posted on December 28, 2016
 Peace For All
For All New Year!
The Tide is Turning?
In December 2016 the Vancouver Parks Board elected a Green Party Commissioner as Chair in 2017. He was elected by an NPA Commissioner going independent.
The Board has 7 Commissioners in total. There are now 2 Green Party Commissioners and 1 Vision Commissioner who are hopefully all on the cetaceans' side. The new Independent member could be the tie breaker against captivity. The remaining 3 NPA Commissioners are with the party that water down the Cetacean Bylaw over the years. They stopped the intended purpose to phase out all cetaceans.
So hope is on the horizon for change in 2017!
Thank you for your continued support. Since 1981 Lifeforce’s List of Accomplishments has been growing. Your donations are very important for Lifeforce to continue to help all those who need our help.
See http://lifeforcefoundation.org/support.php
Unbelievable 2016 Quotes about Cetacean Deaths at the Vancouver Aquarium.
Hopefully the stupidity will end as the captivity ends.
CBC Question > How do you respond to critics who say this is more evidence that whales do not belong at the aquarium?
John Nightingale, President Vancouver Aquarium: To the degree I can I urge people not to think about belugas as if they were people, which I hear a lot. Like, "I couldn't imagine living in a pool like that." Well, the beluga couldn't imagine living in your living room either.
They are fit and adapted to live the life they lead and different things matter to them than what matters to us. (Nov 18/16)
He ignores the science and lacks empathy by disregarding the facts that they can’t have natural social and behaviours being imprison in a tiny pool while he lives in a spacious home and freely travels worldwide. There have been at least 52 cetaceans who have died in the past 52 years as a result of the Vancouver Aquarium captivity business.
John Nightingale also said:
“They are much better suited to live in an aquarium than killer whales,” Nightingale says. “The killer whale is athletic. If it were a car it would be a Ferrari. Belugas aren’t athletic, they are the VW bus of the whale world. Metaphorically.” (Nov 25/16)
Not so “scientifically” valid metaphor. A reminder of being back in the Dark Ages comparing sentient, intelligent life as mere machines. All captives suffer physically and psychologically and should not ever be kept in aquariums. Belugas migrate over great distances as do other cetaceans. In captivity they exhibit stressful neurotic, stereotypical behaviours.
posted on December 26, 2016
 Peace For All Life |
posted on November 29, 2016
According to the Vancouver CKNW radio (November 29/16):
Following the recent deaths of two beluga whales at the Vancouver Aquarium, staff publicly speculated the whales may have been deliberately poisoned, but as of this morning police say the aquarium has not requested a formal investigation....
Staff at the aquarium have told reporters as recently as yesterday that the whales could have died from “possibly introduced toxins.”
“Nothing’s off the table,” is another quote given more than once to media outlets.
But the Vancouver Police Department says it is “not aware of any evidence to suggest that the unfortunate deaths of the Beluga whales at the Vancouver Aquarium were as a result of a criminal act.”
Vancouver Aquarium misleading claims keeps the conspiracy theories going. It plays on public sympathy to support their captivity businesses and to attempt to discredit the humane movement.
“This is so callous and cruel to those who are deeply saddened by these ongoing deaths”, stated Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Founder, “ This was also insensitive to caring people and children to say that anyone would intentionally harm the belugas with poison. The public could lose hope in the dolphin freedom movement – the major force to end the abusive captivity industry.”
Amend the Cetacean Bylaw to Phase Out Cetaceans
Why wait until 2018 when the Aquarium plans include more pools and more belugas in 2017? Then a referendum would be too late with new prisons perpetuating cetacean captivity. Lifeforce is urging the City to implement a Cetacean Bylaw that will phase out cetacean captivity now!
A New Expansion Permit and Public Comment Period
It was a 2006 Vancouver Aquarium expansion plan that was approved for completion in 2010. This plan was not implemented due to lack of funding. That eight part expansion was the largest in history nearly doubling the size. The 10 year old expansion permit should be cancelled and the Vancouver Aquarium should apply for an updated permit that would allow for a public comment period. Since 2006, new species have been acquired, new species may be imported, and there are new business plans such as aquaculture for the sushi market and operating an aquarium in Spain.
Please Read the Lifeforce End Cetacean Captivity At Vancouver Aquarium Petition: https://www.change.org/p/pbcomment-vancouver-ca-end-cetacean-captivity-at-vancouver-aquarium
Stop the suffering now! Stop the exploitation for entertainment and experiment bucks!
posted on November 28, 2016

To: Vancouver Parks Board and Vancouver City Council
Re: Time to Amend the Cetacean Bylaw to Truly Phase Out Cetaceans
On November 25th the Vancouver Aquarium said that the last beluga was recovering. However, “Aurora”, the mother of “Qila” who died on November 16th, died later that Friday. She is the 21st beluga who has died as a result of the Vancouver Aquarium cetacean slave trade.
Lifeforce is deeply saddened at the lifelong captivity and deaths of “Aurora” and “Qila” and many others. We also deeply regret that the capture of “Aurora” and others were permitted and hopefully it will now be banned.
Broken Beluga Promises
“Aurora” was one of three captured and taken to the Vancouver Aquarium. Another beluga was severely cut by the capture ropes then was quietly released.
In 1988, the Vancouver Aquarium and the Vancouver Park Board stated “Will the Aquarium be collecting new whales for the new facility? No. The new facility is designed for the existing three belugas; 2 females and a male.” However, when one died the Aquarium captured three more belugas in 1990. The pool was then overcrowded, aggression occurred, and some belugas were kept in a tiny research pool out of public view.
Lifeforce’s court action failed and we went to Churchill, MB to bear witness and hopefully stop the captures. Our boats were rammed and raked with an outboard engine. One beluga hunter was charged when our volunteer was injured. Even after the belugas were captured our boats were riddled with bullets where our volunteer was sleeping. See the violence against belugas and human life.http://lifeforcefoundation.org/ecotv_play.php?id=10
At least our public awareness led to an unofficial ban on any further captures and exports by other countries. No countries have caught belugas since 1990.
More Pools Means More Suffering!
An NPA Park Board Commissioner and a former Vancouver Aquarium VP of Marketing and Communications has proposed a referendum on captivity. For years the “Non Partisan Association” has always opposed any referendum as proposed by other parties.
Lifeforce was instrumental in getting a 1996 Cetacean Bylaw that was supposed to have phased out captivity. Under the Vancouver Charter the Park Board has the jurisdiction to implement bylaws restricting any animals in city parks. The Commissioners should amend the 1996 Cetacean Bylaw to reinstate the intended purpose to phase out all cetacean captivity. The NPA watered down the bylaw over the years and that has perpetuated the suffering and deaths of many dolphins.
