was the "injured" bird removed from public display?

I am pleased to hear that the Parks Board will implement Lifeforce's recommendations to put up sufficient signage to properly inform the public about the health hazards. I hope this includes all of the information that we recommended and will include the animal rights issues. (Information in our report “Petting Zoos: A Silent Epidemic?”)

However, hand wash stations must be running water and disposable towels not just hand sanitizers/gels that you may have meant. Please clarify what the two stations are using.

Although the Board may not have knowledge of human illnesses the lack of proper information is what may well be contributing to a silent epidemic. As I said people may go home and have diarrhea and nausea but not relate it to the petting zoo. Lack of knowledge may mean lack of reporting.

Feces/urine soaked hay was not picked up by staff. Kids were walking through it and sitting in it. As stated urine and fecal matter puddles around at least one drain that needs to be redesigned/fixed.

Contrary to your letter I was advised that some animals had come from the Fraser Valley Auction. In addition, the bunnies were originally "borrowed" from Aldor Farms and it was later decided to keep them. Past Commissioners did not support these types of practises. As I requested please supply a list of acquisitions and dispositions of animals.

I urge the Commissioners to advise staff to immediately remove this irresponsible photo.

Here is the link to our report “Petting Zoos – A Silent Epidemic?”
Download PettingZooReportDraft.pdf

Lifeforce April Econews

posted on April 6, 2009

Lifeforce April Econews

Our April Newsletter includes numerous new campaigns and an update about our Ban Farm Animal Cruelty Campaign.

One of the new campaigns focuses on children, as young as 6 or 7, are injured at Lil’ Britches Rodeos. It was sad to see these kids hurt and crying. On March 29th Lifeforce sent a letter to Councilors in Chilliwack and Langley where some of these children rodeos are held. We are urging them to stop the exploitation of children and animals. We’ve asked them to raise the participant age limit to teenagers.

You can read the letter, see some slides and view our video “Bless the Beasts and Children”:

Letter and Video Link:
Download LilBritchesRodeos.pdf

See Lil' Britches Slides/Posters:
Download Slides/Posters PDF

Read Full ECONEWS:

Download APRIL2009FINAL.pdf

Senator Nancy Ruth's Plans To Kill And Eat Canada Geese

posted on April 5, 2009

Senator Nancy Ruth

To: Senator Nancy Ruth(less?)

From: Canada Geese Everywhere

To N.R. Love C.G.
Re: Hey Nancy what happened to living in peace with nature? You and others have enjoyed cottage life and the presence of wildlife for years. Or
were you shooting those bothersome squirrels, chipmunks and other nature’s creatures? We can’t be blamed if hunters bred us with domestic
geese so they would have year round hunting of our families by stopping our migration. We won’t get you sick – simply don’t eat our feces and
stop those recreational boats from dumping their excrement in our homes. We made this heart shape for you - please don’t eat us.

For further info: Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Foundation, 604-649-5258; lifeforcesociey@hotmail.com

NEWS Information
Senator Larry Campbell’s Rude Response Re: Killing Canada Geese

In response to Senator Nancy Ruth’s call to kill Canada Geese, that she says are fowling her property in cottage country and Toronto, Lifeforce sent the attached comedic GOOSEGRAM to her and others.
I was shocked to receive the following email from Senator Larry Campbell:
Dear Peter;
In keeping with the name of your organization why don't you get a life.

“One would think that a person in his position would have an open mind and take into consideration all facts regarding an issue. He does represent the democratic Canadian Government,” stated Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Director, “As an ecology organization, Lifeforce has been working to protect people, animals and the environment for nearly 30 thirty years. Mr. Campbell’s statement “why don’t you get a life” was rude and disrespectful of our important work to protect lives.”

I have asked Senator Campell to explain just what is his point? Does he think killing wildlife is the answer to problems created by humans?

Under the circumstances I will be requesting an apology from this senator.

