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A New Year Hope! Peace For All Life!

posted on December 20, 2020

A New Year Hope! Peace For All Life!

Dear Friends:

Lifeforce has greatly appreciated the moral and financial help from everyone supporting our ongoing crucial work to protect all life. In 2021, Lifeforce will be celebrating our 40th Anniversary. In the upcoming months we will detail the Lifeforce Anniversary Projects that includes a Lifeforce Documentary and other very special plans.

Since 1981 Lifeforce has educated countless people around the world about our successful campaigns. Our messages to instill “A Respect for All Life” brought respect and helped protect all life with whom we share this planet. Lifeforce’s “3 Es” looks at How Humans Eat, Entertain and Experiment. We continue to teach people how to live eco friendly lifestyles that do not harm people, animals and ecosystems.

I hope you can help Lifeforce fulfill our 40th Anniversary Goals. As volunteers all of our financial support goes to the campaigns that save lives. Lifeforce needs to continue our 40 years of successes.

Peace for All Life,
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director

Orcas Need A New Protection Plan!

posted on December 4, 2020

Orcas Need A New Protection Plan!

The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission are considering not implementing their proposed plan to suspend viewing of the endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales (SRKWs) by whale watch companies.

As WDFW previously stated: “The purpose of creating rules for commercial whale watching of SRKW is to reduce the impacts of vessel noise and disturbance on the whales' ability to forage, rest, and socialize ... “For these reasons, commercial viewing on southern residents should be suspended until such time as the whales have experienced some recovery; indeed, we believe that a temporary suspension is the only responsible policy consistent with a precautionary approach.”

“The Commission may significantly modify their proposal to address opposition voiced by the whale-watching representatives at their last Advisory Committee meeting. The continual noise from rotating whale watching vessels that also attracts other boaters to the orcas would result in ongoing harmful impacts on the SRKWs. WDFW may also permit all day whale watching harassment from 10am to 1 hour before sunset. This will certainly risk the survival of the SRKWs”, stated Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Founder.

Public Comment ends December 5th and will be discussed on December 18th. A preliminary report was discussed on December 4th at a Fish and Wildlife Commission meeting.

A New Protection Plan

Lifeforce’s New Plan for Orca Protection promotes modern technological advances that will increase information about the travel patterns of the Southern Resident killer whales. A moratorium on whale watching does in fact have life-saving value to the whales because it reduces the proven harmful impacts from boat traffic.

Instead of whale watch businesses, the more humane, modern alternatives must be implemented. This can include land based whale watching/monitoring (with high power telescopes and other research equipment); land based drone monitoring; hydrophones and motion sensing cameras on navigation markers and at land bases; the tracking/vocal identifications by the use of vast government, university and other hydrophone networks in the Salish Sea and oceans; satellite monitoring and much, much more.

Reducing Research Vessel Traffic Too!

Government agencies and others must recognize the threats by ongoing unnecessary research vessels.

SRKWs and other orcas have been treated as research tools for lucrative grants and careers. The continuous hour’s long close follows and getting on top of frightened orcas must be stopped. Alternatives are available to stop the excessive monitoring and studying them to death!


Since 1993, the Vancouver-based ecology organization, Lifeforce, has conducted a Lifewatch Boater Awareness program to monitor boat traffic and the impact on endangered orcas. Our reports exposed the numerous issues with the whale watching industry in Southern BC and WA. Over the years Lifeforce has documented violations by both commercial and pleasure boat (See Photo). This led to many WDFW warnings and fines. Lifeforce’s work has helped to get increased protection and enforcement in Canada and the US.

For Lifeforce’s submission to the Fish and Wildlife Commission contact: lifeforcesociety@gmail.com

Please Help Lifeforce Help Orcas!

Your valued moral and financial support would be greatly appreciated. You can help by making a donation to Lifeforce Foundation through Paypal: YOUR DONATION HERE!
or by mail: Lifeforce, Box 3117, Vancouver, BC V6B 3X6

A Laugh A Day Can Make The Blues Go Away!

posted on November 27, 2020

A Laugh A Day Can Make The Blues Go Away!

Dear Friends,

Some of the ongoing Lifeforce messages during these stressful times is to try to laugh or tell a joke every day. For several months we have been sending out "joke" photos and videos.

See the attached "Ducks’ Splish Splash" video

More can be found on Lifeforce Ocean Friends LIFEFORCE OCEAN FRIENDS.

If you can make a donation your help would be greatly appreciated.

Hope You Enjoy a Smile,
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Director

Going Wild On Halloween?

posted on October 28, 2020

Going Wild On Halloween?

The Lifeforce Foundation urged Halloween participants to help protect sentient animals by creating personal wildlife costumes. As Friends of Animals people can help educate people as to how to protect the animal they have chosen! Wildlife desperately need help because many species are becoming extinct.

Please send Lifeforce a photo of the animal costume that you have chosen. (lifeforcesociety@gmail.com)

Lifeforce hopes to not only educate about protecting animals but sometimes to bring laughter through our photos and videos. Remember, laughter can bring peace of mind so try to laugh or tell a joke to someone everyday!

As many of you have heard about the mythical Headless Horseman who is traditionally depicted as a man upon horseback who is missing his head is this the Headless Eagle (or another back preening “trick”)? Lol...

Be Kind and Protect Animals Year Round!

Go Wild On Halloween!

posted on October 18, 2020

Go Wild On Halloween!

Go Wild On Halloween!

The Lifeforce Foundation promotes education and respect for all life. Halloween participants can help protect sentient animals by creating your personal wildlife costume. From cats and dogs to endangered orcas the possibilities are endless. As a Friend of Animals you can help educate people as to how to protect the animal you have chosen! They need our help because most species continue to face loss of habitats, health threats and exploitation.

Here are some Eagle’s “tricks” and “treats” for their “Hallowpreen” to waterproof, to improve flight, to remove bugs and to maybe even attract a mate! (Preening is like grooming by straightening and cleaning the feathers.)

Be Kind and Protect Animals Year Round! For more upcoming Halloween surprises check Lifeforce Website. (Donations are greatly appreciated.)

Note: Lifeforce not only educates people about protecting animals but sometimes hopefully brings laughter through our photos and videos to make any blues go away! Laughter is good for peace of mind so try to laugh and/or tell a joke to someone everyday!

Stop All International Sewage Pollution!

posted on September 14, 2020

Stop All International Sewage Pollution!

Stop All International Sewage Pollution!

Here is another example:

For decades toxic sewage waste in the Tijuana River has been polluting waters and air in Mexico and California. Wildlife, such as endangered orcas, and people have been seriously harmed! Ecosystems have been destroyed!
Watch Pollution Harming People, Animals and Ecosytems on 60 Minutes.

Lifeforce is urging all Governments to Stop Sewage Pollution Threats to People, Animals and Ecosystems! They must take immediate actions to upgrade all sewage treatment plants to the most effective sewage treatments! They must make it the law!