Amend the Cetacean Bylaw to Phase Out Cetaceans
Why wait until 2018 when the Aquarium plans include more pools and more belugas in 2017? Then a referendum would be too late with new prisons perpetuating cetacean captivity. A costly earlier referendum would revert back to the bylaw or amendments anyways. If the NPA wants a referendum on the aquarium’s future later on then compromise by implementing a Cetacean Bylaw that will phase out cetacean captivity now! Stop the Suffering now!
Any referendum should:
1. Ask if Vancouverites support the Cetacean Bylaw that would be amended to phase out the captivity of cetaceans.
2. Include a moratorium on all expansion plans, such as more beluga pools and belugas, pending the results.
A New Expansion Permit and Public Comment Period
It was a 2006 expansion plan that was approved for completion in 2010. This plan was not implemented due to lack of funding. That eight part expansion was the largest in history nearly doubling the size. It included river otters (that Vancouverites voted against during a 90s referendum to close the Stanley Park Zoo), beaver (who are found living freely in Stanley Park), and suggested having Arctic Foxes and other new species of wildlife.
The 10 year old expansion permit should be cancelled and the Vancouver Aquarium should apply for an updated permit that would allow for a public comment period. Since 2006, new species have been acquired, new species may be imported, and there are new business plans such as aquaculture for the sushi market and operating an aquarium in Spain. Further, the last Arctic Canada expansion included narwhals. Is this still part of their secret plans?
Read More at the Petition
End Cetacean Captivity. |
posted on November 26, 2016
 November 26, 2016
On November 25th the Vancouver Aquarium said that the last beluga was recovering. However, “Aurora”, the mother of “Qila” who died on November 16th, died late Friday. She is the 21st beluga who has died as a result of the Vancouver Aquarium cetacean slave trade. The causes of these deaths are unknown.
Lifeforce is deeply saddened at the lifelong captivity and deaths of “Aurora” and “Qila”. We also deeply regret that the capture of “Aurora” and others were permitted. Hopefully it will now be banned.
Broken Beluga Promises
“Aurora” was one of three captured in and taken to the Vancouver Aquarium. In 1988, the Vancouver Aquarium and the Vancouver Park Board stated “Will the Aquarium be collecting new whales for the new facility? No. The new facility is designed for the existing three belugas; 2 females and a male.” However, when one died the Aquarium captured three more belugas in 1990. The pool was then overcrowded, aggression occurred, and some belugas were kept in a tiny research pool out of public view.
In 1990, Lifeforce’s court action failed and we went to Churchill, MB to bear witness and hopefully stop the captures. At least our actions led to a ban on any further captures and exports by other countries.
For further information: lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com |
posted on November 17, 2016
 “Qila” is the 51st cetacean who has died as a result of the Vancouver Aquarium cetacean slave trade in nearly as many years. At least 9 orcas, 7 narwhals, 20 belugas, 1 Harbour porpoise, and 14 Pacific white-sided dolphins have died! No orca babies survived and belugas also died at a very young age. Qila had a failed pregnancy in 2001 and her 3 year old died in 2011. Her mom , "Aurora", lost another 3 year old in 2005. Aurora was one of four captured in 1990 in Manitoba. (The other three were sent to Sea Worlds for breeding. In 2015 Nanuq, father of Qila, died from a fractured jaw during a fight with other belugas.)
History proves that experiments on captives are not necessary. There is a lucrative research industry mainly funded by public taxes under the guise of conservation. For example, beluga diets and mother/calf communication have been studied for decades in field studies. Any claims that experiments on captives are part of the greater “puzzle” does not clarify that it is often done to verify studies already conducted in the wild. Further, it still must be validated or not by comparing it to the true eco puzzle in the wild. It is already known that major threats include the decimation of fish populations, pollution, and disturbances from boats and military tests.
Researchers have even experimented with rats to find comparisons to captive sea lion experiments. (Note: For example, 22 sea lions were taken from their moms in the wild when 2 weeks old and 6 fur seals were captured for laboratory studies. The laboratory experiments include locking them in metabolic chambers and restraint devices. They are also used for circus tricks at the Vancouver Aquarium.)
The aquarium industry makes the unscientific claims that belugas and others are happy in cement prisons. However, the captives exhibit abnormal stereotypical, neurotic behaviours. The psychological and physical necessities of cetaceans cannot be provided for in these prisons. It is time to end the suffering!
Urge the City and Parks Board to Stop the Imprisonment Now!
Support true non profit organizations that have educated the public about the cruelty of captivity and the natural lives of wildlife living freely. We must spend scarce time and funds on protecting natural ecosystems - sanctuaries for all life.
Email : Vancouver Parks Board (pbcomment@vancouver.ca), the Vancouver Mayor and Council
(mayorandcouncil@vancouver.ca) and your Federal and Provincial Politicians.
More Parkland Means More Captives With Your Tax Money!
Stop the Vancouver Aquarium expansion in order to stop the imprisonment and the destruction of Stanley Park green space. More Pools Means More Captives!
posted on November 10, 2016
Tens of thousands of animals have died during combat and being use as weapons of war. Domestic animals include dogs, pigs, oxen, camels, and horses. Elephants, pigeons, and rats were also used for transport and bomb detection. Dolphins and sea lions are presently abused by the military.
Military Experiments:
Canada: In addition to military bases, universities and hospitals also conduct experiments. Trauma surgeries are presently conducted at Vancouver General Hospital to train combat surgeons.
In the 80s Lifeforce exposed US military funded experiments at the University of Western Ontario. Live monkeys were used in laser weapon tests on their eyes.
The Canadian military continues using thousands of live animals for testing chemical-weapon antidotes and medical training. This includes labs at Suffield in Alberta.
US: The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) experiments extensively on a wide range of species. There are currently 34 (DOD) labs worldwide, with four outside the U.S. During Fiscal Year 1999 DOD reports experimenting on 327,097 animals, a 12% increase over the previous year. 187,257 animals die in actual DOD labs, and 139,840 suffer in non-DOD labs funded by DOD contracts. Most (80%) of these animals are experimented on by the Army, the Air Force using 8%, the Navy using 3%, and unaffiliated DOD labs using 9.3% (Source: SAEN, an animal advocacy organization). (Stats 2013)
In Memory of These Forgotten Victims
“Lifeforce believes that all people and animals have rights to their freedom. Musicians, artists, and others formed a very powerful peace movement against racism and wars in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. In view of ongoing wars and violence affecting all life the song, “Simple Song of Freedom”, still needs to be heard. A new peace movement for all life is desperately needed, stated Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Founder, “This time a “peace” movement must include animal rights and oppose speciesism. The old peace movement included those who experimented on animals. From UC Berkeley to UBC the wars on animal victims continued in hidden laboratories. Many experiments were funded by the war machine and contributed to the military madness. “A Simple Song of Freedom
A Simple Song of Freedom.
