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Another 2 Vancouver Aquarium Bred Belugas Die

posted on November 15, 2015

Another 2 Vancouver Aquarium Bred Belugas Die

A two-year-old beluga whale, “Stella”, died Friday, November 13th, at SeaWorld San Antonio. She was being treated for signs of gastrointestinal issues, but her cause of death was not confirmed. This baby beluga was fathered by “Imaq” who was captured by the Vancouver Aquarium from the wild in 1990.
This is not the first Beluga whale to die this year at SeaWorld San Antonio. A beluga whale was born premature on June 20, then died on July 12. This “Martha” was also fathered by Imaq.
Between 2006 and 2012 there were six baby belugas deaths during the joint breeding of wild caught belugas from the Vancouver Aquarium at US Sea Worlds.
The total number of cetacean deaths resulting from the Vancouver Aquarium pro captivity, entertainment business stands at 49 cetaceans (19 belugas, 14 Pacific white-sided dolphins, 7 narwhals, and 9 orcas).
These are at least 49 Reasons to Stop the multimillion dollar Vancouver Aquarium Expansion. More Pools, More Captives, and More Deaths!

Suzuki’s Aquatic Circus?

posted on October 24, 2015

Suzuki’s Aquatic Circus?

The David Suzuki Foundation is selling this “greeting Card” as part of a fundraiser. Dressing up wildlife for some human’s laughs and demeaning their beautiful free spirits as dress up dolls is what the despicable aquatic circuses are doing. It is speciesist!
Tell them to stop! communitygiving@davidsuzuki.org


Here is what the David Suzuki Foundation said but more importantly did not say!

Form Letter

“Thank you for sharing your opinions about the artwork on our holiday card with the beluga wearing a Santa hat. This art is simply a whimsical illustration. Funds raised from the sale of these cards go towards many of our programs, including work protecting at risk species, including belugas. ...”

They added about their work with Greenpeace to stop an oil port in “threatened whale’s critical habitat”. However they did not address the captivity of belugas and others.

Lifeforce response:

It appears that your Foundation misses the point or does not want to address it. Wildlife are amazing creatures as themselves. To demean them as cartoon characters, as does the abusive aquarium industry, perpetuates speciesism and captivity. It is not “whimsical” or funny in this day and age. Would the David Suzuki Foundation sell aquarium tickets? To many that card gives the same message!

For decades many organizations have fought to save the St. Lawrence Belugas and many other cetaceans. Lifeforce also helped raised the issues of the low populations of orcas off our coast. That has led to them being designated as endangered. Our numerous Marine Life Programs have added to the protection of cetaceans. You can find the information at www.lifeforcefoundation.org.

We also were the first to have our investigations lead to the first bans in BC on wild and domestic animal acts in circuses. These were the first in the world. The proof is there that these and aquatic circuses result in physical and psychological abuses. I hope that one day your Foundation will stop being amused at what could be at their expense.

The Earth Island Institute sent an excellent email to The David Suzuki Foundation.
It is amazing that your foundation would stoop this low to promote yourself using captive marine mammals such as belugas dressed as Santa for a holiday card.

You are doing a dis-service to wildlife by demeaning whales that are prisoners in circuses with this photo.

Do you really think this is educational?
This shows you have no respect for the marine environment. This type of promotion has no place in 2015.

You should be ashamed.

Mark Berman.
Associate Director
Earth Island Institute
Berkeley, CA

Please write to: The David Suzuki Foundation;

Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director

World Animal Day

posted on September 29, 2015

World Animal Day

World Animal Day is an international day of action for animal rights and welfare celebrated annually on October 4, the Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals. It started in 1931 at a convention of ecologists in Florence, Italy who wished to highlight the plight of endangered species.

It's celebrated in different ways in every country, irrespective of nationality, religion, faith or political ideology.

The Mission

Lifeforce seeks to raise public awareness of the interrelationship of human, nonhuman animals, and ecological rights. The rights of animals must be improved in order to recognize them as sentient beings and full regard is always paid to their welfare. We must extend our circle of compassion to all life with whom we share this planet. This can be achieved through increased awareness and education through a global force.