Lifeforce also urges everyone to write to their Local, Provincial and Federal Politicians! Demand that they immediately Protect the Health of Humans, Animals and Ecosystems!

Please Read the Lifeforce Petition: Let's Raise A Stink!

You can also help the Lifeforce Foundation continue our important work by making needed donations to the Lifeforce Foundation through Paypal > Help Lifeforce with Your Donation.

Thank you,
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founder

Bc Fisherman Fined!

posted on September 9, 2020

Bc Fisherman Fined!

B.C. fisherman fined $8K after throwing explosive into crowd of sea lions
September 8th, 2020 CHEK TV

A commercial fisherman from B.C. has been fined $8,000 after he was recorded throwing an explosive device toward a group of sea lions in the Strait of Georgia last year.

Allen Marsden was facing three counts under the Fisheries Act and Explosives Act for tossing a small, explosive device known as a “bear banger” from his boat toward the crowd of animals near Hornby Island on March 4, 2019.
Charges were laid against Marsden on Feb. 26, 2020. His court appearance was initially scheduled for March 26, 2020, but was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada had confirmed the charges back in February. Then on Tuesday, Fisheries and Oceans Canada said that on Aug. 24, Marsden pleaded guilty Courtenay Provincial Court to disturbing marine mammals under section 7.1(b) of the Marine Mammal Regulations.
Section 7.1(b) of the Marine Mammal Regulations states that: “No person shall disturb a marine mammal except… when fishing for marine mammals under the authority of these Regulations.”

Marsden was fined $8,000 and prohibited from possessing explosives for the next three years.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada said the video of Marsden taken in 2019 show Marsden stating openly that his purpose in using the explosive device was to deter the sea lions from interfering with his fishing operations.
The video was posted on the Pacific Balance Pinniped Society Facebook page. The group wants to revive the seal and sea lion hunt on the west coast.

The video led to an investigation by fishery officers from the Georgia Basin North Conservation and Protection detachment out of Nanaimo.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada says if anyone in the public for information on any contravention of the Fisheries Act and regulations can call the toll-free violation reporting line at 1-800-465-4336, or email the details to DFO.ORR-ONS.MPO@dfo-mpo.gc.ca.

Background by Lifeforce
“Seal bombs” can cause serious physical harm including deafness, eye damage and life threatening injuries. Especially when thrown directly at the victims. Even at greater distances orcas and humpbacks could have been harmed.

DFO should be commended for enforcing wildlife violations under the Marine Mammal Regulations. Further violations are being investigated by DFO.

Although DFO has not allowed the “Pacific Balance Marine Management” to start a hunt they still want to kill tens of thousands of pinnipeds. The seals and sea lions would have been inhumanely clubbed, shot (rifles and shotguns) and harpooned by crossbows! PBMM are presently urging fishermen to shoot as many as the can!!!

Please Help Lifeforce continue our important work by making a greatly needed donation to the Lifeforce Foundation through Paypal > PLEASE DONATE.
Thank you!

Victory! Bc West Coast Pinniped Slaughter Stopped!

posted on June 30, 2020

Victory! Bc West Coast Pinniped Slaughter Stopped!

Here’s a Victory for Wildlife News Scoop from Lifeforce. We have known for a few weeks that it will not be permitted but government would not confirm it to organizations and media as Lifeforce reported. So Late June 28th Tom Sewid, President of Pacific Balance Marine Management, posted “DFO not allowing Pacific Balance Marine Management to have license for pinniped harvest for foreseeable future.” And then on June 29th
he posted in Caps “HARVEST THE HERDS COME HELL OR HIGH WATER, THOUSANDS OF BLOATER FLOATERS TO COME, HEAD ON AND HEADLESS!" (Voicing to their support of decapitating sea lions for trophy skulls and anger at not getting permission for a West Coast Slaughter Industry.) He also confirmed “They (DFO) basically said we are not allowing a 2020 or 2021 licensed pinniped harvest.”

June 29, 2020
News Release

Victory! West Coast Pinniped Slaughter Stopped!

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) will not be permitting an inhumane West Coast Seal and Sea Lion Slaughter by the Pacific Balance Marine Management (PBMM). The group was started by some First Nations people wanting to market various pinniped products such as fur coats, restaurant meats, pet food, penal bone, oil and decapitated trophy heads.
The violent business would have included shooting, clubbing and harpooning. Lifeforce has previously sent government officials numerous illegal acts committed and/or supported by the PBMM. This includes Illegal activities such as bombing sea lions (court appearance is rescheduled for Oct. 1), killings for skulls and penises, feeding sea lions and promoting illegal hunting.
Seal meat, fur and other products are banned by many countries worldwide. Seal and sea lion meat is highly polluted and unsafe to eat. For decades the Commercial, Sport and First Nation Fisheries have decimated fish populations. Their claims that pinnipeds are to blame were proven to be untrue. The Lifeforce petition, “Say No to Seal and Sea Lion Slaughter!”, revealed the facts about what would have been an unethical new industry. Nearly 11,000 people signed it. https://www.change.org/p/say-no-to-seal-and-sea-lion-slaughter
“This is a victory for not only seals and sea lions but also a major step towards mending the broken ocean food chain. DFO has protected wildlife and their habitats. Commercial interests must not come first because it has decimated salmon and other marine life,” stated Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Founder. “Illegal activities such as bombing sea lions, killings for skulls and penises and feeding sea lions were reported to DFO by Lifeforce. Obviously, the PBMM would not be trusted “management” for the protection of wildlife. They do not support animal rights. They must never be supported by the Canadian Government!”
For Further Information: lifeforcesociety@gmail.com

Some Background

For decades Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Founder, has fought against a West Coast Seal Hunt. In the 90s DFO shot six seals to test if there could be a market. They found that the adults were highly toxic and said that seal pups were be less of a health risk but would not be publicly acceptable. We have succeeded again!

Please Help Lifeforce continue our important work by making a greatly needed donation to the Lifeforce Foundation through Paypal
Thank you!

June 30th Orcas Action Month Ends And Old Ways Must Also End! # 8

posted on June 29, 2020

June 30th Orcas Action Month Ends And Old Ways Must Also End! # 8

As the June 2020 Orca Action Month ends it is just the beginning of Lifeforce’s new actions to protect the rights of orcas. The ocean habitats are the homes of indigenous orcas. They live in all oceans of the world. They have their cultures and language. However, they do not have rights yet to stop humans from violating their lives!

Some Further Actions Needed:

1. Orca Health Protection with No More Harmful Experiments!
Due to new Canadian and US regulations threats by boaters will be reduced. Vessel traffic is one of the three major threats to orcas. The continuous barbaric, unnecessary research boat traffic must end. For decades, millions of dollars are spent on “research” and even one L Pod orca died in 2016 from a tracking dart infection. The experiments have not saved the Southern Resident Killer Whales (SRKWs). Research must be safe, humane and use modern non invasive technologies.
Take Action Now! Please Sign and Share STOP ORCA EXPERIMENTS.