Lifeforce is raising funds for online and on location Memorials for fellow animals with whom we share this planet. They continue to suffer and die in various ongoing human battles. They are the unwilling victims of painful, unnecessary experiments. Please donate to Lifeforce’s Memorial Campaign: In Rememberance For All Life:
In Rememberance
For further information: lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com
posted on October 6, 2016
 Lifeforce Position Re: Banning Barbaric Satellite "Tags" (Updated October 6)
Endangered orcas are being studied to death!
The death of orca L95 in March 2016 led the US responsible parties to halt all barbaric satellite "tags" pending a review. The "tags" are actually sharp barb-like blades that penetrate the skin. On October 4th a press conference was held by NOAA Fisheries. At that meeting the following information was given:
1. The death of L95 was due to a fungal infection. The first dart attempt failed and due to human error it was not properly sterilized as per protocol. It was also done in waters that was known to have this fungus.The dart was shot into the area of the dorsal fin where large blood vessel are located.
2. Unlike Canada that is not using satellite tags since it is deemed too invasive and alternatives are available, NOAA will only suspend the experiments on the endangered SRKWs pending a review. This will not include Transient orcas who also had been tagged and two went missing afterwards. (Alternatives include suction cup tags and underwater sound buoys)
3. L95 had parts of the dart remain in the body and other cases have been reported over the years. The issue of pain was not discussed. It was stated that one of the ways the tags are removed is by being bitten off by other orcas.
Right whales had swelling from infections and “dolphins” died during “handling” to attach tags.
4. It was stated that it is always a "risk" and NOAA will look at reducing the risks. They said that the researchers were "dismayed" at the possibility that they killed an endangered orca.
Four days after the tagging penetration the researchers did see L95 and others with visible ribs. This was a sign of at least nutritional stress or illness. They should not have caused further stress and put L95 at any risk by shooting him with a painful tracking tag. Also, US authorities agree that satellite tag penetration can cause pathways for infection from viruses and bacteria. That threat alone should have stopped it years ago.
Why did it only come to light at that time that two other orcas died shortly after being satellite tagged and seven orcas have metal pieces from the tags still embedded into their sensitive, vulnerable bodies? A suspension and review should have been conducted immediately after the first death of a transient orca. Perhaps then the tragic death of this endangered Southern Resident would have been prevented.
There must also be a review of harmful skin biopsy experiments. Researchers conduct extremely close pursuits on the orcas’ backs then shoot a biopsy dart into them. It has been observed that the orcas have shaken with fear (dorsal fins quivered). In one case the two offspring of their darted mother shook with fear.
In the 90s, Lifeforce raised the issue of shooting orcas with biopsy darts in the San Juan Islands. After public opposition, that proposed studied did not move forward but later researchers, who are also using satellite tags, also used biopsy darts.
These skin biopsies would also cause pathways for toxic pollution, bacteria, and viruses to infect orcas. An investigation should have included any deaths of those orcas who were biopsied too.
Hopefully a thorough review of cumulative research impacts will put an end to at least the inhumane satellite tagging and skin biopsies. In addition to food depletion and pollution, the the negative impacts from boat traffic is recognized as one of the three major threats. It should include whale watch companies, private boaters, and research boats. There must be a joint US and Canada review committee to look at the cumulative impact of all the experiments on transboundary SRKWs and other threatened species facing extinction. There must be a public information and comment period.
Sentient orca families must not continue to be treated as research tools for lucrative research grants. Science for the sake of scientists must not put endangered species at risk. As Lifeforce has repeatedly stated, “They are being studied to death and it must be stopped immediately!”
More information at Ocean Friends: https://www.facebook.com/Ocean-Friends-1442963759271400/
posted on August 13, 2016
 In just 60 years the Vancouver Aquarium’s captivity of cetaceans has caused at least 50 deaths (Lifeforce https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lifeforce-Foundation/196062246185?ref=ts).
The latest is a male Harbour porpoise, named “Jack”, who was stranded and not released in 2011. He died on August 11th. The cause of death was not stated.
Longevity in the wild has been reported as up to 24 years. Harbour porpoises are common in waters off BC and WA. They have congregated in large groups in nearby Point Roberts, WA giving park goers hours of land based wildlife watching.
Note: When they got “Jack” they already had a female who was had not been released. In 2013 they did release another male who could have complicated breeding plans. That was the first “rescue” and release in their 60 year history.
posted on July 1, 2016
 As we end the June 2016 Orca Awareness Month in BC and WA Lifeforce has started the Save Endangered Orcas Now! Petition to continue our efforts to stop their extinction.
Please sign and spread the word SAVE ENDANGERED ORCAS NOW!.
This petition also asks people to make a comment re: Species At Rick Act by August 14th. See the end of Save Endangered Orcas Now! Petition. Tell the Canadian Government that the studies have been done for decades! Orcas are being studied to death! Government must get on with enacting all protective actions!
Yesterday Lifeforce was alerted to boats colliding with a Humpback whale where we are now conducting our Ocean Friends Programs on Vancouver Island. The whale was hit twice by two different boats. We found that their was a lack of boater education information in this area and have quickly assured that posters will be put in marinas and other locations. For over 20 years Lifeforce has produced educational materials and have distributed thousands to countless boaters. We relocated our marine base from the Vancouver,BC and Point Roberts, WA because there is work that needs to be done here.
If you can help support this vital work your membership and donation is needed and would be greatly appreciated.
For Freedom,
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director
www.lifeforcefoundation.org |
posted on June 29, 2016
 As we near the end of Orca Awareness Month in BC and WA Lifeforce has started the Save Endangered Orcas Now! petition to continue efforts to stop their extinction. Please sign and spread the word:
Please sign the Save the Endangered Orcas Petition Now.
Donations are needed please Help Lifeforce Help Orcas!
posted on June 17, 2016
The Slave Trade Continues
Presently the Vancouver Aquarium manages the Oceanografic in Valencia, Spain. It currently retains a reported 13 bottlenose dolphins, 10 of which are wild caught. It is also reported that 6 male bottlenose dolphins have recently been transferred to other aquariums within the EU. Oceanografic also imprisons a pair of wild caught beluga whales, originally captured in Russian waters and previously held in Argentina. The female, “Yulka”, gave birth at the juvenile age of 8 to a male calf on the 3rd of November 2003, which sadly died 25 days later. (Note: Apparently 55% of the dolphins in Europe are owned by Spanish companies. So the Valencia one is part of the Spanish businesses supplying dolphins to EU and is managed by the Vancouver Aquarium.)
