posted on December 25, 2012
 New Lifeforce video “A Simple Song of Freedom”
Click here to view.
The Lifeforce Holiday Wish is for all people and animals to have their freedom. Musicians, artists, and others formed a very powerful peace movement against racism and wars in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. In view of ongoing wars and violence affecting all life the song, Simple Song of Freedom, still needs to be heard. A new peace movement for all life is desperately needed.
This time a “peace” movement must include animal rights and oppose speciesism. For example, the old peace movement included those who experimented on animals. From UC Berkeley to UBC the wars on animal victims continued in hidden laboratories. Many experiments were even funded by the war machine and contributed to the military madness.
The achievement of peace is often portrayed as complex by the multi-trillion dollar arms industry, and various gun lobbies. No one wants to be injured or killed or to lose family or a friend. The condoning of violence from the video games to cultural traditions must end.
Should it be a world of weapons or a weapons free world? That may be the simple answer and the simple song to sing.
Please make a donation to Lifeforce’s upcoming War Memorial Project: In Remembrance for All Life.
Get on the email list for the New Release at lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com
Lifeforce’s PayPal is on www.lifeforcefoundation.org
posted on December 16, 2012
 Open Letter
December 16, 2012
To: Vancouver Aquarium Board of Directors, Vancouver Parks Board Commissioners, Vancouver Mayor and Council
Re: Take Teck Out of Stanley Park
In early 2012 Teck donated $12.5 million to the Vancouver Aquarium (and the governments paid too). It was reported as a 6 year expansion plan. The previous 2006 expansion fundraiser failed and did not achieve the goal to open for the 2010 Olympics.
Teck has a toxic legacy in the Trail area and have been criticized for violating environmental laws. According to Wikipedia: they contaminated the Columbia River in 2003 and 2008. Their Red Dog mine in Alaska has been ranked by the US Environmental Agency as one of the most polluting facilities in the US. They also operate in the controversial Alberta oil sands.
On December 14th Teck finally admitted their guilt and was found liable for polluting the Columbia River:
“Teck Resources treated the Columbia River as a free waste disposal system for decades, said a Washington state judge who has ruled the Canadian company is liable for the cost of cleaning up the contamination of the river south of the border.
In a decision announced late Friday, Judge Lonny Suko ruled that, "for decades Teck's leadership knew its slag and effluent flowed from Trail downstream and are now found in Lake Roosevelt, but nonetheless Teck continued discharging wastes into the Columbia River."”
The Vancouver Aquarium Board of Directors must recognize their ecological responsibility. Will you take Teck off any advertisements/displays and return their “donation”? Any ethical business, who claims to promote conservation, would surely not help an polluter promote themselves t using charitable tax write offs. Teck is clearly one of the worst polluters that threaten human health, wildlife and ecosystems. Stanley Park is a natural beauty with a diversity of wildlife. Partners must be eco friendly not environmental polluters.
To Protect All Life,
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director
posted on December 15, 2012
 Lifeforce hasn’t heard from Canuck player, David Booth, about our challenge for him to be the prey in a mock hunt. We had hoped that Mr. Booth would relate to the fear, pain and suffering of wildlife? Hmmm, so only when all the odds are in his favour but against sentient animals? How many more casualties has he targeted during the hockey lockout?
Trophy hunt supporters had claimed that it is all humane and legal even though you can’t bait a bear in BC like Booth did in Alberta. And where is the trophy hunting ethics in killing the rarest, biggest, and fittest of the target species. That can impact the species’ gene pool and threaten their survival.
Lifeforce’s new challenge to David Booth is to take us along with him on his hunting trips so we can document what wildlife endure being hunted down, shot, and slowly bleeding to death. Violence begets violence so in order to promote “Shoot With a Camera NOT a Gun”, Lifeforce would teach Mr. Booth the greater nonviolent challenge to photograph and video wildlife.
For further Information: Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Director, lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com
Please add your comments:
Peter Hamilton Georgia Straight December 17th
Animal rights activist wants to shoot Canucks hunter David Booth—with a camera
Animal Rights Activist wants Canucks hunter to shoot with camera.
Re: Vancouver Canuck Hockey Player Kills Mountain Goat and Other Wildlife
The Vancouver based ecology, animal rights organization, Lifeforce, is challenging David Booth to let us hunt him so he can put himself in the same position as defenceless, hunted wildlife.
He is promoting and joking about trophy hunting so he should stand up and suffer in similar ways that animals are subjected to. We hope that Booth will experience similar fear, panic, and other hardships as do hunted wildlife. Hopefully a “Mantracker” type challenge will get Booth to relate to the plight and pain of innocent wildlife. Hopefully Booth will finally understand their suffering, stop his killing plans, and denounce trophy hunting. Wildlife are not inanimate objects or trophies they sentient living beings.