2. There must be “Equal Laws” as stated in our petition that we started over 2 years ago. That was a partial victory towards taking some steps towards harmonizing boater distances. EQUAL LAWS.
We are also looking at threats from military tests with bombs and sonar, seismic testing, marine construction such as pile driving, fireworks etc.

3. Canadian and US Governments are polluting orca homes and that also threaten salmon that is a vital food source for the endangered SRKW. Sewage Treatment plants must be immediately upgraded to provide clean ocean homes. Immediate actions must be taken to upgrade all sewage treatment plants to the highest level of treatments! It must be the law! Sign and Share the Petition: RAISE A STINK.

Lifeforce also urges everyone to write to their Local, Provincial and Federal Health Officials and Politicians! Demand that they Protect the Health of Humans, Animals and Ecosystems!

4. True Marine Sanctuaries or Aquarium Research and Tourist Attractions?
There have been and are great marine sanctuaries where the goals have been to release former captive cetaceans into the wild. Freedom should be the goal.
Stopping cetacean captivity has led aquarium researchers to leave the cozy “offices” to study wild natural behaviours. Some researchers fought cetacean bans by claiming it was important research that could only be done in captivity. The recent Canadian Captivity “Ban” wrongly permitted “legitimate scientific research”. And that can perpetuate captivity. Those with past and recent support of captivity are advisors with some planned sanctuaries.

5. Mega Projects Must Be Stopped!
Both US and Canadian governments must stop mega projects that threaten orcas. This includes the proposed Delta Port Terminal 2 and the 40 year Westshore Coal Terminal plans. Both are in a SRKW Critical Habitat.

6. US Fishing Trade and Economy Versus Orcas!
Under the Department of Commerce, NOAA is a scientific and fisheries agency that includes conducting research with orcas. They are in a cabinet department to promote U.S. trade and economic development. So who gets the fish the fishing industries or the orcas? Immediate fishing moratoriums are needed to mend the broken ocean food chain.
Healthier plant based foods such as fake salmon, fish fillets, crab, lobsters are available. It will help save marine life and feed a hungry world! People can choose but orcas have no choices. ORCA FAMILIES.

The Orcas’ Future
Some organization make exaggerated and/or false claims that they have protected orcas. Shockingly some have never even opposed numerous Vancouver Aquarium expansions, captivity and unnecessary research. Some have never taken direct actions on the water to educate and to protect orcas. In order to fund those who truly have protected orcas: Ask Them What They Have Actually Done Before Making Any Donations!

Lifeforce volunteers were trailblazers! On the water: Harassed by whale watch companies that threatened and waked our little 18’ research boat! We Got Regulations to Keep Them Up to 400m from Orcas Now! On land: Our facts challenged by the aquarium industry! We Proved Them Wrong!

Lifeforce hopes that you appreciated the Lifeforce Orca Action Month posts. Lifeforce has been fighting to save marine wildlife since 1981! Opposing all Vancouver Aquarium expansions, Fighting to Ban Captivity and Getting Better Orca Protection Regulations!

Please Help Us Continue to Help! Please Make a donation to Lifeforce Foundation through Paypal at DONATIONS.

Orca Action Month #7 Lack Of Food

posted on June 29, 2020

Orca Action Month #7 Lack Of Food

Orca Action Month 2020 # 7

Lifeforce awaits the decision of the Federal Government as to if they will not permit an inhumane First Nation industry that would kill tens of thousands of seals and sea lions. This would also be a threat to orcas. The endangered Resident Orcas depend on salmon and other fish. The pinnipeds help protect salmon because they eat predators of salmon. Also, the mammal eating orcas rely on pinnipeds and keep the natural nature’s balance.

In the once flourishing fishing grounds there was a joke that people could walk on the water because of the massive numbers of the salmon in the Fraser River. The now endangered orcas use to find an endless supply of their favorite foods.

The fishing industries continue to break the ocean food chain. If they do not implement moratoriums there will be no fish for anyone to share! Alternative vegan fish will help save marine life and feed a hungry world. People have choices at the grocery stores! Orcas Do Not!

Perhaps humans can learn a lesson from orcas! A mammal eating orca called Tumbo was born in 2005 and had scoliosis. He had a deformed spine and dorsal fin. It was sad that it was difficult for him to forage and to keep up with his family. However, his family cared for him by waiting for him to catch up and sharing their food.

Tumbo passed away in 2019! Watch them at “Orca Family Sharing a Meal” with Tumbo. Orca Family Sharing a Meal.

Sadly, all orca ecotypes are threatened by the same main impacts facing the Southern Resident Killer Whales (SRKWs). They Are Not Thriving! As claimed by media and others. Northern Resident Killer Whales (NRKWs) were estimated at only 309 members (2017). At the end of 2019 there were only 349 Mammal Eating Transients from California to Alaska.

Alarm Bells should be heard and quick responses taken if a population declines below 1000 members. Lifeforce raised the question in the 90s that if we are fighting to protect at that time the 500 belugas in the St. Lawrence and 300 Right Whales on the East Coast why were we not doing anything for all the orcas? Now the present 800 belugas and 500 Right Whales have increased protection in Canada. Lifeforce has fought for boat distances of up to 400m to include all orca ecotypes!

Protection for all orcas is necessary as shown with the plight of A pod (NRKWs) and their many boat injuries - 3 severe hits in one family alone! Food for both the “Residents” and the Mammal Eating Transients is also highly polluted with many toxins. This certainly could have a deadly impact on their future survival as well.

Lifeforce Needs Your Help to Help Orcas! Lifeforce has been fighting to save these orcas from extinction since 1981. We fought for a Cetacean Ban at the Vancouver Aquarium (VA) and for protection regulations in Canada and the US. Lifeforce was on the water against the 1990 VA beluga capture in Churchill and it put an end to beluga captures in Canada.

Your Support to “Protect All Orcas” Is Needed Now!”

You can contribute to protecting these orcas by signing and sharing our petitions and through making a donation to Lifeforce Foundation through Paypal at Lifeforce Donations.

More information at Lifeforce Ocean Friends Lifeforce Ocean Friends.

Be An Orca Friend All Year! Help Lifeforce Help Orcas!

posted on June 21, 2020

Be An Orca Friend All Year! Help Lifeforce Help Orcas!