In 2007 a meeting was held at the Vancouver Aquarium to plan increasing use of captives and “rescued” wildlife as untapped research tools for lucrative grants. Experiments on captives is not only scientifically fallacious but takes time and funding from more relevant field studies.
Some examples:
1. In 2015 VA, UBC, and others captured 20 Harbour seals to look at salmon fry predation. The seals were subjected to the attachment of large instrument packs on their heads and backs. It was stated that the information gathered could lead to a West Coast seal hunt.
2. Since the early 90s over 20 endangered Stellar sea lion pups were abducted from their mothers when 2 weeks old. After 7 years of experiments on six fur seals behind the scenes five were now put on display.
They are kept in metabolic chambers, restraint devices, swim mills, and forced to do experiments on command. It is a vain attempt to mimic what is causing their decline in the wild. Experiments also included rats at UBC. Fisheries Minister Brian Tobin agreed with Lifeforce that test tube experiments cannot mimic the complex natural web of life
3. Researchers tried to train dolphins from Japan to wear blinders so they would use their echo location. After more than one year they gave up with one of the two dolphins.
There can be no “improved nets”. Tuna fisher observers are stationed on ships to stop when dolphins are present. And “pingers” used on BC fish farm nets scared species out of their habitats.
Earth Island Institute stated: Vancouver Aquarium has nothing to do with saving dolphins from tuna fish operations. It is ludicrous for them to state that dolphins can echo locate with regard to nets. It is just green washing by the captive dolphin industry. There is no dolphin safe net....nets are mono filament and nothing bounces off them.
4. Belugas vocals in the wild have been recorded in the wild for decades and are well known. In captivity, sounds from mechanical operations and vocals bouncing off the walls can create a torture chamber. In 1990, the Bioacoustic lab at Cornell University stated that belugas behave differently,“ The tank is like living in a house of mirrors and you are walking around with an intense spotlight on your forehead: suddenly seeing is painful, unrewarding, and barely functional.”
5. They collect, and report the work of others such as their Coastal Ocean Research Institute that will compile the lifelong work of researchers in the field in an annual report at a cost of $2 million.
More VA History
1. In 1988 the VA proposed a new Arctic Canada exhibit. It was stated that the new pool would provide more space for the existing 3 belugas but when 1 died they captured 3 more from the wild in 1990. The new pool was overcrowded and aggression occurred. Some were kept out of public view in a research pool. They also received a Federal grant of $200,000 for feasibility studies to keep belugas AND narwhals in captivity.
2. In regards to “Ocean Wise” there is not enough fish to feed the growing world population. Wildlife need it and do not have a choice. For example, the endangered Southern Resident Killer Whale need the salmon. In addition, any "sustainable" fish can quickly become unsustainable when targeted. Humans can go vegan and that includes delicious vegan fish products that are truly sustainable. Be Ocean Wiser!
Sustainable fish is doubtful > http://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/most-canadian-seafood-fails-harvesting-sustainability-test-report
3. What is “Ocean Wise” about the VA operating aquaculture businesses to market sea horses and other species for sushi etc.? It could continue to promote the decimation of wild populations too. Protect the natural habitats!
4. Great Canadian Cleanup was started by numerous environmental organizations in the 70s. Vancouver joined in 1994.
5. In 1996 Lifeforce was instrumental in convincing the Vancouver Parks to implement a Cetacean Bylaw to phase out the captivity of all cetaceans. Over the VA lobbied for changes and the present bylaw must be strengthen to fulfill the original goal.
For further information: lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com
posted on June 11, 2016
 NEWS RELEASE: Vancouver SADquarium for 60 Years
It is the Vancouver SADquarium’s 60th anniversary and their 60s wild dolphin slave trade continues! The Baltimore Aquarium is changing to sea pens while the Vancouver Aquarium (VA) continues to paddle upstream to build more tanks for more captives. The Vancouver Aquarium history could be told in the Obituary news because of all the deaths in this prison.
1. The Whale and Dolphin Obituary
Due to their pro capture policies there have been at least 49 deaths of cetaceans alone. This includes belugas captured in 1990 then sent to the notorious US Sea Worlds for artificial insemination experiments. One of the males died from injuries from other belugas and most of the babies have died.
In 1967 the VA was the first to display an orca. “Walter” who was renamed “Skana” since it was a female (Note: sex of the harpooned orca was also incorrectly determined.) In 1968 Skana had to get 100 stitches when the window broke in the tiny BC Tel Pool. The dolphin “Splasher” died when either hitting pool wall or being crushed by Skana.
Having started the orca slave trade after callously harpooning one to kill for a model for a sculpture their exotic animal expeditions continued throughout the decades. This includes the six narwhals that died within weeks and one injured so severely by capture ropes and was shot on the beach. (Note: In 1970 a beluga, “Bella”, was used for roping practise for the narwhal captures.)
2. The Plight of Sea Otters
The sea otter “Clamchops” drowned when staff dropped the pool gate on him. Media eventually found out 2 months after the death.
Lifeforce stopped the VA’s first attempt to transport sick, oiled sea otters to Vancouver from the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Then they agreed to go to Alaska to help but quickly brought otters to Vancouver. Some died, and some were sent to other aquariums. The survivors were subjected to repeated, stressful blood tests funded by Exxon.
3. A Long List of Captives
The VA foray into the zoo animal business is a threat to natural Stanley Park wildlife education. The public voted against a city run zoo in Stanley Park. The amphibians, birds, fish, invertebrates, and primates are kept in tiny zoo type enclosures. The Aquarium expansion plans may well repeat the folly of neurotic river otters and even imprisoning beaver who can be seen living freely in Stanley Park.
A tank chemical was accidently dumped into the pool system resulting in the deaths of hundreds of fish. The Aquarium claimed it was vandalism and launched a major fundraising campaign.
In 1979 a mola mola (Sunfish) died within a few days after delivery.
Promoting the exotic/tropical fish industry has resulted in the devastation of word wide coral reefs. Dynamite was used and this even harmed child labour in the Philippines.
The aquarium still collects marine wildlife in local waters for their petting pools.
“Rescued” Harbour seals, some blind, have been sent to other aquariums and zoos for decades.