For further information> Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Founding Director, 604-649-5258, lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com

Please Protect Children And The Beasts

posted on April 1, 2009


March 29, 2009

To: Chilliwack Mayor and Council; Langley Mayor and Council
Cc: Surrey Mayor and Council
From: Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Foundation
Re: Please Protect Children and the Beasts

Young Children Injured at Lil’ Britches Rodeos

It was very disturbing to see little kids injured and crying at Lil’ Britches Rodeos that are held in your cities. Kids that looked as young as 6 or 7 years old were encouraged by parents and rodeo promoters to get the job done. Obvious injuries – pain and suffering – were nervously laughed at by the parents and crowds. Many of the kids were not having a good time.

Parents must signed releases and waivers from liability for injuries and death. Why would someone subject a young child to potential serious and fatal harm? It’s kind of like the hockey parent mind set where violence erupts between parents and kids because the parents want their kid to be the next multi-million dollar star.

Please go to the following link to see a video, “Bless the Beasts and the Children” in which children are seen being injured.

I urge you to stop this abuse of children and restrict the participant age limit to teens. There is certainly no reason for kids any younger to be trained to be in rodeos. At an older age, when they are more physically and mentally prepared, they will be more likely to decide for themselves. In many cases, taking such young children is tantamount to brainwashing and coercion.

These rodeos will be held in Chilliwack on April 25th to 26th and in Langley on July 11th to 12th

Young Calves and Others Injured
The brutal treatment of animals as I have witness at the Chilliwack Rodeo must be stopped.

The public is unaware of the behind the scenes abuses. The bucking straps are cinched tight to make the animals buck (they stop bucking when the straps are released), they are shocked with electric prods, their hair is twisted and sometimes pulled out, they are jabbed with spurs and more. The frighten animals leap out of the chutes to try to avoid the torment. During steer wrestling they can suffer from painful strains, pulled muscles, broken bones, dislocated joints etc.. This also applies to team steer roping in which the animal stretched out by the ropes around the head and hind legs. Calf roping has been renamed “Tie-Down” roping to take the focus of the young calf victims who are lassoed while running fast, flipped high in the air and legs tied. This also causes serious painful injuries. Numerous animals have died from these rodeo practices.

I urge the City of Chilliwack to join other progressive cities, such as Vancouver and Surrey, which have stopped rodeos and/or banned obvious cruel events. I hope you will replace violent rodeos with humane family events.

I look forward to your response.

For further information I can be contacted at:

Email: lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com

Phone: 604-649-5258
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director

Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

posted on March 25, 2009

On March 24, 1989 the Exxon Valdez oil spill devastated a pristine ecosystem in Alaska. Thousands of wild animals perished – at least 20 orcas died.

Half of the spilled oil stranded and was buried on the beaches of Prince William Sound, according to scientists with the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration. 2007 studies show that predators such as harlequin ducks and sea otters forage on oil-contaminated shellfish. The herring population has seriously declined. Many ecosystem links are broken.

At the time of this tragedy aquariums found a source of sea otters and lucrative grants. The Vancouver Aquarium immediately stated that otters should be brought to them. Lifeforce counteracted by saying that the transport would kill the sick otters and they should help with onsite rescue, rehab and release. So the Aquarium folks did go to Alaska but managed to bring back 8 sea otters (at that time 2 died and 2 were sent to another aquarium).

Vancouver Aquarium got a grant from Exxon to study the long term impacts. The study included repeated blood tests. Ongoing exposure can only be studied by monitoring the health of wildlife population unless the captive studies included forced oil ingestion – not humane! One otter survived for 20 years in a test tube environment. Does this help Exxon plea in public court that wildlife can survive?

The following is the link to “Sea Otters NOT Captive Otters” depicting the history of otters at the Vancouver Aquarium. It also includes reasons why the proposed $120 million expansion must be stopped. More pools mean more dolphins, sea otters, river otters, beaver and other captives.


For Freedom,

Peter Hamilton




The Van Aqua Circus

posted on March 20, 2009

The Van Aqua Circus

During a recent Lifeforce investigation of the Vancouver Aquarium we found several large, painful wounds on a Steller Sea Lion being used in experiments by University of British Columbia. The wounds may be caused by harnesses strapped to them. Inquiries to the Vancouver Aquarium and UBC were not answered.