The Pro Captivity Ontario Bill Must Include A Captive Cetacean Ban

posted on September 12, 2015

The Pro Captivity Ontario Bill Must Include A Captive Cetacean BanThe proposed Ontario Bill would perpetuate animal abuses by the aquarium/zoo industry. It would legalize the exploitation of all dolphin species with the exception of orcas in the future. But not even the captive orca now in Marineland.
As far back as the 80s Lifeforce fought for the first bans on animal performances in circuses and other appalling businesses. We did not “regulate” circuses, a tiger in strip tease act, photo gimmicks with baby chimps, performing parrot shows, and other wildlife, etc.. So why are some people giving blind support to regulating aquatic circuses instead of including a phase out? The suggestions to improve the proposed regulations by other organizations should be implemented only during the phase out of all captives.
The Victorian age mindset of menageries for entertainment must end and NOT BE REGULATED.

The Bill must include prohibiting the breeding and possession of orcas and all other cetaceans in Ontario. Wonderland did it. The physical and psychological necessities of dolphins cannot be provided for in captivity. Importing any species directly or indirectly captured in the wild for any reason must also be prohibited. This would include the “rescued” ones that provide a free source of “actors” for the aquarium industry that often claim they cannot be released.
I have studied the behaviour and travel patterns of orca on the West Coast for over 20 years. I attach a copy of the Orca Field Guide (www.lifeforcefoundation.org) that was one of the results of my research. My work and that of many others also resulted in protection for orcas and others in the wild and captivity.
The aquarium industry always has been part of the problems not the solutions. The Vancouver Aquarium started the orca slave trade in 1964 when they tried to harpoon one to kill as a model for a sculpture. They presently look at captives and rescued animal as “untapped resources” for experiments. And over 22 sea lions captured from the wild have been shared between the aquarium and the UBC Marine Mammal Unit (where the writer for the improved aquarium standards works). Marineland continues to get wild caught belugas from yet unknown populations in Russia.
The Other Victims Too
In general, all marine mammals and other zoo wildlife must be phased out. Former staff at Marineland brought forth appalling stories about the seals, and other victims too.
A panel of marine mammal and animal rights experts must look at the most humane future for the lone orca presently at Marineland.
Other organizations admitted that the numerous deficiencies in the proposed Bill will make the regulations open to interpretation and difficult, if not impossible, to enforce. The present Bill will not change the plight of animals in aquariums and zoos. It will perpetuate the cycle of abuses. The unknowing public will think “standards” will stop the cruelty if animal protection organizations condone it without the condition that the end goal must be the end of cetacean captivity.
At least the Senator, the Green Party, and some others got it right:
Senator wants ban.
Voice Your Opinion! Monday, September 14, 2015 is the deadline for submissions.
For more information see:
1. Government of Ontario consultation notice at
2. The proposed Standards of Care and Administrative Standards at
3. See photos of behind the scenes at Marineland in this Toronto Star post
Marineland. and CKTB post at More Marineland.

Send your comments to ynaqvi.mpp@liberal.ola.org and/or submit
your comments ONLINE go to COMMENTS ONLINE.
Note: To submit online you must scroll down page to "Comment on this
proposal by email" link.

For all live links go to Lifeforce Facebook.

Lifeforce Trailblazers Moving On

posted on August 23, 2015

Lifeforce Trailblazers Moving On

For decades, Lifeforce has provided the most progressive strategies in the ecology and animal rights movement. From our first investigations of vivisection laboratories to stronger protection for endangered orcas others followed in our footsteps. Even our opposition (such as aquariums) capitalized on our innovated programs.

Now we are moving on to new locations that need our expertise. We will be based on Vancouver Island to conduct our Marine Life Programs, prevent wildlife killings, investigate invasive experiments on aquarium captives and “rescues”, and much, much more.

We will continue our work in the US in hope that the Orca Centre in Point Roberts, WA will not be torn down due to the old age of this 70s building. We will try to continue with our educational displays there. Over the years we provided a strong volunteer force that I hope was appreciated by locals. Many didn’t understand the time it takes. There were the endless volunteer hours (protecting orcas from harassment and helping injured wildlife), the project expenses (that often were paid for out of my pocket), and the emotional stresses.

If only Lifeforce had a dollar for every time we were asked, “When are the orcas coming?”. I was up from sunrise to way past sunset to gather that location information.

The fond memories include the lone False killer whale who followed boats for about 10 years. (see Video http://lifeforcefoundation.org/ecotv_play.php?id=3 ) and the newly born orca who passed Point Roberts on the first day of life.

Not so great memories were the threats by whale watch companies who didn’t like being monitored and advised if they were too close to orcas. Some of our photographs lead to warnings and charges against boaters. Also, the constant pollution from the Westshore Coal Terminal was certainly not healthy.

As you may know that moving can be a nightmare but there is no comparison to the hardships of animals being exploited by industries such as aquariums, zoos, circuses, vivisection, trophy hunting, and others. For example, dolphins are routinely shipped between aquariums.

As part of the Lifeforce move I will be writing some books. There are so many untold and forgotten stories that must be told... or else shameful histories could be repeated.

Our mailing address since 1981 remains the same at Lifeforce Foundation, PO Box 3117, Vancouver, BC V6B 3X6. Our phone number will also remain the same at 604-649-5258.

I will prepare an Annual Report of our actions in the coming months.

Peace For All Life,

Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director

Trophy Killing!

posted on July 31, 2015

Trophy Killing!

“Trophy” Killing! Will It End Before More Lives End?
There has been recent intensive media regarding the barbaric baiting and so called “sport” killing of endangered wildlife.

In Africa a lion was lured off a nature preserve and shot with an arrow by an American dentist who paid $50,000. The lion was tracked for 40 hours and eventually put out of his misery with a gunshot. No thanks to the hunters who just wanted their purchase. He was then skinned and decapitated for a “trophy”. LION BEHEADED

In BC, a guide outfitter association awarded a member a “top hunting” award. That hunter had been charged with illegally baiting a grizzly bear. BC GUIDE BAITING BEAR

We must also remember former Vancouver Canuck player, David Booth, and his continued killing of wildlife. For example, baiting bears in Alberta. Lifeforce had challenged him to a “Mantracker” type challenge. He did not respond. DAVID BOOTH

Lifeforce made this video Make Love NOT Wildlife War!

The Governments’ cruel support and licensing must end. Shooting with a camera provides far more revenue and jobs (not that money should justify the killings anyways). Tell your local politician! Will it end before more lives end? We must protect wildlife!

Another Dolphin Dies At Vancouver Aquarium

posted on May 25, 2015

Another Dolphin Dies At Vancouver Aquarium

“Hana” dies after 10 years at Vancouver Aquarium. Age was estimated at 21-25 when Pacific white-sided dolphins can live over 40 years in the wild.

Here is some background by the Environmental Law Centre Clinic (University of Victoria) about the so called “rescue”.

They said:
• By purchasing dolphins from the Enoshima Aquarium, the Vancouver Aquarium is financially supporting the Enoshima Aquarium which, in turn, is a financial supporter of the Futo Dolphin Drive.
• According to PBS, the Enoshima Aquarium supports the notorious Futo Dolphin Drive, and apparently obtained dolphins from that Drive shortly before selling their existing dolphins to the Vancouver Aquarium.

Please send emails listed on the 47 Reasons (listed below) and share. It is time to stop further imprisonment!

Vancouver City Hall
Vancouver Park Board

Are Endangered Orcas And Other Wildlife At Threat From The English Bay Oil Spill?

posted on April 9, 2015

April 9, 2015

News Information

Re: Are Endangered Orcas and Other Wildlife At Threat from the English Bay Oil Spill?

The Vancouver-based ecology organization Lifeforce is monitoring the location of endangered orcas to determine if action would need to be taken to protect them from travelling into an oil spill.

At 1400 today the J16s, with two of the four recent newborns in the Southern Resident Killer Whale Community, were off San Juan Island, WA. Lifeforce and other organizations have not received any reports of orcas in the Vancouver area. We are waiting for any reports.

Transient orcas (marine mammal eaters) have been seen in English Bay over the years. There have been fewer sightings of Resident orcas (fish eaters) in these waters but Lifeforce has documented their travels into the bay.

“Of course there is a diversity of fish, seabirds, marine mammals, and other wildlife who are threatened by this oil spill,” stated Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Founder, “The oil is toxic. The homes and lives of many are endangered.”

For Further Information: Peter Hamilton, lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com

World Day For Animals In Laboratories

posted on April 3, 2015

World Day For Animals In Laboratories

World Day For Animals In Laboratories will be April 20 to April 26, 2015. Learn how to Phase Out Vivisection see Stop Vivisection Canada! > https://www.facebook.com/StopVivisectionCanada?v=wall&ref=ts and email your postcard to your politicians!