You can enjoy the many wonders of nature from home. Your Lifeforce Ocean Friends Kit for only $35 US (plus postage) will let you learn about nature while enjoying the Humpback and Orca info cards, “Share the Shore!” with pinnipeds, the Lifeforce Bird Wise Quiz, SRKW Orca Field Guide and other Lifeforce education materials!
Your personalized Ocean Friend Certificate can be framed to show your family and friends that you care about protecting oceans for all life! Your weather proof “Freedom NOT Captivity!” sticker helps stop the captivity of cetaceans. And with your Personal Log Book you can record your memories when exploring wildlife. In addition, you will receive all of the new Lifeforce educational materials until Orca Action Month 2021!
Whether for yourself or as gifts your donation goes directly to the Ocean Friend Programs by Lifeforce volunteers! Thank you!
Lifeforce has been fighting to save and protect orcas since 1981. Please Help Us Help Them! Send your mailing address to Lifeforce at lifeforcesociety@gmail.com after you make your payment for the Ocean Friends Kit through Paypal. OCEAN FRIENDS DONATION.

Stop Barbaric, Unnecessary Experiments On Orcas!

posted on June 21, 2020

Stop Barbaric, Unnecessary Experiments On Orcas!

Orca Action Month 2020 # 6
Stop Barbaric, Unnecessary Experiments on Orcas!

Researchers are increasing vaccine and antibiotic experiments in wildlife species. Should endangered orcas be part of this Big Pharma and Research Industry money maker? Any alleged “benefits” of multi doses of antibiotics and vaccines in wild orcas and others are unproven, life threatening risks!

In 2018 the ailing orca J50 with her family were subjected to antibiotic experiments even when her health problem was not known. “Scarlett” and her family were followed for hours during two different attempts to shoot darts with antibiotics into her.

The recent US NOAA East Coast antibiotic experiment on a Right whale calf with prop wounds is inconclusive because marine wildlife often recovers from serious wounds and infections without human experiments. There have been numerous injuries such as vessel hits and fishing gear entrapment. Present preventive education programs and on sight aid are non drug, safe solutions.

In the first ever “whole species” experiment a morbillivirus vaccination program started in 2016 with the Hawaiian Monk Seal population. They did not even have the morbillivirus. In addition, Hawaiian monk seals still face a variety of threats from shark attacks to entanglements in fishing gear to starvation. The increase of rescue and release funding to treat injured animals should be a priority!

Plans have been discussed to develop a vaccine to test on wild orcas such as the endangered Southern Resident Orcas.
Sea World parks vaccinate all their orcas against Erysipelas, a bacterium that can infect the orcas from the fish they eat in captivity. Sea World claims that their development of the vaccine against Erysipelas could lead to other potential vaccines for killer whales. NOAA would decide under a self policing, peer review system but they do receive funding in part from Sea World. So after being banned from Washington waters for capturing the SRKWs Sea World Is Back!

Captive orca experiments at Sea World cannot be extrapolated to wild populations. They have had at least 40 orca deaths due to respiratory problems. Long term treatments in captivity with orcas such as Tillikum, sold to Sea World from Sealand in Victoria, British Columbia, failed.

The Others Who Suffer
Vaccine production involves infecting animals with diseases in research laboratories. This has included chimpanzees and other nonhuman primates. The final tests would be on the endangered wild orcas.

As seen in people the antibiotics and vaccines can cause life threatening risks and deaths. A recent study in British Columbia concluded that a high percentage of children who were prescribed antibiotics as infants went on to develop asthma. Experiments do not accurately predict all side effects from vaccines and antibiotics. It is discovered during human trails. See the TV and printed information. Governments now mandate the pharmaceutical companies provide the long list of side effects! Human illnesses are reported but orcas won’t be able to report their unpredicted side effects!

We must never forget the statement by the NOAA public relations person to try to justify captive experiments on J50. It was said that she was probably going to die anyway. Their choice would not have been letting her die in peace with her family.

Decades of endless hypotheses and hundreds of millions of "research" dollars have not saved the SRKW! The vaccine and antibiotic experiments would be inhumane and increase the risk of losing even more orcas!

Helping Southern Resident Orcas get enough food and not starve to death must be the main goal! What they need is healthy food, clean water and safe homes to build strong immune systems. Antibiotics and vaccines WILL NOT prevent starvation, pollution and vessel injuries! Governments and People Power are the Orcas’ Last Hope!

Many barbaric, unnecessary experiments continue! Please Sign and Share these petitions:
Orcas Must Not Be Mistreated Like the Suffering Laboratory Animals!

Let’s Raise a Stink to Save Orcas!

Covid-19 Threatening Orcas!

posted on June 14, 2020

Covid-19 Threatening Orcas!

Orca Action Month 2020 # 5
Covid-19 Threatening Orcas!
Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic Lifeorce has sent advice to Provincial, State and Federal Health agencies in Canada and the US urging them to protect endangered orcas and any possible chain of contamination to other wildlife. Gloves and masks used to contain Covid-19 are being thrown away in wildlife homes. Sewage continues to pollute orca habitats and threatens salmon that is a vital food source for endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales and others.
The new SARS-CoV-2 can survive in feces for weeks. The virus was found in European cities’ wastewater systems before cases of Covid-19 were confirmed there. In Boston and the Netherlands the idea to begin testing wastewater for SARS-CoV-2 emerged after research revealed that virus particles could be shed through stool and other bodily fluids.
Orcas in Captivity
A captive beluga whale infected with a coronavirus showed signs of severe liver damage. In another captive beluga a coronavirus was implicated in the cause of death. Three captive bottlenose dolphins had coronaviruses. However, as also found in people with Covid-19, they had no notable symptoms. So dolphins may be infected with coronaviruses but can appear to be in good health. That could even expose customers in “splash zones” and petting and feeding infected captives.
Although it has been under reported by the aquarium industry the same pathogens causing respiratory infections are found in both captive orcas and humans. At least 40 captive orcas have died from respiratory related diseases. This includes “Tillikum” who died from a bacterial respiratory infection in January 2019 after years of unsuccessful treatments. (Tillikum was first at Sealand in Victoria, BC)
In the Wild
Researchers have found that baleen and toothed whales, such as orcas, narwhals and belugas, may be susceptible to SARS-CoV-2. The zoonotic transmission of coronaviruses from cetaceans to humans and humans to cetaceans is possible.
If you live in Canada or the US please contact your political representatives! If you haven’t already done so Please Sign and Share: Let’s Raise A Stink to Save Orcas! https://www.change.org/p/let-s-raise-a-stink-to-save-orcas
Experience the Wonderful World of Wildlife!
You can enjoy the many wonders of nature from home.Your Lifeforce Ocean Friends Kit for only $35 (plus postage) will let you learn about nature while enjoying breath taking photos on the Humpback and Orca info cards, “Share the Shore!” with pinnipeds, the Lifeforce Bird Wise Quiz, Orca Field Guide and much, much more!
You personalized Ocean Friend Certificate can be framed to show your friends that you care about protecting oceans for all life! Your weather proof “Freedom NOT Captivity” sticker helps stop the captivity of cetaceans. And your Personal Log Book will help you record your memories when exploring wildlife. In addition, for the next year you will receive all of the new Lifeforce educational materials.
Whether for yourself or as gifts your money goes directly to the Ocean Friend Programs by Lifeforce volunteers! Thank you!
Lifeforce has been fighting to save orcas since 1981. Please Help Us Help Them! Please Contact Lifeforce at lifeforcesociety@gmail.com when you send your payment for the Ocean Friends Kit to the Lifeforce Foundation through Paypal. OCEAN FRIENDS KITS.