The City of Vancouver banned exotic animal acts in circuses but this aquatic circus continues. In the wild sea lions don’t stand on their flippers and they don’t wave at people. They certainly don’t kiss people – a dangerous public message. In the wild belugas don’t spit and wave at people. They certainly don’t let people put their arms down their throats. And in the wild Pacific white-sided dolphins do not jump into the air, tail walk and shake their heads on cue for dead food because they are hungry. They certainly do not jump onto stages.

Read “Circus? Or Conservation?” and “Aqua Circus”. View “Sea Lion – Freedom NOT Captivity” and “Dolpins – Freedom NOT Captivity”

Please Email the Vancouver Parks Commissioners (pbcomment@vancouver.ca) and the Mayor and Councillors (mayorandcouncil@vancouver.ca) to tell them:

The Show Must Not Go On! Stop the $120 million Aquarium Expansion that Means More Animals and More Destruction of Stanley Park Green Space.

UPDATES: Lifeforce continues to urge the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans (Shea.G@parl.gc.ca ) to rehabilitate for release a Harbour porpoise named Daisy who is at the Vancouver Aquarium. We are waiting for their response.

In addition, the Vancouver Aquarium has not applied for a building permit for the $120 million expansion. It would take months to get a permit reviewed and they could miss their opening by the 2010 Winter Olympics. We are waiting to hear if this type of government spending will no longer be tolerated in these tough economic times. Monies must be spent to protect wildlife in the wild – not in captivity.

Grow Veggies Not Chicken Eggs

posted on March 2, 2009

Dear Mayor and Councillors:

Re: Grow Veggies Not Chicken Eggs

Lifeforce is a Vancouver-based ecology organization that looks at the interrelationship of human, animal and environmental issues. When trying to resolve problems one must take into consideration the long term impacts on all life.

For over a decade we have opposed any “city farming” plans that involve animals. We hope that Vancouver will not allow the keeping of poultry or any other livestock because it would result in major health and animal welfare issues. Please find the attached letter to you in which we outline the many reasons why we oppose farming chickens in Vancouver and other cities.

As part of Vancouver’s Greenest City Action Team we should be promoting eating healthy veggies not chickens products. We must decrease, not increase, the number of animals presently being raised and consume in order to protect people’s health, stop animal cruelty and to reduce Global Warming. Backyard chickens are not a just and sustainable food system – it would be part of the crises not the solution.

Please feel free to contact me for any details or further information.

In Respect For All Life,

Peter Hamilton
Founding Director
Lifeforce Foundation
Phone: 604-649-5258
Email: lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com

Campaign To Free Daisy The Porpoise

posted on March 2, 2009

Campaign To Free Daisy The PorpoiseLifeforce has started a campaign to free a young Harbour porpoise from the Vancouver Aquarium rehab station. The porpoise was stranded in August 2008. Although she has been in good health for 3 months she has been kept in a small, shallow pool for a total of 6 months. She needs to be rehabilitated for release not captivity.

We have sent the attached letter to Minister Gail Shea, Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans . We have outlined all the reasons why she can be return to her home in the wild.

Watch Lifeforce Video - Free Daisy

Please Read this Letter and send your letter to Minister Shea right away. Every day matters for this isolated and deprived porpoise. Her email address is Shea.G@parl.gc.ca

The Aquarium didn’t expect the porpoise named “Daisy” to survive. She has fought hard to survive. It’s time to get her out and back to her home in the wild. We must respect her fight to stay alive and give her that chance of freedom.


Peter Hamilton
Founding Director
Lifeforce Foundation
Phone: 604.649.5258
Email: peter.hamilton@lifeforcefoundation.org

*UPDATE* - Media Coverage:
The Province
Georgia Straight

Open Letter To Metro Vancouver Mayors And Councillors

posted on February 27, 2009

NEWS RELEASE - Open Letter to Metro Vancouver Mayors and Councillors

Lifeforce has sent our PDF letter "Eat Healthy and Protect People, Animals and the Environment" sent to Mayors and Councillors.

While some groups campaign for "green" eggs and meat we must actually reduce the consumption of meat and dairy products. That's is how we will protect animals, the health of people and reduce Global Warming.

Thank you,

Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director

Lifeforce Report: Part 1 - Contact: In Pursuit Of Orcas

posted on February 14, 2009

Open Letter

To: Those Who Want to Protect Endangered Orcas
From: Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Foundation
Re: Lifeforce Report: Part 1 “Contact: In Pursuit of Orcas”

From sunrise to sunset the endangered orcas of the Pacific Northwest are relentlessly pursued everywhere – off the shore lines and in open waters. Under the name of entertainment they are the gold treasure sought after by a multi-million dollar eco tourism industry. When the treasure is found the code word “Contact” is issued to the whale watch fleet.

Lifeforce is a non-profit ecology organization based in Vancouver and WA. From 1993 to 2005 I operated the “Lifewatch Boater Awareness Program” to advise boaters about the guidelines/regulations re: watching marine wildlife such as orcas. This was the first program in waters in Southern BC and WA. I developed educational materials such as the “Whale Watching Guidelines for Southern BC & Washington”.

In 2008 Lifeforce gathered conclusive evidence of flagrant disregard for the well being of orcas and the laws. We only had to spend a few days to observe repeated violations. This is common whale watch company practises when they are not watched by enforcement agencies. Pleasure boats imitate the illegal practises. When pleasure boaters are approach by volunteer organizations and advised of the laws they often respond by saying “We were just doing what the whale watch boats were doing. We thought they knew what to do.”
In Part 1 Lifeforce provides some of the more than 1100 violation photos that we took of the Whale Watch Industry and pleasure boaters. In Part 2 we will look at the other types of boat traffic that can seriously affect and harm orcas. The report is at:

Present enforcement plans do not adequately protect orcas. This is especially the case in Georgia Strait from Vancouver to the San Juan Islands. We urge you to take immediate action to help protect orcas by helping to secure funds for Canadian and US government agencies to enforce regulations. The orcas need your help. Please contact your respective Canadian or US Government officials.

Contact Lifeforce at lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com

City Of St. Catharines Halts Beaver Trapping

posted on February 12, 2009

Here's some good news about that Standard article re: beaver trapping. The trapping has been stopped. Here's the letter we sent and the response from the Mayor (his email is included for those who also want to write).

Mr. Hamilton,

Thank you for your email -- sent through the City's website -- regarding the issue of beaver trapping in St. Catharines.

Councillors were initially unaware of the trapping. Once it was brought to Council's attention they asked that further trapping be stopped and that staff investigate other means of resolving the concerns caused by the beaver. Once completed, the report will be brought to council for consideration.

Best regards,

Brian McMullan

City of St. Catharines
50 Church Street
Box 3012
St. Catharines, ON

905-688-5600 ext 1540
905-688-5955 (fax)


From: Lifeforce
Sent: Thu 1/15/2009 2:07 PM
To: CLERKS Website Division Mailbox
Subject: Inhumane Killing of Beaver

Open Letter

Dear Mayor and Council:

I have just read an article in the Standard that stated that your city has hired a trapper to kill beavers - our national symbol. The inhumane conibear trap is not an instant kill trap. The animals can die an excruciating death.

There are humane alternatives that I would like to discuss and provide more details. For example, in Fort Langley, BC the parks people put one cut tree out so the beavers don't go after standing trees. In addition, wire can be put around standing trees to stop beavers from chewing on them. If flooding could be a problem then pond levelers are a simple, inexpensive pipe method that prevents any overflows
During my 30 years of working with wildlife and resolving any human/wildlife conflicts I have found that beautiful, sentient wildlife need not be killed. Using lethal methods is cruel and barbaric. Wildlife populations have natural biological controls and, in general, do not overpopulate. Hunters and trappers create "imbalances" as excuses to get their blood money. Wildlife are not "renewable resources". Many species are facing extinction.

Humans and animals share the same habits. We all live in complex, fragile ecosystems that must be protected. We can and must live in harmony with wildlife and nature. Let's respect wildlife not kill them.

Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director

Wildlife Deserves Conservation, Not Vancouver Aquarium Expansion

posted on February 10, 2009

Published at Straight.com

By Peter Hamilton

The Vancouver Aquarium is seeking government money for its $120-million expansion at a time when the economy and wildlife protection are in troubled waters. Aquarium expansions threaten animals and Stanley Park land. Scarce funds must protect endangered species in the wild. Tax monies must not exploit captives for entertainment and as research “tools”.

Monies are desperately needed to hire conservation officers to enforce new wildlife regulations. For example, boat-traffic harassment of local orcas causes major stress and interrupts foraging. Orcas under stress are more susceptible to deadly health problems and extinction. It’s illegal but not properly enforced.

Captivity is cruel because it does not provide for natural social and behavioural needs. In the wild, animals enjoy a diverse, vast ecosystem with complex social structures. But now the aquarium plans to get more out of captives by also seeking lucrative government research grants. Test-tube studies do not represent the whole picture of life in the wild. Marine Mammals in the Lab: Tools for Conservation and Science, a report from a 2007 North Pacific Universities Marine Mammal Research Consortium workshop, hosted by the aquarium and UBC Marine Mammal Research Unit, included reasons why it is impossible to accurately compare captive animals to wild ones.

Aquarium experiments could be applied to controversial military purposes. At the 2007 workshop, the U.S. Navy Marine Mammal Program participated. Decades ago, the U.S. Navy did study the belugas at the aquarium and held some in Nanoose Bay. Since the ’60s, military experiments have mistreated animals as weapons of war. Presently, dolphins and sea lions are kept in child-like portable pools when not on patrols on U.S. bases and in war zones.

While the aquarium jumped onto the “green” bandwagon because it is good for business, conservation programs have been and will continue to be achieved without putting animals in captivity. Its anticonservation message irresponsibly urges all to “get up close with nature” by petting and training captives. The aquarium’s attempt to kill an orca for a model for a sculpture started the orca slave trade that led to the depletion of the now-endangered orcas. The blood of many dolphins is on its hands with captivity and continued business deals with Japan, notorious for whaling and dolphin slaughters.

Stanley Park has a diversity of natural fauna and flora. It is a free ecology classroom that should be protected. The aquarium expansion will consume 30 percent more public green space. It is subject to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, as was the 1990 beluga-pool expansion, but the aquarium then ignored the law. This must not happen again.

The public does not want captive B.C. species that can be seen in the wild in “Super, Natural B.C.” The public voted against a zoo in Stanley Park with river otters, beavers, and others now on the aquarium list.

More pools means more animals will be confined and suffer. There have been 33 deaths of dolphins at the Vancouver aquarium. Bjossa had three babies that died and that helped stop the captivity of orcas. Now Hana has had two babies die, and this must stop the import of more Pacific white-sided dolphins.

If breeding is successful, the families can be split up or warehoused out of public view under horrible conditions. The sea otter Nyac’s first baby was sent to a zoo. One beluga is on loan to SeaWorld San Diego, while two are kept in a 50-square-foot barren pool surrounded by caged sea lions and newly captured fur seals in Vancouver.

The last NPA park board overturned Vancouver citizens’ right to vote on aquarium expansions and watered down the cetacean bylaw that was to phase out dolphin captivity. If the aquarium expands again, cage-crazy animals will be pacing back and forth like the otters and polar bears in the past. Dolphins will endlessly swim around and around and around. The new park board must keep their election promises. They must overturn those conservation setbacks and stop this expansion.

Economics and ethics will eventually end the barbaric prisons and experiments at the Vancouver Aquarium. Instead of perpetuating animal cruelty, protecting the environment has greater public support. Funding habitat preservation not animal prisons will help people truly understand and respect wildlife. We must save the wildlife, not the Vancouver Aquarium.

Peter Hamilton is the founding director of Lifeforce.

Lifeforce Asks Prime Minister’s Family To Ban Farm Animal Cruelty

posted on January 30, 2009

Lifeforce Asks Prime Minister’s Family To Ban Farm Animal CrueltyThe Vancouver based ecology and animal rights organization, Lifeforce, has sent a letter to Canada’s Prime Minster Stephen Harper and his wife Laureen, to ask them to stop cruel practices on Canadian farms. As stated on the PM’s web site, the Harpers participate in a Foster Program for cats and dogs in Ontario. Lifeforce hopes that their compassion to protect abandoned animals will extend to animals on farms that are routinely abused.