More information is at http://www.lifeforcefoundation.org/newsitem.php?id=158 |
posted on November 23, 2012
 Lifeforce’s new petition is to stop the inhumane tourism and racing sled dog industry. We are urging outdoor adventure companies to replace dogs with snow mobiles/ATVs. The recent court decision shows that dogs are not and will not be protected. In this day and age we must use modern technology NOT exploited sentient dogs.
click here to sign petition
posted on November 22, 2012
 November 22, 2012
Boycott Whistler Sled Dog Cruelty Industry! Justice NOT served!
Crown lawyer claims it was not about the morality of euthanizing sled dogs but only the “nine” of the slaughtered 56 who they said suffered. In spite of laying out the gory details, Crown recommended no jail time (3 year probation), $5000 fine, 200 hours of volunteer work, lifetime ban on “custody and care of controlled animals”, 10 year ban on possessing firearms, and psychological help. Crown claims Fawcett suffered from public threats after the killings and post traumatic stress from the brutal killing of “100” dogs who he reported 100 dogs to WorkSafeBC.
Judge then ruled for no jail time (3 year probation), $1500 fine, 200 hours of community work service, and no participation in the sled dog industry or making decisions about “euthanizing” animals. He can still own animals. The judge suggested that perhaps the public reaction against Fawcett was too much. So pity for him while no justice for those dogs and dogs who continue to be exploited.
“So much for the Liberals and SPCA claims that there is now better protection for sled dogs (even though the SPCA had complained that any new rules would be hard to enforce without more money for them). In addition, there was proposed legislation to transfer Animal Abuse appeals from the B.C. Supreme Court to the B.C. Farm Industry Review Board. That would make it even easier for animal abusers,” stated Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Director, “Over 2.5 years after the Whistler dog slaughter there is only a slap on the bloodied hands of Bob Fawcett and noone else was charged. This is a major setback for animal rights. “
Was Fawcett the fall guy? Big money is protecting big players? In the Whistler case did Bob Fawcett act alone? There were definitely plans that included others prior to and during the 3 day killing period. For example, a “manager” blocked the killing site with a truck and had radio contact to Fawcett (Fawcett also thought he might shoot himself). There were accomplices who had knowledge of and participated. They include the owners at Outdoor Adventures who ordered it due to a decline of business. There were accessory(s) with direct involvement.
Hamilton added, “The government must start getting tough on animal abusers by banning the sled dog abuse industry! Incredibly, at the brief Task Force meeting Terry Lake denied Lifeforce’s request for a moment of silence for sled dogs. No true respect for abused sled dogs. Lots of pr spin to protect Whistler and BC Tourism NOT the dogs.’
“Terry Lake, Sled Dog Task Force, misled all about the Whistler sled dog slaughter being an “aberration” when it was proven that cruelties are inherent in the sled dog tourism and racing industries, the Liberals helped form a Mushers' Association that protects the industry not the dogs, and the recent guidelines permitted the continuance of 24/7 chaining, inhumane shooting and all the other abuses. Then, probably with some expensive legal advice, Outdoor Adventures “donated” their business and it is now operating as Whistler Sled Dog Company. So it was business as usual for the sled dog abuse industry in BC,” stated Hamilton.
Lifeforce will be planning new campaigns to stop the inhumane tourism and racing sled dog industry. The Lifeforce petition is being sent to the three Whistler Dog Sled Companies, Outdoor Adventures (the company that slaughtered a reported 100 dogs), Whistler Tourism, and Premier Christy Clark. Since March 6th there are presently over 725 signatures.
Stop Whistler Sled Dog Cruelty Industry! Petition
Click to Sign Petition.
Lifeforce has also started the Facebook “Stop Whistler Sled Dog Cruelty Industry!”
Sign Petition Here.
Lifeforce report, The Case Against Sled Dog Industriesť
Read it here.
Former SPCA Investigator Believes Sled Dog Killer Could Have Been Stopped
See photos of past abuses.
posted on November 17, 2012
 Dear Valued Supporters:
This past year has been very, very busy. I would like to share this important work and our victories with you.
I am including in this news a link to the Lifeforce 2012 Annual Report ( Download FILE6LIFEFORCEANNUALNEWSLETTER2012.pdf). This is the summarized 6 page report. A more detailed 17 page Annual Report is available upon request. Just email us and we will send you the PDF link.
You can read about our newer campaigns at www.lifeforcefoundation.org . Current issues include “Free the Spirit Bear” who was put into a BC zoo and stopping trophy hunters. We have challenged Vancouver Canucks hockey player, David Booth, to learn about the pain and suffering of hunted wildlife by being the “prey” in a Lifeforce mock hunt.
We also have these Facebooks:
Lifeforce Foundation
Stop Whistler Sled Dog Cruelty Industry
Boycott BC Deer Kills
Point Roberts Orcas and More
Vancouver Aquarium is SADquarium
Stop Air Canada Monkey Trafficking
Stop Vivisection Canada!
Lifeforce and Rick Hansen 25th Anniversaries
Goat Canuck No! 2011
Oxfam and World Vision Animal Exploitation
Stop the Stanley Park Petting Zoo
I hope that after reading what Lifeforce continues to achieve you will make a donation. Lifeforce accomplishes so much with such a small budget of approximately $5000 annually. Just think about how much more can be done if we had more funds.