4. Numerous Sharks
As stated in the Vancouver Sun it was a public relations disaster for the aquarium capturing 3 sharks off Mayne Island in 1975. “One was attacked by other sharks while still hooked on the line and died shortly after capture. Another died a few days later, and the last one succumbed after about three weeks.”
In 1976 too much chlorine entered the shark tanks burning the gills of the sharks..
In 1991 in order to open the new Black tipped shark exhibit the VA disposed of 4 Atlantic species an 1 sawfish. They were kept in holding tanks for over a year while Marineworld/Africa USA built a shark exhibit. The VA was also involved with a Las Vegas shark exhibit.
See Part 2
posted on May 31, 2016
British Columbia and Washington State have proclaimed June 2016 as Orca Awareness Month.
The Southern Community of Resident J, K & L pods were designated as Endangered in November 2005 under the US Endangered Species Act and also in Canada. All three pods are found in Southern BC and WA waters from approximately June to December. There are also the Northern Resident Community, Transient, and Off Shore orcas.
The major factors in the decline of their populations include aquarium captures (68 were captured > 13 others drowned. The capture of young orcas resulted in a devastating abnormal age and sex ration), depleted food stocks, toxic pollution, noise, experiments, and continued boat traffic harassment. See attached Proclamation.
Orca Awareness History
Orca Awareness was started in WA State by Orca Network. For Over 10 years Lifeforce also promoted an unofficial BC Orca Awareness Month.
New Ocean Friends Facebook
Petition to Ban Cetacean Captivity
You can show Canadian Senators and MPs that Canadians support banning whale captivity in our country. PLEASE sign this Parliament Petition in support of Bill S-203 and share with friends. We only have until June 18th to get as many signatures as possible. Freedom for All!
Banning Invasive Experiments
Sentient, endangered orca families must not continue to be treated as research tools for lucrative research grants. As Lifeforce has repeatedly stated, “They are being studied to death and it must stop!”
Globe and Mail
Times Colonist
Dana Lyons is helping promote Orca Month by sharing his Great Salish Sea video. Share the video on Facebook or via email etc. to help get the word out about the threats to our endangered orcas and to help promote the song.
The Great Salish Sea Music Video
June 11th at 1:30 - 3:30, Oak Bay United Church Hall,1355 Mitchell Street, Victoria
See: www.orcamonthbc.blogspot.ca @orcamonthbc
Further information:
Lifeforce: Information about orcas such as Orca Field Guide (SRKWs), Whale Watching Guidelines, and our book Orca: A Family Story ((NRKWs) lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com or www.lifeforcefoundation.org
Orca Lab: Campaign to Free Corky captured in Northern BC in 1969 now at Sea World http://orcalab.org/free-corky-campaign/about-corky/
Orca Network: Campaign to Free Lolita captured in Pacific Northwest in 1970 http://www.orcanetwork.org/Main/index.php?categories_file=Lolita
posted on May 24, 2016
You can show Canadian Senators and MPs that Canadians support banning whale captivity in our country. Please sign this Parliament Petition in support of Bill S-203 and share it.
We only have until June 18th to get as many signatures as possible.
For Freedom!
Please copy and paste
https://petitions.parl.gc.ca/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-167 |
posted on May 6, 2016
Lifeforce Trailblazers Moved on with new OCEAN FRIENDS
For decades, Lifeforce has provided the most progressive strategies in the ecology and animal rights movement. From our first investigations of vivisection laboratories to stronger protection for endangered orcas many others followed in our footsteps.
As we have previously reported we moved on to new locations that need our expertise. We are now conducting programs on Vancouver Island such as the Marine Life Programs, preventing wildlife killings, investigating invasive experiments on wildlife, and much, much more.
Read more at our new Ocean Friends Facebook: OCEAN FRIENDS.
Our mailing address since 1981 remains the same at Lifeforce Foundation, PO Box 3117, Vancouver, BC V6B 3X6. In addition to our Vancouver Island contacts our decades long phone number will also remain the same at 604-649-5258. Donations are greatly appreciated!
Peace For All Life,
Peter Hamilton
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director
www.lifeforcefoundation.org |
posted on May 6, 2016
Lifeforce Trailblazers Moved on with new OCEAN FRIENDS
For decades, Lifeforce has provided the most progressive strategies in the ecology and animal rights movement. From our first investigations of vivisection laboratories to stronger protection for endangered orcas many others followed in our footsteps.
As we have previously reported we moved on to new locations that need our expertise. We are now conducting programs on Vancouver Island such as the Marine Life Programs, preventing wildlife killings, investigating invasive experiments on wildlife, and much, much more.
Read more at our new Ocean Friends Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ocean-Friends-1442963759271400/
Our mailing address since 1981 remains the same at Lifeforce Foundation, PO Box 3117, Vancouver, BC V6B 3X6. In addition to our Vancouver Island contacts our decades long phone number will also remain the same at 604-649-5258. Donations are greatly appreciated!
Peace For All Life,
Peter Hamilton
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director
www.lifeforcefoundation.org |
posted on May 2, 2016
 Most humans show their love and respect for their mothers while finding comfort in their family bonds. However, this is not the case for many other animal families whose bonds are torn apart by lucrative industries.
Lifeforce created the “3 Es” to show how people can choose to eat, experiment, and entertain without exploiting sentient creatures with whom we share this planet.
Moms and their babies are often separated in research laboratories, factory farms, aquariums, zoos, hunts, etc.. Please help Lifeforce continue to stop these industries from breaking apart all animal families. Please make a donation for the broken families. They too deserve to have cherished times.
See the Mom's Day "Card" at the Lifeforce Facebook
posted on April 21, 2016
 The St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver, BC is planning to relocate for a new hospital completion in 2027. Few people knew about the experiments that started in the late 50s and continues today. Our campaigns are aimed at stopping any new animal labs.
As you will see in our new video of the history of animal experiments at St. Paul’s Hospital the animal victims included monkeys, dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, pigs, rats, and mice. Animals were subjected to various experimental surgeries, forced to inhale cigarette smoke, and much, much more. The lucrative animal research industry must not be allowed to repeat St. Paul’s Dark History of Vivisection.
This has been one of the hardest parts of developing Lifeforce’s new campaigns for World Week for Animals in Laboratories and the future. Choosing the right images from my countless ongoing investigations took me back to the horrific experiments that I bear witness to. I still have ongoing nightmares and sleepless night decades later. Sometimes even seeing my friends’ companion dogs and cats can trigger memories of seeing them with implanted electrodes, and other invasive surgeries. It is similar to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder that plaque others witnessing human atrocities.
Our Petition: Stop the Pain! Stop Vivisection Canada! reached over 700 signatures in 5 days.