Orca Rights!

posted on June 7, 2020

Orca Rights!

Orcas Must Be Given Their Rights to Clean Water, Healthy Food and Safe Homes!
We must protect both the health of people and wildlife!

While we are trying to find ways to protect people and animals from the Covid-19 pandemic we can and must also eliminate all environmental pollution! One of the ways to achieve a healthier world is government funding and laws that mandate the most effective prevention of sewage and storm water pollution!

All orcas are facing extinction! Pollution is one of the four major threats to the Southern Resident Killer Whales! For decades, they have lived and died in increasingly polluted waters!

In order to protect people, animals and ecosystems monies must be spent now on the best available technology. Many governments are planning to upgrade aging sewer treatment systems to only Secondary Treatment. If they do, households and industries will continue polluting land and water habitats. Implementing the most effective Tertiary Sewage Treatment can’t wait for another 30 years! There is the increasing human population wastes, future increased costs and more pollution related health care costs!

Read about the Life and Death Issues! Please Help Sign and Share this Lifeforce petition: Let's Raise a Stink to Save Orcas! https://www.change.org/p/let-s-raise-a-stink-to-save-orcas
Lifeforce has been fighting to save orcas since 1981. Please Help Us Help Them! by making a greatly needed donation to the Lifeforce Foundation through Paypal > YOUR DONATION.
Thank you!

June Is Orca Action Month In British Columbia, Washington And Oregon!

posted on June 3, 2020

June Is Orca Action Month In British Columbia, Washington And Oregon!

Part 3
Victory! End Cetacean Captivity at Vancouver Aquarium!

After 54 deaths of cetaceans due to the Vancouver Aquarium (VA) pro captivity business a bylaw that ends all further cetacean captivity was implemented and the Aquarium's legal challenges failed. Although they may try to hold so called “rescued” cetaceans, Lifeforce has now closed our successful petition “End Cetacean Captivity at Vancouver Aquarium!”

In 2017, the Vancouver Park Board voted to ban keeping whales and dolphins in captivity at the aquarium. The VA followed with a lawsuit against the city, claiming the ban resulted in millions of dollars in lost revenue and constituted a breach of contract. Last June the Aquarium's parent company, Ocean Wise, agreed to a cetacean ban as part of a new 35-year lease agreement with the Vancouver Park Board. They also dropped its legal action against the park board over lost revenue because of the ban. The remaining lone dolphin at the VA will probably end up in a Sea World prison!

In Canada the cetacean captivity continues because this Canadian “Ban” allows keeping cetaceans for “legitimate scientific research”. In addition to cetaceans’ rights to not being subjected to experiments, life in captivity cannot be extrapolated to life in the wild! Sadly the “grandfathered” 40 plus belugas and others at Marineland, Ontario will also perpetuate captivity!

Lifeforce continues to end all cetacean captivity! Please Sign and Share this new Petition to end all captivity at the Vancouver Aquarium Zoo! https://www.change.org/p/the-honourable-navdeep-bains-be-ocean-wiser-no-more-animal-prisons-in-stanley-park

Since the 80s Lifeforce has fought against captivity. This included all the Vancouver Aquarium expansions! In 1993, a 18’ boat was donated and we began our direct actions to stop vessel harassment of orcas. We fought for better protections.

The Washington state Orca Network first started Orca Awareness Month in 2007. In 2016 BC and Oregon joined. In 2019 the name was changed to Orca Action Month because of the continued urgent actions needed to protect orcas.

Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce, remembers studying “Granny” (J2) and the then reported son “Ruffles” (J1). Ruffles was actually from L pod but travelled together with “Granny” for 34 years. The matriarch Granny led the Js, Ks and Ls shown when it was time to leave the Fraser River fishing grounds.

The Early Experiments
Taku (K1) lived from 1955-1998. He was captured in 1973 and kept for 2 months. Before he was set free, he had two notches cut into his dorsal fin for easy identification and was fitted with a radio transmitter to track him. A transmitter was also bolted onto transient # T014. Major dorsal fins injuries occurred.

Fortunately the researchers realized that all orcas were not identical and could be identified by their unique markings. But the SRKWs are still being studied to death! In 2016 an L pod male died from an infection from an unnecessary tracker dart.

Lifeforce has been fighting to save marine wildlife since 1981. Please Help Us Help Them! by making a donation to Lifeforce Foundation through Paypal. PAYPAL DONATIONS.

Further information: lifeforcesociety@gmail.com

June Is Orca Action Month!

posted on May 31, 2020

June Is Orca Action Month!

June is Orca Action Month!
There have been major steps forward to protect the endangered SRKWs and other orcas! Lifeforce has declared one of our petitions “Equal Laws to Protect West Coast Endangered Orcas!” a Victory! However, we still have to stop harmful, unnecessary experiments with the excessive research boat traffic and to continue the fight for Orca Freedom!

The major factors in the decline of their populations include aquarium captures that wiped out a whole generation (at least 68 were captured). The capture of all young orcas resulted in a devastating abnormal age and sex ration. Other factors include depleted food, toxic pollution, military and other noise pollution, and excessive experiments with continued boat traffic harassment.

June is also the beginning of new Federal Regulations in BC. Boaters must maintain 400 m from all orcas in order to protect the endangered Southern Resident. Whale watch companies and protection organizations may have permission to get up to 200 m to Transient Orcas. These new laws are to protect the endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales (SRKWS) and other cetaceans. Learn more at Be Safe for the Whales and Boaters! (bewhalewise.org)

The Shocking Truths!
Throughout Orca Action Month Lifeforce will be posting past memories of the SRKWs that Lifeforce has protected since the 80s. We fought against captivity and fought for improved laws not the meager volunteer “guidelines”.
Lifeforce will also reveal the shocking truths that we told Governments months ago > COVID-19 and Orcas; Antibiotics and Vaccine Experiments on Wildlife and Captive Orcas and a lot more!

Orcas need healthy food, clean water and safe homes. Lifeforce has advised governments that fishing moratoriums MUST include catch and release to avoid transmission of coronaviruses!

Please advise us if you want to receive these Orca Action Month Updates. Send us your email at lifeforcesociety@gmail.com to be put on the Saving Orcas Email List!

During Orca Action Month Lifeforce will also be offering our few last copies of “Orca: A Family Story” for $20 including postage. ($20 CAN in Canada, $20 US in the US and Other Countries). To receive your book Please Contact Lifeforce at lifeforcesociety@gmail.com when made your payment to Lifeforce through Paypal > ORCA DONATIONS! THANKYOU!

All book sales and other donations will go directly to the nearly 40 years of successful Lifeforce Campaigns that have helped orcas and others with whom we share this planet.