No More BC Cancer Cages!

Stop Spinal Cord Experiments On Animals!

Empty Aquarium Research Tanks!

Everyone can email these political leaders:
1. Prime Minister Stephen Harper pm@pm.gc.ca
2. NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair thomas.mulcair@parl.gc.ca
3. Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca
4. Green Party Leader Elizabeth May Elizabeth.May@parl.gc.ca

Here’s an additional Sample Letter:

Will you help stop inhumane, scientifically fallacious experiments on animals?

Why Don’t Animal Models Help Our Health?
Numerous doctors agree that vivisection retards scientific progress because these animal models are unlike naturally occurring human diseases or injuries. The researcher is not looking at the human malady. Furthermore, many methods tested, such as drug therapies, react differently on various species of animals in addition to sex and age differences. Data obtained from animal models cannot be reliably extrapolated to solve human problems.

Documented reviews of medical history in such fields as spinal cord research, heart disease, diabetes and AIDS research substantiate the position that major medical advances are a result of studies that include in-vitro (non-animal) tests and human epidemiological studies (the study of naturally occurring diseases or injury).

Vivisection can be phase out over the next ten years. Please help protect all life.

Read More at Stop Vivisection Canada! https://www.facebook.com/StopVivisectionCanada?v=wall&ref=ts

Shame On Oak Bay's Deer Kill!

posted on March 30, 2015

Shame On Oak Bay

Shame on Oak Bay for killing 11 deer this March. They appeared to be more concern with finding a way to kill innocent wildlife without public detection than resolving any human and wildlife conflicts.
Oak Bay golfers who want to kill the deer should learn from Comox golfers who have no conflicts with the deer there.
You can take action by Boycotting Oak Bay that is near Victoria, BC.


Help Stop the Killing Permit! There should be Peace On Earth for these gifts of nature.Please read the Poster.

You can also email the Mayor and Council in Oak Bay (Part of the Capital Regional District)

Please Support Peace on Earth for these “Gifts of Nature” with whom we are blessed with.
Oak Bay plans to kill 25 deer. This would be the beginning of a never ending slaughter. They are one of 13 municipalities in the Capital Regional District (CRD) on Southern Vancouver Island. We must also protect the Capital Resident Deer too!
There will always be “resident” wildlife because overpopulated humans continue to encroach upon their habitats. We must use nonlethal, humane solutions to live in harmony.
Read more at: Boycott BC Deer Kills.

We updated our Boycott petition. This also includes previous plans by Central Saanich. Please go to Boycott BC Deer Kills to sign and share.

Open Letter To Vancouver Politicians

posted on February 24, 2015

Open Letter To Vancouver PoliticiansOpen Letter

Dear Parks Board Commissioners and Vancouver City Councillors
(pbcomment@city.vancouver.bc.ca; mayorandcouncil@vancouver.ca;):

At Least 46 Reasons to Boycott Captivity!

With the recent death of the beluga “Nanuq” the Vancouver Aquarium pro captivity business has resulted in the deaths of 46 cetaceans since 1964.I witnessed the abusive captures of ‘Nanuq’ and others in 1990. “Nanuq” was sent from Vancouver to Sea World in 1997. Both males and a female were sent to the infamous Sea “Death” Worlds.

There is no education and conservation from these aquatic circuses. For example, in addition to the continuous physical and psychological stressful transport between aquariums, they did not tell the public about the artificial insemination experiments. There are at least 6 more baby deaths fathered by their wild caught beluga “Nanuq” at Sea World. This was between 2006 and 2012. Some of the births were by artificial insemination in which “manual stimulation with a glove hand” was used to get the beluga to ejaculate into an “artificial vagina”. Nanuq had to be “trained” for 2 years. They took 42 semen samples and used 10 of them in 7 females. Sea World bred at least 8 belugas who may have survived so far. Every other baby goes to the breeding facility. Vancouver Aquarium may now “own” 8 belugas.

In captivity the majority die prematurely. Similar claims that belugas live just as long in captivity as they would in the wild are similar to claims regarding the longevity of orcas. That was proven to be false.

“Nanuq” had an infection due to a fractured jaw resulting from fighting with others in their so-called “compatible social group”. Numerous abnormal aggressions have been documented with some attacks being fatal to both the captive cetaceans and trainers. The Vancouver Aquarium had to separate belugas due to severe bite “raking”. Some were kept in the back holding pool out of public view. The male, “Imaq”, was confined there for over 2 years.