I hope this finds you in good spirits and that your life is well,
Peace For All Life,
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director
posted on November 1, 2012
November 18, 2012
News Release
Re: Lifeforce Starts Petition to Free the Spirit Bear
Lifeforce, a Vancouver based non-profit ecology/animal rights organization, has started a petition to free the imprisoned Spirit Bear called “Clover”. This petition targets Minister Steve Thomson who has the decision-making responsibility. In only 3 days there have been nearly 500 signatures. Bear freedom signors range throughout North America and the world. All potential tourists who may well choose to not visit Kamloops.
The petition states that there are possibly as few as 400 of the rare Kermode or spirit bears. They are a subspecies of the black bear (Ursus americanus). It is recognized that when a population numbers less than 1000 they are in threat of extinction. Governments must act now to provide “Species at Risk Status”.
Lifeforce has been advised by bear experts that this bear is in good physical condition for hibernation and release. Organizations include the Valhalla Wilderness Society and Pacific Wild that support a release. The Liberals are only telling half the story - the bear can be safely returned to the wild. They do not see the long term benefits of rehabilitation and release. Wildlife rescue donations must not be spent on capturing bears for zoos. Ecology/Animal Rights organizations are accepting pledges to help pay for the release of this Spirit Bear.
Over the years Lifeforce has seen that the government would rather shoot bears or give them to zoos. Then the bears can be sold to other zoos worldwide. Fortunately there has been an increase in rehab and release but still there is opposition. In addition to Terry Lake possibly getting government monies for his riding; this zoo plan may well be an attempt to fault rehab and release organizations.
Zoo management claimed that the Spirit Bear capture was like” winning the lottery”. Shame on Kamloops zoo fanatics for trying to make a fortune off this endangered bear. And didn’t Environment Minister Terry Lake, whose riding is in Kamloops, previously worked at zoo. Conflict of interest?
The days of wildlife being exploited as unwilling “ambassadors” are hopefully nearing an end. Clover would not be a true ambassador since human ambassadors, unlike wildlife, give their consent. His escape for freedom actually proved no consent.
Zoos are relics of the past. These barbaric menageries were haphazard exotic collections for amusement. Animal were torn from their families and homes. Many populations were devastated. Zoos provided little, if any, true education and failed to conserve wildlife populations. Modern technology, such as video cams, 3D films, eco tours, etc., can show the complex social structures and any conservation threats. An armchair wildlife watcher can experience nature’s moments, such as an eagle raising young and African wildlife at a water hole, all for free.
“The international outrage against imprisoning a Spirit Bear in a Kamloops zoo jail may well kill their tourism treasure hunt,” stated Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Director, “Monies are better spent on true conservation programs that preserve natural ecosystems. Most people want to see Super Natural BC not Super Unnatural BC Zoos. In BC we have the privilege of viewing a vast diversity of BC wildlife in their natural homes. That is truly conservation education. Watching this bear pace back and forth and back and forth only promotes speciesism.”
For further information: lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com
Lifeforce Foundation was formed in 1981 to raise awareness of the interrelationship between people, animals and the environment.
The first petition was started in early November to demand that Terry Lake, Environment Minister, release the bear back into the wild. Approximately 600 people have contributed to the petition that was posted by Kamloops resident Ruth Madsen. Support spans from Abbotsford, B.C. to Dublin, Ireland. (https://www.change.org/petitions/minister-lake-return-the-year-old-spirit-bear-placed-in-the-kamloops-zoo-back-to-the-wild)
Please sign this petition to Free the Spirit Bear who is presently in the Kamloops zoo jail
Free the Spirit Bear
Open Letter
Dear Premier Christy Clark (premier@gov.bc.ca) and Andrian Dix, Leader Opposition (Adrian.Dix.MLA@leg.bc.ca):
Give this bear freedom! We don't need another exploited circus bear pacing back and forth and back and forth and back and forth. We don’t need people profiting off the plight of this bear.
Just look at the horrible Kamloops jail. Zoo wardens said this bear is "priceless". No doubt they are dreaming of making big money with lots of government funding to try to revive this road side zoo. BTW the Environment Minister’s riding is Kamloops. A conflict of interest? Liberals treat wildlife as renewable resources as seen with their pro trophy hunting position. They are sentient creatures not inanimate objects. They should not be the new zoo fad.
A rare white Spirit Bear should be protected as an endangered species NOT exploited in a barbaric menagerie. Within 1 week he escaped and went back to the woods. He obviously doesn’t want to be around humans.
Tracking bears, including this bear, has proven that rehab and release programs are successful. A New Jersey study will be released at a Bear Conference next week in India.
Funds were donated for Rehab and Release not raising cubs for zoos. The Kamloops Zoo refused black bears. If they keep this bear hostage they will get government funds to build a new tourism attraction and to conduct unnecessary experiments.
The government should state the facts. This bear had no human conflicts since July 2012, the bear only had human contact when idiots fed him in October, other bears also came and went from an archaeological site but Clover was singled out for capture, Clover bolted at capturers and was not friendly, and the bear has a den in the wild to go to. Clover would go into hibernation in a week. Give this bear a chance! This Spirit Bear is still a good candidate for release. He will not die he will hibernate now.