This petition seeks to first stop some of the most painful experiments on animals while implementing a phase out of all similar animal experiments. Please sign it and pass it on to your friends, family, politicians, and others.
If you can help with Lifeforce campaigns please send your membership and donation to Lifeforce Foundation, Box 3117, Vancouver, BC V6B 3X6.
posted on April 16, 2016
 Petition: Stop the Pain! Stop Vivisection Canada!
As part of the Lifeforce campaigns during World Week for Animals in Laboratories we have started a petition. This petition seeks to first stop some of the most painful experiments on animals while implementing a phase out of all similar animal experiments. Please sign it at:
posted on April 14, 2016
 In our Annual Report 2015 we discussed the issues with satellite tracking of endangered orcas. Here is our Position Satement:
The recent death of orca L95 has finally led the US responsible parties to halt all tagging pending a review. But more actions must be taken.
Four days after the tagging penetration the researchers did see L95 and others with visible ribs. This was a sign of at least nutritional stress or illness. They should not have caused further stress and put L95 at any risk by shooting him with a painful tracking tag. Also, US authorities agree that satellite tag penetration can cause pathways for infection from viruses and bacteria. That threat alone should have stopped it years ago.
Why has it only come to light now that two other orcas died shortly after being satellite tagged and seven orcas have metal pieces from the tags still embedded into their sensitive, vulnerable bodies? A suspension and review should have been conducted immediately after the first death of a transient orca. Perhaps then the tragic death of this endangered Southern Resident would have been prevented.
There must also be a review of harmful skin biopsy experiments. Researchers conduct extremely close pursuits on the orcas’ backs then shoot a biopsy dart into them. It has been observed that the orcas have shaken with fear (dorsal fins quivered). In one case the two offspring of their darted mother shook with fear.
In the 90s, Lifeforce raised the issue of shooting orcas with biopsy darts in the San Juan Islands. After public opposition, that proposed studied did not move forward but later researchers, who are also using satellite tags, also used biopsy darts.
These skin biopsies would also cause pathways for toxic pollution, bacteria, and viruses to infect orcas. An investigation should include any deaths of those orcas who were biopsied.
Hopefully a thorough review of cumulative research impacts will put an end to at least the inhumane satellite tagging and skin biopsies. In addition to food depletion and pollution, the the negative impacts from boat traffic is recognized as one of the three major threats. It should include whale watch companies, private boaters, and research boats. There must be a joint US and Canada review committee to look at the impact of all the experiments on transboundary SRKWs and other threatened species facing extinction. There must be a public information and comment period.
Sentient orca families must not continue to be treated as research tools for lucrative research grants. As Lifeforce has repeatedly stated, “They are being studied to death and it must stop!”
Read Globe and Mail Story.
posted on April 13, 2016
 Whistler “Animal Abuse Day” April 21 and 23, 2016
Won’t Get Fooled Again?
Now 6 years after the Whistler massacre of at least 56 sled dogs on April 21 and 23, 2010; the guy that basically walked away from the crimes can resume his business activities. Where is he now?
The Liberals claimed that BC would have the best provincial animal protection following the massacre of the sled dogs. However, the animal abuses continue.
The Sled Dog Task Force lied about the sled dog slaughter being isolated when it was proven that cruelties are inherent. At the one day closed meeting the Minister Terry Lake denied Lifeforce’s request to have a moment of silence for all of those who have died. Was this task force formed to protect sled dogs or the sled dog industry?
The Liberal government then formed a Mushers' Association to obviously protect the industry not the dogs. The new guidelines permitted the continuance of 24/7 chaining, inhumane shooting and all the other abuses. The Lifeforce Report: “The Case Against Dog Sled Industries” and recommendations were not implemented.
Outdoor Adventures that owned the murdered dogs “donated” their business to Whistler Sled Dog Co. then that shut down. Where did all the dogs end up? And where do all the industry dogs who are bred and bred and bred to get the best ones finally end up now?
The Lifeforce petition was to the three Whistler Dog Sled Companies, Outdoor Adventures, Whistler Tourism, and Premier Christy Clark.
Stop “Whistler Sled Dog Cruelty Industry!” Petition
Lifeforce also started “Stop Whistler Sled Dog Cruelty Industry!” Facebook
An activist, Wade Shaw, created an annual Animal Abuse Prevention Day to honour the sled dogs. Shaw said it’s time for Canada to get tougher on people who abuse animals. He proposed a registry of Animal Abusers. The idea of a registry is gaining support in the US. We need a joint registry in Canada and the US.
The governments can truly start getting tough on animal abusers by banning the sled dog abuse industry! And setting up an Animal Abuser Registry!
We end as the Who end their song:
Then I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again
Don't get fooled again
No, no!
Please Help End the Sled Dog Cruelty Industry!Donations Needed! |
posted on April 11, 2016
 World Week For Animals In Laboratories
April 16 to April 24, 2016
Lifeforce will be announcing several new initiatives during this vital world awareness week for all life!
You can email these political leaders:
1. Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca
2. NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair thomas.mulcair@parl.gc.ca
3. Green Party Leader Elizabeth May Elizabeth.May@parl.gc.ca
Here’s a Sample Letter:
Will you help stop inhumane, scientifically fallacious experiments on animals?
Why Don’t Animal Models Help Our Health?
Numerous doctors agree that vivisection retards scientific progress because these animal models are unlike naturally occurring human diseases or injuries. The researcher is not looking at the human malady. Furthermore, many methods tested, such as drug therapies, react differently on various species of animals because there are major biological and anatomical differences species in addition to sex and age differences. Data obtained from animal models cannot be reliably extrapolated to solve human problems.
Documented reviews of medical history in such fields as spinal cord research, heart disease, diabetes and AIDS research substantiate the position that major medical advances are a result of studies that include in-vitro (non-animal) tests and human epidemiological studies (the study of naturally occurring diseases or injury). Contrary to common public perception the animal experiments can be conducted before but also during, and after human clinical/epidemiological studies.
All the inhumane, scientifically fallacious vivisection can be phase out over the next ten years. While there has been billions of animals killed over the 150 years of vivisection atrocities there has been no added protection to people when drugs or medical procedures have gone to human clinical tests and epidemiological studies. Lifeforce will be announcing new campaigns to start the “End of Vivisection” phase out.
Please help protect all life. Read More at Stop Vivisection Canada! https://www.facebook.com/StopVivisectionCanada?v=wall&ref=ts
Who Funded Vivisection?