The warehousing of belugas out of public view is due, in part, to the Parks Board’s/Aquarium’s 1988 broken promise that the present pool would be built for the existing 3 belugas to give them more space. However, when one died they captured 3 more. Overcrowding led to abnormal social structure (some males separate into bachelor groups in the wild) and abnormal aggression problems.

Please Stop the Vancouver Aquarium expansion to imprison more cetaceans! Boycott Captivity!

Peter Hamilton
Read SADquarium > https://www.facebook.com/VancouverAquariumisSADquarium

At Least 46 Reasons To Boycott Captivity!

posted on February 21, 2015

At Least 46 Reasons To Boycott Captivity!

With the recent death of the beluga “Nanuq” the Vancouver Aquarium pro captivity business has resulted in the deaths of 46 cetaceans since 1964.I witnessed the abusive captures of ‘Nanuq’ and others in 1990. “Nanuq” was sent from Vancouver to Sea World in 1997. Both males and a female were sent to the infamous Sea “Death” Worlds.

There is no education and conservation from these aquatic circuses. For example, they did not tell the public about the artificial insemination experiments. There are at least 6 more baby deaths fathered by their wild caught beluga “Nanuq” at Sea World. This was between 2006 and 2012. Some of the births were by artificial insemination in which “manual stimulation with a glove hand” was used to get the beluga to ejaculate into an “artificial vagina”. Nanuq had to be “trained” for 2 years. They took 42 semen samples and used 10 of them in 7 females. Sea World bred at least 8 belugas who may have survived so far. Every other baby goes to the breeding facility. Vancouver Aquarium may now “own” 8 belugas.

In captivity the majority die prematurely. Similar claims that belugas live just as long in captivity as they would in the wild are similar to claims regarding the longevity of orcas. That was proven to be false.

“Nanuq” had an infection due to a fractured jaw resulting from fighting with others in their so-called “compatible social group”. Numerous abnormal aggressions have been documented with some attacks being fatal to both the captive cetaceans and trainers.

Stop the Vancouver Aquarium expansion to imprison more cetaceans! Boycott Captivity!

Peter Hamilton
Read SADquarium > https://www.facebook.com/VancouverAquariumisSADquarium

Boycott Bc Deer Kill Capital!

posted on February 5, 2015

Boycott Bc Deer Kill Capital!

In spite of numerous proposals for humane, nonlethal deer coexistence, Oak Bay plans to start killing 25 deer.
The Lifeforce Foundation has requested “observation status” to be present at any killing site. The public has a right to see how wildlife is being treated and how tax monies are being spent. We have not received any responses.

Please email:
Premier Christy Clark
Oak Bay Council
Victoria Council
mayor@victoria.ca; malto@victoria.ca; ccoleman@victoria.ca; bisitt@victoria.ca; jloveday@victoria.ca; mlucas@victoria.ca; pmadoff@victoria.ca; cthornton-joe@victoria.ca;

Further information: Boycott BC Deer Kills https://www.facebook.com/pages/Boycott-BC-Deer-Kills/273730359348586?sk=wall

Lifeforce's 3 Es Display

posted on January 7, 2015


The Lifeforce 3 Es Display (How Humans Eat, Entertain, and Experiment) is on our Facebook > https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lifeforce-Foundation/196062246185?ref=ts

Lifeforce 3 Es Display

posted on January 7, 2015

The Lifeforce 3 Es Display can be viewed on our Facebook > https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lifeforce-Foundation/196062246185?ref=ts

Lifeforce 2014 Annual Report

posted on January 2, 2015

Lifeforce 2014 Annual Report

Dear Friends:
The Lifeforce 2014 Annual Report is now available.
Our projects this year have received a lot of attention. From stopping the exploitation of endangered orcas in captivity and in the wild to nonlethal methods to resolve human/deer conflicts to the Lifeforce 3 Es (How Humans Eat, Entertain, and Experiment). We have educated many, many people around the world. Our messages to respect and protect all life have been very far reaching.
Send us an email to receive a PDF copy of the full Lifeforce Annual Report 2014 if you wish to read more about Lifeforce’s important work.
I hope that the Holiday good will be in your lives throughout the year. I hope that you will want to help us with your valued moral and financial support.
Peace For All Life,
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director