“There are anti-cruelty laws against confining and chaining dogs so the meat and dairy industries must be stopped from confining and chaining calves and pigs for months and longer ,” stated Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Founding Director, ”I was shocked to see the way animals are mistreated on farms in BC and the rest of Canada. Other countries are phasing out these barbaric practises and Canada must follow. Hopefully Canada will take the lead by stopping all cruelty and mandating outdoor pasturing.”

Governments and farm businesses market meat and dairy products as being from happy animals that live idyllic lives. They attempt to desensitize people. The animals are not treated like pets or companion animals living happily with farmers. If they want to act humanely then they should support legislation.

Little Doggies
Calves are taken from their moms within 1 or 2 days after birth and are confined alone in tiny pens. Common practises include veal crates and huts. In veal crates the calves are kept on chains as short as 3 feet for months. In huts they are chained or fenced in. In some huts the short chains do not permit them to leave the hut.
See Video “Why be Cruel to These Little Doggies?”

Little Piggies
The gestation period of pigs is approximately 4 months and during this time they are chained in 2’ x 7’ gestation stalls. Just before the sow is due to give birth, she is moved to another restraining device – the farrowing crate – where she gives birth and nurses her young through metal bars. After anywhere from 10 to 21 days of nursing, her piglets are removed and the process is repeated all over again, pregnancy after pregnancy for 24 to 30 months.
See Video “Why Be Cruel to These Little Piggies?”

Recently California voters passed a ballot initiative, Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty, on November 4, 2008, which bans severe confinement of animals in veal crates, sow gestation crates and battery cages. It requires animals be confined only in ways that allow these animals to lie down, stand up, fully extend their limbs and turn around freely. Other countries have implemented similar laws.

Lifeforce is urging all to request that the Prime Minister and their Member of Parliament implement legislation re:
1. Calves: Ban chaining, veal crates and restrictive huts practises.
2. Pigs: Ban chaining, gestation crates and farrowing crates.
3. Chickens: Ban battery cages.
4. Provide all animals with large clean indoor areas with access to large outdoor areas where they are free to run and socialize with others of their kind.
5. Require that all animals be given the basic freedoms to freely lie down, stand up, fully extend their limbs and turn around.

Individuals can also reduce the animal suffering, health hazards, and Green House Warming by eating non-dairy products and a vegetarian diet. The intensive production of animals for dairy and meat contribute to 18% of Global Warming as compared to the more publicized transportation that is 13%. We must reduce and phase out the 60 billion animals who are killed every year worldwide.

For further information: Peter Hamilton, lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com, www.lifeorcefoundartion.org


Here’s the Lifeforce Letter:
Dear Stephen and Laureen Harper;

On behalf of the Vancouver based ecology organization I would like to commend you for your participation in the Foster Home program for cats and dogs. When I heard about your compassionate work I thought that you would want to know that calves and pigs are routinely chained and/or confined for months and longer.
There are anti-cruelty laws against confining and chaining dogs so the meat and dairy industries must not stopped from confining and chaining calves and pigs for months and longer. I was shocked to see the way animals are mistreated on farms in BC and the rest of Canada. Other countries are phasing out these barbaric practises and Canada must follow. Hopefully Canada will take the lead by stopping all cruelty and mandating outdoor pasturing.

Governments and farm businesses market meat and dairy products as being from happy animals that live idyllic lives. They attempt to desensitize people. The animals are not treated like pets or companion animals living happily with farmers. If they want to act humanely they should support legislation.

Little Doggies
Calves are taken from their moms within 1 or 2 days after birth and are confined alone in tiny pens. Common practises include veal crates and huts. In veal crates the calves are kept on chains as short as 3 feet for months. In huts they are chained or fenced in. In some huts the short chains do not permit them to leave the hut.
See Video “Why be Cruel to These Little Doggies?”