“Health” organizations such as the Heart Foundation, BC Lung Association’s Christmas Seal Campaign, Canadian Diabetes Association, BC Cancer organizations, Rick Hansen Foundation, Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research and many others fund vivisection. Most of the public is unaware while many of these organizations do not make it general public knowledge.
Government tax money, businesses and public donations also fund the lucrative vivisection industry.
Do you need help?
If you need help planning an event and need literature, posters, etc. to raise public awareness contact Lifeforce at lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com
posted on March 25, 2016
 The orca known as “Tilikum” was reported near death by Sea World a few weeks ago. His estimated young age is 35 when males can live up to 60 years in the wild. Lifeforce Founder predicted that he would kill others after the death of Keltie Byrne at the now defunct Sealand, Victoria, BC in 1991. Lifeforce made recommendations in response to the BC inquest and when Sealand announced plans to sell the orcas to Sea World Lifeforce advised Sea World owners to never put people into the pools with “Tilly”.
“He had a tragic life full of tragedies,” stated Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Founder, “Humans caused his suffering and he caused human suffering. The harm and deaths will continue until the captivity of all cetaceans ends.”
In 1999, a 27-year-old man named Daniel P. Dukes trespassed into the pool and was found dead. In 2010 Tillikum killed Dawn Brancheau, a trainer at Sea World, Florida.
Physical and psychological abuse
As with other orcas and dolphins imprisoned in aquarium tanks there was a history of physical and psychological abuse. In this case, during evenings Tilikum and two females were lock up in a steel pen.
Lifeforce Activist’s Rare Footage in Blackfish Movie
“Tilly’ was in the documentary “Blackfish”. It helped exposed the aquarium industry.
After the death of the whale trainer in the early 90s, activist Peter Hamilton obtained photographic evidence of the abuse of three orcas at Sealand of the Pacific, Victoria. During a covert operation Lifeforce obtained footage of the secret “holding module”. This “prison” was only approximately 25’ x 30’ x 12’. The orcas were locked up every night. They suffered physically and psychologically. Captivity causes abnormal aggressive behaviours.
The footage is in the Lifeforce video “Tillikum: A Time for Change” (Note: through his life his name was spelt in various ways.) http://lifeforcefoundation.org/ecotv_play.php?id=54
Lifeforce Orca Protectors Continues Ocean Friends. Continuing To Speak For Them!
Everyone can take action to try to save the endangered orcas. We must immediately implement fishing moratoriums, enact strong legislation/enforcement of marine mammal protection laws, stop the commercial/private boats from interrupting orca lifestyles, halt pollution such as the dumping of raw sewage off Victoria, and end military weapon tests where orcas reside.
In the US there has been increased legal protection to protect orcas from boat harassment and to restore salmon populations. Canada falls behind as they have failed to finalize a 2014 draft action plan to stop the decline of orca populations. The Federal Government has also failed to release new Marine Mammal Regulations.
We must also boycott cetacean captivity now because the lucrative aquarium/zoo industry always depend on wild captures and can deplete populations under the guise of “conservation”.
Belugas and others still suffer from captivity. The Vancouver Aquarium send wild caught belugas to Sea Worlds and they supported the US Georgia Aquarium permit request to import 18 wild caught belugas from Russia.
Help Lifeforce Fight for Captive and Endangered Orcas and more!
In the 80s Lifeforce started campaigning against the never-ending Vancouver Aquarium expansions. We succeeded in getting their plans downsized and that meant fewer captives.
Over 20 years ago we were the first to take actions to get the Pacific Northwest orcas designated as endangered. Whale researchers and other organizations needed a push. When I asked one researcher why wasn’t anything being done to protect them I was told that it’s (the low number of orcas) always been that way. A present fundraising campaign by a BC organization claims any population must not go below “30”. The fact is that the Southern Resident Community has already reached the point of probable extinction at only 84.One of the main causes was that the aquarium captures took a whole generation of young orcas and that created an abnormal age/sex ratio.
Lifeforce was the first to be on the Salish Sea off Vancouver to educate boaters. Our volunteer work led to fines against companies and private boaters harassing orcas. We helped get increased government orca patrols in US waters. We developed methods to keep orcas away from oil spills. Our decade long wildlife rescue work helped many seals and seal pups. We made countless comments on government reports. Our list of accomplishments is very long and it continues.
Times have changed but beware of those organizations that claim to have been protecting orcas but not opposing the captivity of cetaceans at the Vancouver Aquarium. Check out those organizations that report the accomplishments of others and not themselves! Please help Lifeforce volunteers who continue the fight for captive and endangered orcas and others.
Together We Can Make A Difference!Hopefully you will join and/or donate.
posted on March 17, 2016
Dear Mayor and Councillors:
The Times Colonist Editorial did not provide all the relevant information to base a properly informed decision by your Council and residents. The hunting lobby started the problem decades ago when they bred Canada geese to get a local population for year-round killing. And if I recall correctly they were also investigated by the SPCA for debeaking birds for “canned hunts”. The birds couldn’t forage.
So will the hunting lobby achieve their goal to have public safety gun restrictions lifted for a longer execution period or will addling, leaving fake dead ones/naturally dead ones, planting cover crops (as done in Richmond) and other humane proven methods finally resolve another human/wildlife conflicts? And how safe is it to eat them? Are they contaminated with lead shot and other pollutants? Are they inspected for food safety for distribution to Food Banks?
In order to obtain any permit from the Canadian Wildlife Service under the Migratory Bird Act it must be proven that there is “damage” and all other methods have been tried and failed
They say “Prior to the issuance of Damage permit under section 25 or 26,Environment Canada - Canadian Wildlife Service looks at the overall are a specific Management Plan developed to address the wildlife issue and ensures that all feasible non-lethal means are being implemented in order to address the issue.
Damage Permits issued by Environment Canada's Canadian Wildlife Service strongly encourage the use of scaring and other preventive non-lethal measures to control Canada Geese. Once all non-lethal measures have been tried and have failed, lethal measures may be used.
Instead of hunting and “culling” Canada Geese there are numerous humane deterrents such as noise deterrent, herd dogs, addling eggs, cover crops, and other hazing methods. There are ways to manage geese non-lethally
The Canadian federal government does not kill geese to protect their fields at the research farm in Ottawa. They began using Border collies at this research farm in 2013 and used them again this year
Also, “In a continued effort to control the Canada Goose population in the Okanagan Valley, the Okanagan Valley Goose Management Program is about to begin its annual egg addling program. Over the past six years, this program has prevented the exponential increase of the non-migratory resident goose population that inhabits the valley all year long. (Press Release: Egg addling used to manage geese non-lethally)
Hunters have caused this problem. It started in the Vancouver lower mainland by Richard Trethewey and friends (DU, BC Wildlife Federation supporter))They bred migratory Canada Geese with domesticated ducks. Canada geese were never native to BC, they only flew through here on their migration. Canada geese did not live here until they were put here to build up a population for hunters.They wanted a year-round supply to kill.
Background Information
In the seventies Richard built facilities at Coniagas Ranch (Fraser Valley) to spearhead programs to reintroduce and enhance a number of waterfowl species back to the local area and around BC. Included were Canada geese, gadwalls, harlequin ducks, scaup, scoters, wood ducks and a project with sandhill cranes. Richard’s volunteer work with Ducks Unlimited has greatly enhanced
waterfowl habitat in British Columbia.
In the 1970s one of the families that built on property at Mill Lake set a small flock of domestic ducks, geese and a pair of black swans free on the lake. As they interbred with the wild birds that passed through on their seasonal migrations, fed as a popular pastime by area residents, their numbers
grew until they had become such a problem that the municipality was forced to take action. A bylawwas passed prohibiting feeding the ducks but when this had little impact, “settling” or shaking the eggs in the spring to kill the developing ducklings was implemented. Berry cannons in the spring
discourage visits by migratory flocks, thus keeping the parkland free of “duck muck.”
Ducks Unlimited, who got the gun restrictions lifted in Port Alberni without any public comment period, and the pro hunting lobby should be under the gun NOT Canada Geese! Killing will only bring other geese as seen with similar other attempts.Any person/s proposing such a massive slaughter must be responsible to provide scientific evidence that killing will resolve any issues AND NOT be an excuse to provide a year round hunting party.
In Respect For All Life,
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director
Email Mayor and Councillors at municipalhall@csaanich.ca
posted on March 17, 2016
So Sea World announced today that they will stop breeding the orcas, not put orcas in their new overseas aquarium prisons, and not obtain any more for their entertainment business. They also said they would stop all shows with trainers in the water BUT they were ordered in court to do so.
This is a step forward but the present captive orcas will continue to suffer for decades and they will continue to exploit belugas and other dolphin species. They may well obtain other cetaceans from the wild under the guise of “rescue” and then claim that they are unrealisable. That is how the aquarium and zoo industry have gotten captives over the decades.
Further, there is a lot more to this cruel breeding issue. Sea World must stop breeding belugas and other dolphin species.
There is no education and conservation from these aquatic circuses. For example, in addition to the continuous physical and psychological stressful transport between aquariums, the public was not told about the artificial insemination experiments between Sea World and the Vancouver Aquarium. There are at least 6 baby deaths fathered by the Vancouver Aquarium’s wild caught beluga “Nanuq” at Sea World. This was between 2006 and 2012. Some of the births were by artificial insemination in which “manual stimulation with a glove hand” was used to get the beluga to ejaculate into an “artificial vagina”. Nanuq had to be “trained” for 2 years. They took 42 semen samples and used 10 of them in 7 females. Sea World bred at least 8 belugas. Every other baby goes to the breeding facility. Vancouver Aquarium may now “own” 8 belugas.
In captivity the majority die prematurely. Similar claims that belugas live just as long in captivity as they would in the wild are similar to claims regarding the longevity of orcas. That was proven to be false. In a nine-year period, five belugas perished at SeaWorld. Two more were stillborn. Seven have managed to survive, a 50 percent mortality rate. All 14 were fathered by Imaq or Nanuq. Nanuq was shipped around from one SeaWorld location to the next, for approximately 11,000 miles.
In 2015 “Nanuq” died . He had an infection due to a fractured jaw resulting from fighting with others in their so-called “compatible social group”. Numerous abnormal aggressions have been documented with some attacks being fatal or injurous to both the captive cetaceans and trainers. The Vancouver Aquarium had to separate belugas due to severe bite “raking”. Some were kept in the back holding pool out of public view. The male, “Imaq”, was confined there for over 2 years.
A 3-week-old beluga calf, who was never even given a name, died last year at SeaWorld San Antonio. Two-year-old Stella died just months later. The babies’ father, Imaq, is one of the whales on loan from Vancouver.
In response to the recent of beluga abuses at Marineland in Ontario Lifeforce would like to remind all about similar issues with captivity at the Vancouver Aquarium and Sea Worlds:
1. Belugas have suffered for long periods due to health problems before dying.
2. Belugas have been separated, in some cases isolated, in the holding pool out of public viewing for over a year. For example, “Kavna” and “Imaq”.
3. There has been severe aggression between belugas. The visible signs (in addition to the psychological ones) are tooth rakings. (see photograph)
This announcement saw their stocks soar by 9.5% today. This is just a profitable public relations move. Hopefully all cetaceans will eventually profit from Sea Worlds ending all dolphin cruelty. |
posted on February 4, 2016
 February is the Heart and Stroke Foundation fundraising month. Here is poster that we made to address their older ads.
Please read Stop Vivisection Canada!
Stop Vivisection Canada!. |
posted on January 4, 2016
 Lifeforce hopes you had a good 2015 and will have an even better 2016 as we all count our blessings.
In 2016 Lifeforce will celebrate our 35th Anniversary. Lifeforce continues to send out our messages that were ahead of the times. Words of wisdom such as “we need to extend our circle of compassion to protect other sentient beings with who we share this planet”. Messages that help changed “animal welfare” acceptance of many abuses to animal rights issues.
In the 80s, I also urged everyone to be eco friendly not enviro friendly. Our education message was to protect people, animals, and the environment. That is all the life that is the complex ecosystems that we must protect. The Canadian government changed their “Enviro” to “Eco”. A respect for all life!
Lifeforce does not bombard our supporters with repeated pleas for financial help. That doesn’t mean we don’t need your help – we certainly do. We thank those who made a donation. We hope that if you have not done so that you would consider donating whatever you can.
To celebrate our 35th year I have been creating and making Eco Games that combines our Past and Present campaigns. This includes “Eco Ring Toss” (to Protect Endangered Species and Spaces), “Save Our Oceans”, and “Shoot Hoops & Photos NOT Trophy Animals”. We will be at various events and venues to “To Bring Peace for All Life”. In addition, we hope to have Photography Art Shows with our beautiful wildlife images.
I attach a photo of part of the Lifeforce Tree of Hope that I made and that is up all year in my home. I made “ornaments” that shows the ongoing plight of animals. I can never forget the horrors that I have seen during my investigations for decades ... even during the holidays. The photo was also in our 2015 Annual Report. If you didn’t receive this important report let me know and I will email it to you.
Thank you,
For Freedom,
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director