He must not end up as a lone bear in captivity for so call education and scientific research. The natural lives of Kermode Bears can be viewed on video or eco tours. Think of the horrid life ahead for a lone bear pacing back and forth and back and forth. Imprisonment will kill this bear’s spirit. Set the Spirit Bear Free!
For further information: lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com
Vancouver Sun > Kermode Bear Should Be Freed
Captivity is exploitation! Zoo wardens said this bear is "priceless". They are dreaming of making big money with lots of government funding to try to revive this road side zoo. And money for unnecessary experiments too. BTW the Environment Minister’s riding is Kamloops. A conflict of interest? Stop treating wildlife as renewable resources. They are sentient creatures not inanimate objects. They should not be the new zoo fad. The zoo staff must immediately stop hand feeding and trying to tame this bear. Or else the bear will die prematurely and alone in the zoo prison.
Lifeforce is proposing a Spirit Bear Study to give the bear a chance at
Open Letter
Dear Premier:
Re: Spirit Bear Study
I would like to propose a study of rehabilitation methods for the spirit
bear presently at the Kamloops zoo.
This bear had no human conflicts from July to October. The feeding of this
bear and others did not stop the bears from coming and leaving the area.
They were not dependant on humans. There were fish nearby and it was
unfortunate circumstances that led to this issue. This was the first time
for Clover and there should not have been only the "shoot or zoo" limited
I have a long history developing research studies with wildlife. I have
written papers enriching the environments of animals in research
laboratories, deprogrammed 2 monkeys for release into Texas sanctuary
(stopped all habituation of these "pet" monkeys"), worked on various hazing
methods for various species, developed attractors and detractors to prevent
human/wildlife conflicts, studied the behaviour and travel patterns of
endangered orcas (under a Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans
permit) , developed methods to keep endangered orcas away from oil spills,
worked on avoiding net entanglement of whales, and so on.
I would hope that we could work together to conduct a study that would leave
options open for Clover's release. This bear should not be faced with a life
time zoo sentence when it was the fault of stupid humans who were trying to
feed the bears. Clover is not guilty of any human harassment. He is innocent
and should be given a chance at freedom.
For Freedom,
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director
posted on October 28, 2012
 Lifeforce Foundation
Stop Whistler Sled Dog Cruelty Industry
Boycott BC Deer Kills
Point Roberts Orcas and More
Vancouver Aquarium is SADquarium
Stop Air Canada Monkey Trafficking
Stop Vivisection Canada!
Lifeforce and Rick Hansen 25th Anniversaries https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.108490699234596.17861.108489812568018#!/pages/Rick-Hansen-and-Lifeforce-25th-Anniversaries/108489812568018
Goat Canuck No! 2011
Oxfam and World Vision Animal Exploitation
Stop the Stanley Park Petting Zoo
posted on October 17, 2012
 An animal rights group is challenging Vancouver Canucks forward David Booth to see what it feels like to be hunted in the wilderness.
Peter Hamilton, director of the B.C.-based advocacy group Lifeforce, took umbrage with a picture Booth tweeted last week of the left winger posing next to a freshly-killed mountain goat.
He responded with a dare.
“We’re challenging David Booth to put himself in the position of a hunted wildlife,” Hamilton told CTV News. “He would be subjected to the same plight that wildlife are, in hopes that he will reflect upon the suffering and pain of innocent animals.”
A draft version of the “Booth Hunt” plan indicates the Canuck would be sent into the wild unarmed, alone and without rations.
A team of hunters with dogs and high-tech equipment would then attempt to track and capture him within an agreed-upon time limit. Naturally, Booth would not be harmed by his chasers.
“He would rely on any of his woodsman skills, as do the wildlife who are forced to rely on their abilities while being ruthlessly pursued,” the draft plan reads.
Hamilton described trophy hunting as “barbaric,” and said it’s a practice that must be stopped.
“A trophy is an inanimate object. These are sentient beings,” he said. “One has to question anyone’s motive in getting any kind of pleasure out of killing an animal in this manner.”
The director acknowledged that issuing such a challenge to a professional athlete may be a long shot, but said he’s hopeful that Booth will defend his highly-publicized hobby.
“Hopefully he will discuss it with us. He seems to be a big promoter of killing wildlife, so hopefully he will stand up and try to defend it.”
CTV NEWS, October 16, 2012
David Booth Hunt: Mantracker-Type Challenge Proposed For Canucks Forward
Download david-booth-hunt-mantracker-challenge_n_1974773[1].html
Huffington Post, October 17, 2012 |
posted on August 7, 2012
 Once again the Aquarium spin doctors mislead the public. The longevity of
the majority of belugas is longer in the wild as compared to those in
captivity. They tried to fool people about orcas too. This is their 39th
dolphin death since 1964. Read
38 Reasons to Boycott the Vancouver Aquarium.
It is proven that captivity causes physical and psychological suffering. It
is a crime against nature to have taken pregnant "Kavna" from her family in
he wild.