For Freedom,
Peter Hamilton

Further information: lifeforcesociety@gmail.com

Help Celebrate Orca Action Month! June 2020!

posted on May 26, 2020

Help Celebrate Orca Action Month! June 2020!

June has been proclaimed Orca Action Month in BC, WA and Oregon in order to continue the needed protection for endangered orcas. Throughout the month Lifeforce will be emailing information about the protection that have been accomplished and what still needs to be done! We will also be on the water educating boaters about safe and respectful operations around orcas.

In remembrance of the past decades of orca protection work Lifeforce is providing our historic information through our heart warming story of what can be achieved!

Orca: A Family Story

In 1993 I wrote about the plight of orcas captured for the aquarium industry. In this fictional story I focused on the untold tale of survival by the Northern Resident Killer Whales (NRKWs). I wrote about how a reunion of “Corky” and “Yaka” with their family could be accomplished after life in aquarium prisons. I hoped for the family’s joy of being together again. Sadly, Yaka passed away in captivity and organizations continue to try to Free Corky!

The story is based on scientific and historic documentation of the A5 pod. You will learn about their complex social structure and how they live together for their entire lives if not captured. It includes a lot of historic information for those who continue or begin to take actions to protect those who cannot protect themselves.

Please Help Lifeforce Raise Money For Orca Protection!

During Orca Action Month Lifeforce will be offering the book for $20 including postage. ($20 CAN in Canada, $20 US in the US and Other Countries). Please Contact Lifeforce at lifeforcesociety@gmail.com when you send your payment to Lifeforce Foundation through Paypal. PAYPAL DONATIONS.

All book sales and donations will go directly to the nearly 40 years of successful Lifeforce Campaigns that have helped orcas. We are all volunteers to Help Save the Orca Families!

For Freedom,
Peter Hamilton

Happy Mother's Day For All!

posted on May 8, 2020

Happy Mother

In every country there are countless mothers and families in harm’s way every day! How people eat, entertain and experiment can bring sufferings to other sentient beings with whom we share this planet!

Lifeforce hopes you will sign and share these petitions:
No More Experiments on Wild Orcas!
Let Gorillas Be Free from Experiments and Close Up Tourism!
Raise A Stink to Protect People, Animals and Ecosystems!

Your valued moral and financial support would be greatly appreciated. You can help by making a donation to Lifeforce Foundation through Paypal:
LIFEFORCE DONATION. or by mail: Lifeforce, Box 3117, Vancouver, BC V6B 3X6...

Let's Raise A Stink To Save Orcas!

posted on May 3, 2020


Lifeforce is an ecology organization formed in 1981 to raise public awareness of the interrelationship of issues impacting people, animals and the environment. For many years we have raised issues about sewage treatment plants on the Fraser River and elsewhere. We told Canadian Governments that it continues to pollute orca habitats and threatens salmon that is a vital food source for Southern Resident Killer Whales.

Governments must protect fragile ecosystems decimated from the land and ocean dumping in Canada and US! Failure to do so will continue to harm and destroy ecosystems for all life!

Lifeforce is urging governments to Stop Sewage Pollution Threats to People, Animals and Ecosystems! They must take immediate actions to upgrade all sewage treatment plants to the most effective Tertiary Sewage Treatment!

Lifeforce also urges you to write to Your Local, Provincial and Federal Politicians! Demand that they Protect the Health of Humans, Animals and Ecosystems!

Please Sign and Share: Let's Raise a Stink Petition!

Be Ocean Wiser! No More Animal Prisons In Stanley Park!

posted on April 22, 2020

Be Ocean Wiser! No More Animal Prisons In Stanley Park!

The Vancouver Aquarium is trying to raise money during this Covid-19 pandemic to stay in business. The zoo and aquarium animal industries must be phased out! The so called “animal ambassadors” for “conservation” have not protected wild populations that are rapidly declining. Instead of spending never ending millions of dollars on animal prisons the money must be spent on saving natural habitats!

Please Sign and Share this Important Petition:
No More Animal Prisons!

Thank you,
Peter Hamilton

April 22: Earth Day Must Be Earth Year!

posted on April 20, 2020

April 22: Earth Day Must Be Earth Year!

Experiments on endangered 72 Southern Resident Killer Whales continue year round. Decades of experiments on them have not saved them!

The SRKWs and others can be saved by combating the known threats, such as lack of food, boat traffic and pollution:
1. Increasing Education such as the Marine Mammal Regulations and Be Whale Wise.
2. Increasing DFO Enforcement Officers to combat the vessel noise and harassment from commercial, private and research vessels.
3. Increasing DFO enforcement of fishing regulations, fishing moratoriums and illegal practises (such as derelict fishing gear that can entrap and injure cetaceans) to help in the recovery of decimated salmon and the broken ocean web of life.
4. Eliminating ocean pollution with maximum levels of BC wide sewage treatment plant upgrades. Trying to save money with cheaper treatment levels would not clean up the present and future life threatening levels of pollution.

Will Orcas be Saved or Studied to Death?

See SOS to Stop Orca Suffering Petition: PLEASE SIGN AND SHARE THE STOP

For further Information: Lifeforce: lifeforcesociety@gmail.com

World Day For Animals In Laboratories April 24th, 2020 Part 2!

posted on April 20, 2020

World Day For Animals In Laboratories April 24th, 2020 Part 2!

World Day 2020 Part 2

World Day For Animals In Laboratories April 24th, 2020

posted on April 20, 2020

World Day For Animals In Laboratories April 24th, 2020

World Day 2020 Part 1

Nature's Moments For You!

posted on March 27, 2020


Nature’s Moments for You!

Enjoy nature in the comfort of your home as we all work together to end the Covid-19 pandemic. This is the first Nature's Moments and others can be found on the Lifeforce Ocean Friends Facebook (link below).

Watch the beauty of orcas, humpbacks, porpoises, seals, sea lions, marine birds and other wildlife around the Salish Sea off Vancouver Island, BC.

Nature's Moments is a series of wildlife programs based on the research and education campaigns by Lifeforce Ocean Friends. It is a volunteer community program with Shaw TV North Island that we produced in 2017. (Ocean Friends Ocean Friends Facebook.)

You can enjoy all nine programs at: Nature's Moments for You!

Ocean Friends is a volunteer program and your memberships and donations help us continue our research and education programs. Your support helps raise public awareness of the need to respect and protect endangered wildlife. To make a donation see Support Lifeforce.

Lifeforce hopes Nature’s Moments will give individuals and families some moments of happiness until Covid-19 ends. We all can have peace of mind knowing that it will end!

For further information: lifeforcesociety@gmail.com

Covid-19 Transmissions To And From Domestic And Wild Animals!

posted on March 11, 2020

Covid-19 Transmissions To And From Domestic And Wild Animals!

March 11, 2020

To: Canada and US Governments
Re: Covid-19 Transmissions to and from Domestic and Wild Animals!