Little Piggies
The gestation period of pigs is approximately 4 months and during this time they are chained in 2’ x 7’ gestation stalls. Just before the sow is due to give birth, she is moved to another restraining device – the farrowing crate – where she gives birth and nurses her young through metal bars. After anywhere from 10 to 21 days of nursing, her piglets are removed and the process is repeated all over again, pregnancy after pregnancy for 24 to 30 months.
See Video “Why Be Cruel to These Little Piggies?”

Recently California voters passed a ballot initiative, Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty on November 4, 2008, which bans severe confinement of animals in veal crates, sow gestation crates and battery cages. It requires animals be confined only in ways that allow these animals to lie down, stand up, fully extend their limbs and turn around freely. Other countries have implemented similar laws.

We urge you to urge the Federal Government to implement legislation re:
1. Calves: Ban chaining, veal crates and restrictive huts practises.
2. Pigs: Ban chaining, gestation crates and farrowing crates.
3. Chickens: Ban battery cages.
4. Provide all animals with large clean indoor areas with access to large outdoor areas where they are free to run and socialize with others of their kind.
5. Require that all animals be given the basic freedoms to freely lie down, stand up, fully extend their limbs and turn around.

In addition, as individuals you can also reduce the animal suffering, health hazards, and Green House Warming by eating non-dairy products and a vegetarian diet. The intensive production of animals for dairy and meat contribute to 18% of Global Warming as compared to the more publicized transportation issue that is a 13% factor. We must reduce and phase out the 60 billion animals who are killed every year worldwide.

In Respect for All Life,
Peter Hamilton Lifeforce Founding Director (604)649-5258 lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com www.lifeforcefoundation.org

Violations Of Federal And Provincial Regulations At Fraser Valley Auctions

posted on January 26, 2009

Following a one year investigation of the Fraser Valley Auctions in Langley, BC Lifeforce submitted our report “Selling Lives” to government and responsible agencies for their review and action. The report and the video clearly depicted ongoing violations of Federal and Provincial Regulations/Guidelines (to protect human health and animals) and inhumane treatment of animals. Were these inherent, callous conditions stopped?

That was in June 2008 and to date we have not received a clear response from the Federal government as to what action they took. Did they issue fines to those committing the crimes at this auction? Are they now inspecting auctions across Canada? Why wasn’t any cruelty to animals charges laid?

I have included a new link to the original report and video “Selling Lives” and nine new Fraser Valley Auction Abuse videos. The many images include animals suffering from overcrowding, eye injuries, tumours, ruptures, large open wounds, broken legs, lameness, starvation and animals near death or dead.

Selling Lives Report

Original Campaign Video Selling Lives

Nine New Fraser Valley Action Videos
(“Beef & Dairy”, sheep, goats, pigs, chickens, ducks, pigeons, horses and rabbits).

Both the SPCA and CFIA started inspections based on our report. But Lifeforce was surprised to hear that the BCSPCA said they never found any of the abuses that Lifeforce uncovered. The animal abusers were not investigated even though Lifeforce had meticulously documented date, time, pen numbers and animal numbers? We were disappointed that the SPCA will to continue to do business with the auction owner to use “compromised animals” for training of emergency response personal.

Please read our report, view the videos and see the suffering. Then write to the following politicians to support the Lifeforce recommendations as outlined in the Lifeforce “Selling Lives” report. It is vital for both the protection of people and animals that all auctions implement the Lifeforce Animal Welfare Policy and Health Awareness Programs as stated in the report.

Please send an email to:

Federal Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq - Minister_Ministre@hc-sc.gc.ca and BC Provincial Health Minister George Abbott - HLTH.Health@gov.bc.ca

Ask them why these sick and injured animals were being slaughter for food for people and/or companion animals?

Federal Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Gerry Ritz – Ritz.G@parl.gc.ca

Mr. Ritz’s ministry includes the Canadian Food Inspection Agency so ask him what was done at this auction. Were there any fines? Are they now inspecting all auctions across Canada?

Also ask him why these sick and injured animals were being slaughter for food for people and/or companion animals

Your letters can help stop Auction Abuses!

For Further Information:
Peter Hamilton,
Lifeforce Investigator