Watch Lifeforce's Belugas Far From Home.
Belugas were first kept in a shark tank then a BC Tel pool was added. The present pool was permitted when the Parks Board and the Aquarium promised that no more than 3 belugas will be in the pool built to give the 3 more space. However, when one died they captured 3 more. There were aggression problems and belugas were kept out of public view in a 50 x 50 barren pool. Two males have been shipped to SeaWorld.
Stop the Dolphin Slave Trade! |
posted on June 30, 2012
 Get Off Their Tails! Report boats that are getting to close in violation of laws.
If you plan to take a whale watch tour please read the following.
In Canada and the US all vessels (including kayaks) must not block the pathways of orcas. In Canada, it is the law that they must also stay 100 yards away and in the US it must be 200 yards (400 yards from approaching orcas).
In addition to pollution, and food depletion, boat harassment is a major threat facing endangered orcas. It is extremely psychologically stressful and can physically injure them. Boat traffic can interrupt their communication, feeding, socializing and more.
An option is land based whale watching at Point Roberts, WA; San Juan Islands, WA; Saturna Island and Victoria areas in Canada and other places.
If you take a Whale Watch boat trip please take video and photos of the violations by any company/pleasure boaters to help enforcement agencies. If operators are truly following the rules they should be supportive. Funding for government enforcement is not adequate. The more eyes on the water the more protection there will be for orcas and other wildlife.
In Canada Report Violations to Department of Fisheries and Oceans 1-800-465-4336
In US Report Violations to National Marine Fisheries Service 1-800-853-1964
Violations can be also be reported on the http://www.bewhalewise.org/ web page.
Further information: www.lifeforcefoundation.org
posted on June 8, 2012
 June 8, 2012
News Release
Springer was a very lucky orca with Sea World, the Vancouver Aquarium and questionable orca protection folks being involved.
Any Sea World attempts to "rescue" Springer by claiming that he must be put in captivity was stopped because they are banned in Washington from participating in any action to remove orca from Puget Sound as per the 1976 legal settlement after their horrible captures.
So then the scene moved to Canada and an attempt was made by the Vancouver Aquarium to keep Springer in a sea pen at their research station near Vancouver - far from his family. They phoned Lifeforce to try to get support but Peter Hamilton, Director, told them that he thought they would find some reason to imprisoned Springer for life and this orca must be returned to his northern territory. (Note: Later there was another lone orca, “Luna”, who should have been returned to her family L pod. There was also a secret plan to send him to Marineland, Ontario.)
Two US orca protection groups wanted Springer left in Puget Sound. One wanted human interaction with structured play (that had later contributed to the death of “Luna”) while another said let Springer die there instead of an attempt to rescue.
Thankfully the US based, Orca Conservancy, and other true orca protection organizations moved quickly and got the location where Springer's family travels and within days Springer was reunited. This was in spite of attempts made to exclude these activists. The rest is history in spite of any aquariums' and misguided NGOs claims to be the heroes.
Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce, adds, “We must remember that the Vancouver Aquarium started the captivity of orcinus orca. They hired people to harpoon and kill an orca to use as a model for a sculpture in their hallway. The orca didn't die so was painfully towed from Saturna Island to Vancouver Harbour by the rope attached to the harpoon. They tried to feed him horsemeat, live and dead chickens, and other animals. After an 86 day ordeal he died. Then plans were made to try to capture and display orcas. This led to the capture of 68 orcas with at least 13 others drowning during the violent captures. The future of these now endangered orcas is threatened in part due to these captures that wiped out a whole generation. They lost a generation of young orcas. They now have a low birth rate and an abnormal age and sex ratio.
Further, there have been 38 deaths of dolphins since 1964. This includes at least 9 orcas, 7 narwhals, 9 Belugas, and 13 Pacific white-sided dolphins. The Vancouver Aquarium continues to promote the capture and imprisoned of dolphins. They have belugas who they captured in Canada and Pacific white-sided dolphins from the notorious whaling country Japan. They have even promoted Sea World “Dine with Shamu” (orcas).”
“There would be no celebration without Springer. A year after her mother had died, Springer was alone and emaciated off Seattle waters many miles from home,” stated Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Founder, “She had the will to survive against all odds that included a possible life in captivity. Now, after all the aquarium naysayers were proven to be wrong, there is Springer who is the true hero. Springer symbolizes why the imprisonment of whales and dolphins must end!”
For further information: Peter Hamilton, lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com
More about Vancouver Aquarium: Vancouver Aquarium is SADquarium.
Help stop the new Vancouver Aquarium expansion. Email the Vancouver Parks Board (pbcomment@vancouver.ca), the Vancouver Mayor and Council (mayorandcouncil@vancouver.ca) and your Federal and Provincial Politicians.
More Pools Means More Captives with Your Tax Money!
posted on May 30, 2012
 May 30, 2012
News Release
Judge Ken Welsch has made his decision in the SeaWorld vs OSHA case. SeaWorld tried to overturn the fines against them following the horrific death of trainer Dawn Brancheau in Florida. The death was caused by the male orca “Tilikum” in 2010 who was also involved with the 1991 death of another trainer at the now defunct Sealand of the Pacific, Victoria, BC. The judge upheld that SeaWorld was responsible in death of trainer.
SeaWorld’s contention that it was unaware working with killer whales presents a recognized hazard was refuted by former trainers and information provided by Lifeforce . Lifeforce’s Peter Hamilton provided documentation proving that SeaWorld was fully aware that “Tilikum” and two female orcas were a danger and did kill the Sealand trainer. The documentation included Lifeforce recommendations presented to a Coroners’ Inquest and numerous Lifeforce letters to SeaWorld owners and management. When the orcas were to be sold to SeaWorld Lifeforce urged them to not use them in shows with employees. Lifeforce’s Peter Hamilton predicted that “Tilikum” could kill again.
“This decision is a moral victory for those opposed to keeping whales and dolphin in captivity. Imprisonment in tanks causes physically and psychological abuses. As with other orcas and dolphins imprisoned in aquarium tanks there is an extreme history of physical and psychological abuse. In this case, during evenings Tillikum and two females were lock up in a steel pen called the "holding module". It measured only approximately 25' x 30' . And it was only 12' deep. This led to abnormal, aggressive behaviors”, stated Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Founder, “SeaWorld should have never put employees in the pools with “Tilikum” who had killed the Sealand trainer and another man who had entered his pool.”
See the video, “Tillikum: A Time For Change”
Tillikum: A Time For Change.
Further information at: Peter Hamilton lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com
Lifeforce had contacted the Florida Orange County Sheriff's office to question why they did not include our proof that Sea World and Sealand owners and management were aware of the threat of death of their employees/visitors by orca. My letters were sent to all those responsible following the death of the trainer at Sealand, Victoria, BC in 1991. Peter Hamilton had predicted that other deaths would follow. Lifeforce evidence appears to have been withheld in their investigation.
The PETA General Counsel Jeffrey Kerr had sent a detailed 12-page letter to State Attorney Lawson Lamar urging him to consider manslaughter charges against SeaWorld and its senior executives in connection with the battery and drowning of orca trainer Dawn Brancheau by a killer whale named Tilikum in February, 2010. In the letter, PETA's top lawyer makes the case that SeaWorld was "culpably negligent" by continuing to encourage and allow trainers to interact closely with killer whales despite a long list of previous attacks that span more than two decades and a government warning dating back to 2007.
Railings were recommended 20 years ago at Sealand. There are several criminal actions that could be pursued.
posted on May 14, 2012

The Rick Hansen 25th Anniversary Relay has ended. Rick Hansen and Peter Hamilton have both spent 25 years on journeys to help people. But Hamilton also includes non-human animals in his dream. Hamilton joined the Hansen relay throughout BC on the internet highway. In order to raise public awareness of animal experiments he sent out hundreds of emails to cities and participants.
“All the facts aren’t getting out there because different views are up against a powerful research industry with their spin doctors. We have seen numerous unfounded, misleading media statements about breakthroughs that were actually the inevitable medical progress that occurs over decades,” stated Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Founder.
Improving quality of life for SCI patients, wheelchair accessibility and education by Mr. Hansen and numerous other organizations is commendable. Prior to the Man in Motion Tour many were starting to get help. This included Rick who was using crutches after his injury. But people were not told about everything that Rick Hansen is supporting. People should have the right to know what he has supported and to see those horrible animal experiments!
In 1987, Lifeforce provided Mr. Hansen with scientific proof that intentionally paralysing rats, cats, dogs and monkeys will not help injured people. The use of “animal models” is not only inhumane but also is scientifically fallacious. However, Mr. Hansen supported this vivisection. No cures but vivisectors still want to continue. One of the “themes” in the Blusson Spinal Cord Centre/ICORD building at VGH is to create new ‘animal models” of spinal cord injuries. More lives and scarce health care funds will be wasted.
“My dream is that people will agree that animals should no longer needlessly suffer in vain for a SCI cure. No cure in the past 25 years. The progress to improve the quality of human lives and recovery has resulted from human clinical studies, non-animal methodologies and some by chance. It is inevitable that progress has been made in the past 25 years. Medical progress and modern technologies, such as robotics legs to walk, will continue to move forward,” added Hamilton.
“Many of us face severe obstacles along life’s journey. In 1968, I was hit by a drunk driver while in a car at the foot of Burnaby Mountain. My parents were told that I would not survive but on the third day the doctors thought that maybe I did have a chance. Impairments can also include being chronically depressed by the memories of the horrible animal mutilations that I have personally witnessed. I spent years of my life travelling across Canada and the US to document vivisection laboratories. We must stop the suffering of these animals.” stated Hamilton.
Over the past 25 years, Mr. Hansen has never responded to Lifeforce. Once again Lifeforce has asked him, “Will the Rick Hansen Institute join others and become a charity that does not support further failed experiments on sentient animals?”
Hamilton added, ”The Rick Hansen Institute could take the lead by asking their animal research friends and other organizations to take the lead to develop humane, scientifically valid research methodologies instead of trying to developed more “animal models”. When my 80s investigations of burn experiments on animals at VGH were brought to the attention of the BC Professional Firefighters Association they stated that their donations must not be spent on animal experiments. Hansen could also take a moral stand.”
“Rick Hansen even said that he would never trade his life now for the use of his legs. Yes, it is all about realizing abilities not disabilities in life. To count those blessings – whether rich or poor, in good or poor health - is the awareness that has naturally evolved over the past 25 years and will prevail over the next 25 years. Promises of complete cures that are uncertain are rather cruel. It must only be part of the goals.
I hope that everyone will ask Rick Hansen if they will become a charity that does not support further failed experiments on sentient animals – to respect all life! That will help also stop the waste of research monies and find those blessings.” stated Hamilton.
For further information:
Contact Peter Hamilton at lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com
Background Information:
Attached photo is of a Vancouver Province article “Salvos Fired At Research”, 1987
Please read the Facebook “Rick Hansen and Lifeforce 25th Anniversaries”. Read the history and why many doctors oppose vivisection.
What Doctors Say!
Over 900 people have signed a petition to ask the Rick Hansen Foundation to become a charity that does not support further failed experiments on sentient animals.
See The Petition
There are many organizations, such as the Physicians’ Committee for Responsible Medicine, that provide lists of humane, ethical research to donate to. Their Humane Seal of Approval is at
Humane Seal of Approval
Futile animal experiments:
Many modern methodologies have been developed over the years and “animal models” can be replaced by systems that can replicate and observe the human biological and anatomical functions. However, over the decades of failed animal experiments a billion dollar industry was created That includes the a variety of products from cages, feed, test equipment (such as restraint devices and shock boxes), animal pharmaceuticals, and so on. The companies and vivisectors controlled the direction of medical research.
The number of animals has increased at UBC/VGH. Hopefully fewer future researchers will defend it, companies will find other products and new companies will be created.
The Ironman” type robotic leg was developed by Israeli Dr. Amil Goffer in his garage following his accident.
During experiments at Blusson Spinal Cord Centre/ICORD intentionally spinal cord injured rats and mice were “fasted”. Some improvements were found in fasted rats but not in fasted mice. In addition to the differences between these species, the researchers also questioned if “fasting” is practical since patients would probably not agree to not eating. Yes good nutrition is needed for recovery!
Another researcher review animal experiments conducted in 2009 and found that all the studies of inflicted lower back injury had no clinical relevance.
A Spinal Cord Registry continues the importance of human clinical studies but continuing the proven failed “animal models” is not only cruel but jeopardizes any hope for cures. The two experimenters, Marcel Dvorak and Brian Kwon, introduced by Hansen also participate in studies using rats and pigs. These “models” have been used for over 50 years.
These researchers do admit, “Spinal cord contusion and transection models are widely used .... Clinically, however, other biomechanical injury mechanisms ... frequently occur, but these injuries are difficult to produce in animals.” And while trying to develop a newer pig model they agree that, “... the successful translation of effective treatments from laboratory models to human patients is lacking. This may be partially attributed to differences in anatomy, physiology, and scale between humans and rodent models. “
Further to the current experiments on pigs, video of pigs in spinal cord experiments was taken by Peter Hamilton in the 80s. The footage was later used in David Suzuki's A Planet for the Taking. Dr. Suzuki described the experiments as mutilations and shocking.
See Broken Promise Video
Broken Promises Video
See Broken Promises Brochure
Download BrokenPromises2012.pdf |
posted on May 3, 2012
 Dear Commissioners:
Very sad to hear that this aquatic circus continues plans to expand under the guise of "conservation". Legitimate research is conducted without the aquarium zoos. For example, the Vancouver Aquarium started the orca slave trade and that contributed to local populations becoming endangered. At least 38 dolphins and hundreds of other species have died there. Read more at: Vancouver Aquarium is SADquarium https://www.facebook.com/pages/Vancouver-Aquarium-is-SADquarium/125908617473141
Stanley Park has a diversity of wildlife living freely. It is truly an ecology classroom. Aquarium expansion plans even include imprisoning beaver that can be seen in the park at Beaver Lake and on a upcoming video cam. It also includes river otters who could be “nuisances” captured from the wild. Aquarium zoos cause psychological abuse of their prisoners.
Recently a mining company donated $12.5 million and the governments had put some money in too. It was reported as a 6 year expansion plan. The previous 2006 expansion failed to achieve their goal to open for the 2010 Olympics.
Teck certainly has a toxic legacy in the Trail area and have been criticized for violating environmental laws. According to Wikipedia: they contaminated the Columbia River in 2003 and 2008. Their Red Dog mine in Alaska has been ranked by the US Environmental Agency as one of the most polluting facilities in the US. They also operate in the controversial Alberta oil sands.
The recent photo in the Vancouver Sun of the circus act of beluga spitting water at people speaks volumes. Good bed fellows with one polluting habitats and the other capturing the inhabitants. A great tax write off and public relations ploy.
Vancouver said no more zoo in Stanley Park where a diversity of wildlife can be seen freely! Now the new 6 year expansion, with tax payer funds of a possible $100 million, will be a circus zoo. Plans include not only beaver, river otters and others but African penguins that the public had previously opposed the cruelty of captivity. IT IS TIME FOR ANOTHER PUBLIC ZOO VOTE TO STOP THE ABUSE AND EXPLOITATION. The 2006 expansion plan must be updated, reviewed and voted on.
Please advise what action you will take to protect animals and to provide true education of animals’ natural lives (not the neurotic, stereotypical behaviors of imprisoned animals).
For Freedom,
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director
www.lifeforcefoundation.org |
posted on April 20, 2012
 I am pleased to report that there will be no live animal acts in the upcoming Aida opera in accordance with City of Vancouver Bylaw #5156. Within a couple of days of hearing of the plans to use two falcons Lifeforce convinced them to drop the act. Lifeforce continues to make sure laws are being enforced.
I further asked the opera company to support no more live animal acts in order to stop the exploitation of animals and to protect public safety. Raptors are inhumanely confined and forced to perform on cue for food. Wildlife is inherently wild and unpredictable. During raptor shows they have flown off, and have injured audience members. At the Greater Vancouver Zoo a hawk disobeyed commands and attacked a 4 year old boy. And one of their eagles flew away and was killed by lions.
This is no longer publicly acceptable now that the public is aware of the cruelty behind the scenes. Modern technology brings many humane alternatives. For example, it would be breath taking to see wildlife living freely on large screens in theatrical performances.
I also have asked City Council to take action to communicate the restrictions on animal performances when businesses request licenses and/or permits. The business licensing department advised me that they do not refer to the prohibitions on some animal acts. Doug Tuck, Marketing for Aida, said that they were not aware of the bylaw banning such acts.
Since the 80s Lifeforce has been instrumental in achieving bans on animal acts. Prior to this I used the BC Liqour Control Board Act to stop a stripper with a tiger and later a planned Whistler bar act whose tiger later killed a person. Based on my investigations the first circus bans in the world happened in Saanich and Victoria, BC. The laws included both wild and domestic animals. All animals suffer in the entertainment industry. Later in Vancouver, a different humane society compromised for only wild animal prohibitions. That continues to take the bite out of these types of animal protection bylaws. Fortunately Bolivia recently banned all animal acts in circus. Hopefully organizations will learn from this victory and finally get back to defending the rights of all.
Here’s some media coverage:
Vancouver Opera Pulls Animal Act.
UPDATE May 2012
The falcon trainer, who was to be hired for the Aida opera, wanted to educate Lifeforce about what she claimed was our misunderstanding of falconry. Let’s make it clear.
The Lifeforce work is to protect people, animals and the environment. Animal Rights is against the exploitation of animals in the movie industry and entertainment businesses. In regards to “falconry” it violates animal rights to use animals for “sport”/game hunting. This not only include the birds of prey but dogs and horses too. It is a barbaric past that should be left in the history books NOT continued in a future more enlighten world. There is no bond “training” falcons to do what humans force them to do for food “rewards”. And, certainly NOT preserving history by getting them to go to para gliders for food! More circus tricks. They are enslaved by humans for financial and personal gains.Raptor shows have developed quite a business. They include the Vancouver Aquarium and the Greater Vancouver Zoo. Let the animals be free from human tyranny.
posted on March 8, 2012
In the early morning of March 7th, the Pacific white-sided dolphin named Spinnaker died. This is the 38th death of a dolphin relating to the Vancouver Aquarium pro-captivity policy and money making business.
Public opinion is against captivity, but the Vancouver Aquarium insists on perpetuating the international marine mammal slave trade. They even deal with pro-whaling countries such as Japan. The Vancouver Aquarium continues to promote the imprisonment of intelligent, sentient creatures such as orcas by promoting Sea World. They themselves keep belugas and other dolphin species. Wildlife suffers physically and psychologically because their social and behaviour needs cannot be provided for in captivity. They can develop painful ulcers from the stress and die prematurely. They can be subjected to experiments. Some have been sold or traded to zoos and aquariums worldwide.
For over 50 years, the Vancouver Aquarium didn't have any successful breeding program. Three orca babies, four beluga babies and two Pacific white-sided dolphin babies have died. As of March 2012 at least 9 orcas, 7 narwhals, 9 Belugas, and 13 Pacific white-sided dolphins have died.
Support ecology and animal rights organizations that have educated the public about the cruelty of captivity and the natural lives of wildlife living freely in Stanley Park. We must spend scarce time and funds on protecting natural environments - sanctuaries for all life.
Please email the Vancouver Parks Board (pbcomment@vancouver.ca), the Vancouver Mayor and Council (mayorandcouncil@vancouver.ca) and your Federal and Provincial Politicians.
More Parkland Means More Captives with Your Tax Money! Tell them to stop the Vancouver Aquarium expansion!
Download 38REASONSMARCH2012.pdf |