Containment and health protection plans must include the possibility of Covid-19 being transmitted to and from animals. In late February, Hong Kong authorities quarantined a dog tested positive multiple times. The dog’s owner had tested positive for Covid-19.

Containment plans should include crowds and animal/human contact at public aquariums, zoos, petting zoos, pet stores, animal shelters etc. And also in animal business such as animal food production farms, animal auctions, slaughter houses, meat packing plants, etc..

Virus prevention methods recommended for people should also apply to animal companions. For example, since dogs can be in public areas information similar to hand washing for people could help them and their owners. Species specific protocols must also be developed.

The Lifeforce Foundation hopes that these possible types of transmissions will be part of containment and health protection plans to protect all life.

Additional News:
Urgent New Petition: Covid-19 and Other Threats to Gorillas!
Re: Stopping Human Diseases and Poaching!

In view of the world wide spread of the Covid-19 virus and other life threatening infectious diseases it is time to end the close up gorilla photography encounters by international tourists! For decades the gorillas in Rwanda and Uganda have become sick and even died as a result of exposure to human diseases! And there is still a Black Market for live gorilla “pets” and dead gorillas’ for “trophies”.
Please Sign and Share: Threats To Gorillas Petition.
For Further Information: lifeforcesociety@gmail.com

Covid-19 And Other Threats To Gorillas!

posted on March 9, 2020

Covid-19 And Other Threats To Gorillas!

Urgent New Petition: Covid-19 and Other Threats to Gorillas!
Re: Stopping Human Diseases and Poaching!

In view of the world wide spread of the Covid-19 virus and other life threatening infectious diseases it is time to end the close up gorilla photography encounters by international tourists! For decades the gorillas in Rwanda and Uganda have become sick and even died as a result of exposure to human diseases! And here is still a Black Market for live gorilla “pets” and dead gorillas’ for “trophies”.

Please Sign and Share: Covid-19 and Other Threats to Gorillas!Petition

Herring Fisherman Charged For Bombing Sea Lions!

posted on February 27, 2020

Herring Fisherman Charged For Bombing Sea Lions!

February 26, 2020
Re: Herring Fisherman Charged for Bombing Sea Lions!
Stop the Cruel Herring Fishery and the Seal Hunt! Phone or Write Your Local Politicians!

A Lifeforce investigation discovered that DFO decided to lay charges against one herring fisherman for the inhumane, senseless bombing of sea lions in March 2019 during the herring fishery. Allan Marsden is facing three counts under the Fisheries Act and Explosives Act. He is scheduled to appear in court on March 26th.

A video showing him tossing an explosive at sea lions sparked mass controversy! The video showed a callous disrespect for wildlife. They were not fishing or being “threaten” by the sea lions. They threw the seal bomb into a large group and laughed about it saying “that was awesome”!
“Seal bombs” can cause serious physical harm including deafness, eye damage and life threatening injuries. Especially when thrown directly at the victims. Even at greater distances orcas and humpbacks could have been harmed.

When fishermen net herring it will obviously attract seals and sea lions. Then more inhumane bombings and shootings! In view of this information, the 2020 Herring Fishery should be cancelled in order to prevent further marine wildlife abuses and the extinction of this herring population.

DFO should be commended for enforcing wildlife violations under the Marine Mammal Regulations. DFO must also take further action by not permitting any West Coast Seal and Sea Lion Slaughter! The renamed “Pacific Balance Marine Management” still wants to kill tens of thousands of seals and sea lions. The seals and sea lions would be inhumanely clubbed, shot (rifles and shotguns) and harpooned by crossbows! More senseless abuse and slaughter!

As DFO states: “It is illegal to disturb seals, sea lions or other marine mammals. This includes the use of acoustic deterrents such as seal bombs or other explosives. If anyone witnesses a disturbance to marine mammals in BC, please report it to DFO at 1-800-465-4336.”

Say Yes to Herring and Other Fishing Moratoriums or Lose Them Forever!
Say No to Seal and Sea Lion Slaughter!
More information at this Petition!
Say No to Seal and Sea Lion Slaughter!

For Further Information: Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce lifeforcesociety@gmail.com

Humpbacks Need Herring! Humans Have Choices!

posted on February 1, 2020

Humpbacks Need Herring! Humans Have Choices!

DFO approved again a 20% harvest rate that would decimate this herring population! The roe fishery could start in late Feb or early March.

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) confirmed that the Pacific herring population dropped by approximately 1/3 between 2016 and 2019, and will drop by more than 50% by 2020.

Pacific herring is the basis of the food web that supports salmon, orcas, humpbacks, cod and halibut, seabirds and many other species!

Please Sign this Petition to the Government of Canada!

Support the Lifeforce Cetacean Campaigns!
Donate at www.lifeforcefoundation.org

You Tube:

Sewage And Recycling Campaign: Let’s Raise A Stink For Saving Earth!

posted on January 29, 2020

Sewage And Recycling Campaign: Let’s Raise A Stink For Saving Earth!

Sewage and Recycling Campaign: Let’s Raise A Stink For Saving Earth!

Lifeforce is continuing our campaigns about Sewage, Recycling and Being Healthy! Funds must be spent now NOT over the next 30 years!

Here is part of our correspondence with local governments in the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island where there is a lot of pollution! There have also been countless other polluters! In 2018 the herring fleet illegally dumped sewage that contaminated shell fish and people got sick from the norovirus (Probable cause as determined by BC Center for Disease Control). No fines were issued.

To: Mayor and Council:

Thank you for your response to our concerns about adequate sewage treatment and recycling plans in order to protect the health of people, animals and ecosystems.

Our main points:
1. “Drastic reductions” are not good enough! All Sewage Treatment Plants must be at the highest “Tertiary” Levels in order to remove all deadly pollutants (such as pharmaceuticals and micro plastics) from the ever growing human populations! The plan must be to remove 100%. If you wouldn’t “swim in it” think of wildlife that has no choices! ...Stop treating oceans as sewage dumps!
2. All Recycling Programs must include all plastics, Styrofoam etc... Promote the Goal of “If it can’t be Recycled then Don’t Make It!”
Lifeforce looks forward to discussing ways to make local sewage treatment and recycling one of the best in the world!

For A Better Planet,
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founder

Write to Your Local, Provincial and Federal Politicians! Demand that they Protect the Health of Humans, Animals and Ecosystems Now!

Why China Must Start To Recognize Animal Rights! Updated!

posted on January 19, 2020

Why China Must Start To Recognize Animal Rights! Updated!

Chinese New Years > Jan 25 – Feb 8th

Why China Must Start To Recognize Animal Rights! Updated!

China violates the rights of people and animals.

The recent outbreak of the coronavirus is an example how the illegal trade of animals not only exploits numerous species but threatens human health.
Chinese authorities say the outbreak occurred in a “wet market” and the virus came from animals being sold illegally.

After the 2003 SARS outbreak, there was some crackdown on selling live birds including chicken and ducks. Presently one store at this market had almost 50 different kinds of species of wild animals being sold. Markets sell live dogs, wolf pups, civet cats, hedgehogs, peacocks, wild rabbits, snakes, otters, camels, koalas, deer and crocodiles. Animals are slaughter in front of customers.

Although the markets are breeding grounds for viruses, it is a symbol of wealth as they are expensive and rare. In traditional Chinese medicine it is believed that it can improve health but no scientific proof!

A “Wet” Market Ban is Needed!

Here are only a few of the reasons that they must also respect Animal Rights!:

1. Cetacean Captivity: While other countries are banning cetacean captivity China is increasing it with numerous aquariums and zoos.

2017: China’s First Killer Whale Breeding Center: CHINA ORCA BREEDING!

2. Despicable China Shopping Mall - Guangzhou Zhengjia Polar Ocean World

The bear has been described by International Media as the “Saddest Polar Bear in the World”! Recent photos and videos show the four belugas languishing at the bottom of the pool:

3. China’s Over Fishing Wars!

In September 2017, a retired US Navy Admiral said that Beijing was spending hundreds of millions of dollars annually to subsidize its long-range fishing fleet and that its coast guard often escorts those ships while they fish illegally. In September 2018, a US Coast Guard Commander wrote that "the odds that a squabble over fishing rights could turn into a major armed conflict are rising."

China's "insatiable appetite" for seafood is straining the limited abilities of South American countries to enforce their maritime boundaries. Countries on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts have been affected, and most of the illicit fishing activity in those areas is done by Chinese vessels. CHINA OVERFISHING!

4. China’s other “insatiable appetite” for pork decimates fish populations for “fishmeal” that is fed to pigs on their mega farms! FISH FOR PIGS!

China’s Swine Flu lethal problems. It has been particularly devastating in China – home to the world’s largest pig population. CHINA LARGEST SICK PIG POPULATION

5. Shark Finning for a “Chinese Delicacy”!
Billions of sharks continue to be killed! The reason is shark fin soup that is a highly popular ancient Chinese delicacy! CHINA SHARK FINNING INDUSTRY

6. The Beijing Federation of Trade Unions will hold a circus performance at the Beijing Workers Stadium from January 27th to 29th. Performances include black bear, monkey, lion, parrot, peacock and other animal shows.

Petitions are rare in mainland China. Please help to support this activist group stop the circus abuses by signing! The Petition deadline is January 20, 2020. STOP CHINA CIRCUS PETITION

How You Can Fight For Animal Rights in China!
Contact Your Nearest Chinese Embassy and Chinese Benevolent Association!
Ask them to Help Promote Benevolence for All Life!
Ask them to include “Year of Animal Rights”!

In Vancouver, Canada:
BC and Yukon Embassy: chinaconsul_van_ca@mfa.gov.cn
Benevolent Association: cbaofvancouver@gmail.com

Humane Research Must Replace All Barbaric Experiments!

posted on January 14, 2020

Humane Research Must Replace All Barbaric Experiments!

For over a decade Lifeforce has been saying that it is time to end barbaric, inhumane research methods such as shooting cetaceans with cross bows and all the numerous other sufferings they endure! Dart trackers has killed at least one endangered orca in 2016 and injured many other cetaceans! The continuous experiments on them have not saved them! This continues in spite of available existing and new technologies!

Humane, safer research methods include using orbiting satellites to study populations and travel patterns, hydrophones systems to study dialects and travel patterns, drones with Petri dishes to collect cells, hormones and organisms to study the health of whales and dolphins. Extremely close “research vessel” approaches; dart trackers; biopsy darts; etc. are not necessary!

It has been said that once researchers get some animals they are on the Government gravy train for life asking endless hypothetical questions. This Research Ivory Tower is mainly an in house, peer review system. Cosmetic Testing and other experiments on animals are being phased out. The lucrative research industry’s outdated biases and control over wildlife experiments must end too! Or the Southern Resident Orcas and others may not survive!

In 2020, hopefully it will be out with the old ways and in with the new ways! Then it will be a Happy New Year for Whales and Dolphins!
Please Sign and Share the “SOS to Stop Orca Suffering Petition”: PETITION.

Your valued moral and financial support would be greatly appreciated. You can help by making a donation to Lifeforce Foundation through Paypal: Lifeforce Donations. or by mail: Lifeforce, Box 3117, Vancouver, BC V6B 3X6

Open Letter To Bc Tourism Industry Re: Seal Hunt

posted on January 6, 2020

Open Letter to BC Tourism Industry

To: Minister Lisa Beare and Deputy Minister Shauna Brouwer, BC Ministry of Tourism, Arts & Culture; Tourism Industry Association of BC; Tourism Vancouver; Tourism Victoria; Tourism Downtown Victoria;

From: Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce 

Re: BC West Coast Tourism Boycott!

A group of First Nations with connections to the fishing industry is lobbying the Canadian Government to permit a West Coast Sea lion and Seal Hunt!  

“The Pacific Balance Pinniped Society (PBPS)” wants to start a new industry to market the unsafe meat for “high end” restaurants in North America, Europe and Asia and for pet food!  They also want to sell fur and blubber oil. There is a ban on seal-based products in Europe and other countries that includes meat, boots, and coats.

A BC Wide Tourism Boycott Warning!

A West Coast Seal and Sea Lion Slaughter would create an ecological imbalance further threatening endangered marine life and putting jobs at risk! If the Canadian Government permits unnecessary, inhumane hunts there will be a massive West Coast Tourism Boycott!

In 2018, the top 10 issues amassed a total of over 3 million pieces of correspondence to the Prime Minister. The number one issue Canadians are writing about is the Seal Hunt: 2,013,389 pieces of correspondence!

Super Natural BC?

The tourism industry in British Columbia describes the wonders of wildlife and nature as Super Natural BC and “The Wild Within”. All Wildlife Must Be Respected!

A West Coast Seal and Sea Lion slaughter of thousands of wildlife will result in world condemnation! There would be a BC Tourism Boycott as seen with the killing of seals in Eastern Canada?

In addition there would be bans of the pinniped products as seen in other countries such as US, Europe, Russia, Mexico and Taiwan for the East Coast Seal Hunts. The US Marine Mammal Protection Act prohibits the sale of furs, meat, pet food and blubber oil for cosmetics in addition to Omega 3 vitamins.

Let us all Hope that the BC Tourism Industry and Governments Say No! The Tourism saying “Wild Within” must not be “Wild Within Shooting Range!”                                                   

Stop the Fishing Industry’s $cam!

There is scientific proof that targeting “pinnipeds” will not save salmon!

In fact, it will directly reduce this food source for some orca species!

People Have Choices of Food – Wildlife Do Not! 

Say No to a Senseless Seal and Sea Lion Slaughter!

Say Yes to Fishing Moratoriums!

Please See Petition: