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A Very Missing Christmas

posted on December 22, 2014

A Very Missing Christmas

As many people are freely travelling to visit friends and family it is not so much fun for imprisoned orcas and other dolphins missing friends, family, and freedom.

Lifeforce Marine Life Programs

posted on December 18, 2014

Lifeforce Marine Life Programs

See Poster

Lifeforce Holiday Don'ts And Do's Part 1

posted on December 13, 2014

Lifeforce Holiday Don

Lifeforce Holiday Don'ts and Do's

Lifeforce Holiday Don'ts And Do's Part 2

posted on December 13, 2014

Lifeforce Holiday Don

Lifeforce Holiday Don'ts and Do's

Teeth Of Pregnant Orca Sawed Off For Illegal Trinkets?

posted on December 8, 2014

Updated News Release

Re: A Crime Against Nature > Teeth of Pregnant Orca Sawed Off for Illegal Trinkets?

During the evening of December 5th several teeth were sawed off from a dead, pregnant orca from the endangered Southern Resident Killer Whale families. Now they are only 77 left in J, K, and L pods. The 18 year old “J32”/Rhapsody”, who died with a full term baby, had been towed to a Comox, BC beach for a necropsy the next day.

This is desecration against a nonhuman person and a crime against nature. It is a criminal indignity against a body and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Orcas are highly intelligent sentient beings who live their entire lives in close cultural communities. The oldest in this J pod is “Granny” at approximately 100 years old. It is time to recognize the rights of these orcas and all other dolphins who are exploited by the aquarium industry and others.

In addition to possible violations of the Criminal Code of Canada it would be illegal to "harvest" teeth from an endangered species without a permit! The Canadian Species At Risk Act states that it is illegal to possess part of an endangered or threatened animal!

At the Vancouver Aquarium alone all 3 orca babies died, 4 out 5 beluga babies died, and a Pacific white side dolphin had 2 still births. Lifeforce has recently discovered that there are at least 6 more baby deaths fathered by their wild caught beluga Nanuq at the infamous Sea Worlds. This was between 2006 and 2012. Some of the births were by artificial insemination in which “manual stimulation with a glove hand” was used to get the beluga to ejaculate into an “artificial vagina”. The male had to be “trained” for 2 years. They took 42 semen samples and used 10 of them in 7 females. This makes the present total deaths resulting from the Vancouver Aquarium’s pro captivity agenda to at least 45 since 1964.

Everyone can take action to try to save the endangered orcas. We must immediately implement fishing moratoriums, enact strong legislation/enforcement of marine mammal protection laws, stop the commercial/private boats from interrupting orca lifestyles, halt pollution such as the dumping of raw sewage off Victoria, and end military weapon tests where orcas reside. Further, we must boycott cetacean captivity now because they always depend on wild captures and deplete populations under the guise of “conservation”. (More information at www.lifeforcefoundation.org)

For Further Information Contact lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com

Further Reading

45 Reasons To Boycott The Vancouver Aquarium

posted on November 21, 2014

45 Reasons To Boycott The Vancouver Aquarium

It has recently been discovered that there were 6 deaths of baby belugas during joint breeding of wild caught belugas from the Vancouver Aquarium sent to US Sea Worlds (2006 and 2012).
This raises the total to 45 cetaceans who have died as a result of the Vancouver Aquarium's pro captivity agenda since 1964.

Remembrance Days > Animals In War

posted on November 11, 2014

Remembrance Days > Animals In War
In scientifically fallacious, inhumane military experiments sentient animals are poisoned, shot, burned, wounded, shocked and much more. They have no rights! Please remember all life who suffered and those who continue to be exploited as they "serve”, and are experimented on in military labs.
The Lifeforce Foundation, a Vancouver, Canada based ecology and animal rights organization, continues to raise funds for online and on location Memorials for fellow animals with whom we share this planet. They continue to suffer and die in various ongoing human battles. They are the unwilling victims. Read more at: In Remembrance For All Life.

Protect Cetaceans And Stanley Park

posted on October 15, 2014

Protect Cetaceans And Stanley ParkVancouver Civic Election November 15th
An education brochure is the first step of the campaign to protect Stanley Park and to stop the captivity of cetaceans at the Vancouver Aquarium. It has just been posted on the LIFEFORCE facebook “Vancouver Aquarium is SADquarium” SADquarium.
Stanley Park has a diversity of wildlife living in and migrating through. It is continuously threatened by commercial development such as the ongoing Vancouver Aquarium expansions. The proposed expansion would almost double their encroachment on scarce park land. Most of the $100 million is public tax money that should be spent on protecting wildlife habitats NOT on building and maintaining animal prisons.
More Pools Always Means More Captives! There would be at least 4 more belugas and at least 6 more other dolphins. They will even include beaver who can be seen living freely in the park and river otters who the public voted against putting in a 90s Stanley Park Zoo expansion. That zoo was shut down.
Please read the information and send the emails.

Ecology And Captivity

posted on September 18, 2014

Ecology And Captivity

Why is Stanley Park and dolphin protection the same issue? It is because there are those who love the park, those who love dolphins and those who love both. Without these long time combined forces against the ongoing aquarium expansion we would have a SeaWorld size building consuming the park. They could have won to build through Lumberman’s Arch to the waterfront or even take over Brockton Oval.

The following letter links to stopping the Vancouver Aquarium's expansions and captivity.

Dear Commissioners, Mayor and Council:

I did a Stanley Park Nature and History Walk series of brochures several years ago. They continue to educate people to this day. This week the series and interview appeared on The Otter: Canadian Environmental History blog.

I would welcome a discussion to install a network of wildlife video cameras in Stanley Park.

Thank you,

Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director

Lifeforce Whale And Dolphin Protection

posted on August 23, 2014

Lifeforce Whale And Dolphin Protection

Lifeforce Whale and Dolphin Protection > On the Water and At City Hall

On the Water
Lifeforce has been very busy this August documenting boat traffic that harasses endangered orcas in waters off Vancouver and Washington. Our work has previously led to fines. Whale watch companies and pleasure boaters still don’t obey the laws and that further lowers their chances of survival. Boat traffic interrupts their foraging, resting, socializing, and their peace of mind.
The photo below shows how close these Canadian companies continue to get. One company had been fined for being within a reported 12 feet of the orcas. The boat below had set up in front of approaching orcas. Lifeforce moved in position to photograph the violation and it appeared that their other boat sped in to try to block us from taking the photos.

At City Hall
Lifeforce is also working on an extensive report to expose the Vancouver Aquarium’s myths that they need to keep captive cetaceans. They started what Lifeforce calls Aquarium Whaling when the orca they harpooned to kill as a model for a sculpture survived and attracted crowds. Aquariums then took 68 orcas and killed 13 during the captures.
Lifeforce supported Vision Vancouver plan to amend the Cetacean Bylaw that we fought for in 1996. However, they did not ban the cetacean captivity. The Parks Board Chair said they took the Vancouver Aquarium’s word that captive cetaceans are needed for their research and rescue work. (Note: the Aquarium appears to want to get on the lucrative vivisection gravy train).
The Aquarium support included a UBC vivisector, who built his career on a mountain of dead rats, cats, and monkeys. He said that the politicians and the public should not have any say over what the Aquarium does. This would be like the horrible experiments he did behind closed doors at the UBC Kinsmen Laboratory of Neurological Science (Note: Lifeforce did manage to expose it over the years). They implanted electrodes into the brains of animals, repeatedly shocked them to try to induce convulsions, and restrained monkeys for months in epilepsy experiments. Even the head researcher admitted that they found major difference between animal species and the only reliable way to find cures in “man” is to study “man”.
The Lifeforce’s report is definitely needed to expose the Aquarium propaganda machine.

Will You Help?
Recently a fisherman saved an orca accidently trapped in his gill net near Port McNeal, BC. It is inspirational when people come together to save whales, dolphins, and others. Here on the West Coast we are fortunate to have a vast network of caring people, organizations and government agencies. This is another example why the Vancouver Aquarium's claim that they need captive cetaceans to know how to do such rescue work is ridiculous!
We hope you will continue to support Lifeforce in spirit and, if you are able to, with a donation to continue this important work.

Thank you,

For Freedom,
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director

Re: Public Review Of Proposed Canada Geese Kill Needed

posted on August 13, 2014

 Re: Public Review Of Proposed Canada Geese Kill NeededPlease write to the Port Alberni Council.

Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director

From: Lifeforce
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2014 3:03 PM
To: dan_washington@portalberni.ca ; cindy_solda@portalberni.ca ; hira_chopra@portalberni.ca ; jack_mcleman@portalberni.ca ; john_douglas@portalberni.ca ; rob_cole@portalberni.ca ; wendy_kerr@portalberni.ca ; ken_watson@portalberni.ca
Cc: Peter Hamilton
Subject: Re: Public Review of Proposed Canada Geese Kill Needed

Open Letter

Dear Mayor John Douglas and Councillors:

Re: Public Review of Proposed Canada Geese Kill Needed

On behalf of the Lifeforce Foundation we would like to be advised why there was not a public comment period regarding the planned killing of Canada Geese in September? Your Council read one letter and heard from that person from the pro hunting organization Ducks Unlimited. It appears that you took that person’s word that a “cull” was necessary. There was no Staff Report regarding lifting the discharge of fire arms restriction, determining if a “cull” is necessary, and reviewing the humane, nonlethal methods.

There was no information provided to you regarding humane alternatives. Lifeforce had sent an email to you to help to discussed controlling the geese since killing them is also not a permanent solution. Apparently Jack McLeman stated, “Don't think we should enter I to a discussion with this group (Lifeforce)”. Why?

Vancouver Lower Mainland hunters created these human and wildlife conflicts when they bred wild Canada Geese with domestic birds so they would have a year round source to hunt. This manipulation of nature resulted in a non migratory species. On the other hand, there are subspecies of migratory ones that are more stable than others and there is still a lot to learn about them.

According to Audubon: ”The Cackling Goose is one of North America's "newest" birds. In 2004, the American Ornithologist's Union determined that the four smallest (of eleven) subspecies of the Canada Goose were actually a unique species--now officially called the Cackling Goose. ... A complicating factor for wildlife managers is the fact that some subspecies of both Cackling and Canada Geese are more stable than others. Hence, management techniques and policies for both species must undergo constant review, particularly in the Northwest, where Cackling and Canada Geese flock together most commonly.” http://birds.audubon.org/species/cacgoo

This is an animal welfare/cruelty issue with possible conservation concerns, and public safety issues. Therefore, it is the duty of your Council to conduct a full and proper review of the matter.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director

Phase Out Cetacean Captivity At Vancouver Aquarium

posted on July 25, 2014

Phase Out Cetacean Captivity At Vancouver AquariumBoycott the Vancouver Aquatic Circus! Support a Waterless Education Centre!
Support a Cetacean Bylaw that will Phase Out Captivity!

Please Email: Vancouver Parks Board Commissioners at

pbcomment@vancouver.ca and Mayor and Councillors at mayorandcouncil@vancouver.ca

More Info at Lifeforce Facebook
Lifeforce Facebook.

Find The False Killer Whale Family

posted on July 14, 2014

Find The False Killer Whale Family

News Release
Re: “Rescued” False Killer Whale Taken by Vancouver Aquarium (VA)

The False killer whale taken from waters off Tofino on July 10th was instantly deemed by VA to be unrealisable with only a 10% chance of survival. They also said other aquariums immediately called trying to provide a “permanent” location.

It should be clarified that the False killer whale (FKW) was taken to a non public Vancouver Aquarium facility on the waterfront in Vancouver NOT the Vancouver Aquarium (VA) circus. As with sick/injured humans care it must be out of public view (that Lifeforce had stopped VA from doing in Stanley Park).

Captive performing cetaceans are obviously not necessary to conduct rescues, rehab, and releases by the VA. There are also other people and organizations conducting this kind of work in BC and WA. In addition, temporary locations have been used to hold those, such as the lone orca “Springer”, who truly could be saved. The VA acquires millions of dollars from Federal and Provincial governments. The multimillion dollar planned Aquarium expansion, with more dolphin pools and many more captive cetaceans, must be stopped.

Find the Family

Lifeforce has proposed to DFO’s Paul Cottrell to give the baby FKW a chance at freedom by locating the family pod. We asked about getting a tape of the baby’s vocalization and playing the vocalization in various areas to attract the pod. We also contacted several whale watch companies and others in the area to report any sightings. On July 13th another False killer whale was seen off Tofino.

Tell The Honourable Gail Shea to find the family and release the baby! min@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
Here is a recent rescue of a baby dolphin who was immediately returned to the family in the nearby Australian waters. View Dolphin baby rescueed in Australia.

Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Founder and who has been part of Canadian and US Rescue Networks stated, “Is the VA using this baby to try to stop the support of phasing out cetaceans in captivity at the Vancouver Aquarium (VA)? It is “rescue response” policy that in dire cases to “Let nature take its course”. The public must understand the hard reality of the “rescue” system and not be manipulated by the Vancouver Aquarium pr spin. The fact is that not all survive and trying to “rescue” wildlife to perpetuate captivity is inhumane. Meanwhile this baby continues to suffer.”

Contrary to VA “rare to sight and research needed” claims, FKWs populations have been extensively studied for decades and have been listed as species seen in BC by DFO and the Vancouver Aquarium. From 1992 to 2005 one lived in local Vancouver waters from Horseshoe Bay to Point Roberts. “Willy” or “Wilma” would follow boats and appeared to prefer the Lifeforce boat over others. Boat following did not interfere with any family reunion since no options were available to relocate (family members died/left area). Media stories here > Wild FKW with Lifeforce.

“Freedom NOT Captivity!” concludes Peter Hamilton,”No More Aquarium Pools and More Captivity!”

For further information contact Peter Hamilton by lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com

Updated Lifeforce 2014 Whale Cards

posted on May 25, 2014

Updated Lifeforce 2014 Whale Cards

Lifeforce has updated our Orca Field Guide and our Whale Watch Regulations for BC and Washington.

The Orca Field Guide was created in the 90s as a result of our orca research and protection work. Under a Canadian government research permit Lifeorce Founder, Peter Hamilton, studied the behaviour and travel patterns of orcas.

Lifeforce was the first organization to create whale watching guidelines in Southern BC and to monitor boat traffic in these waters. Our campaigns, reports, petitions, and other investigations has helped get better orca protection.

Please help share and distribute the cards to friends, boaters, and others. Lifeforce continues to add these additional levels of wildlife education. In the coming months, we will be announcing a new campaign directed at eco tourism companies.

These cards can be viewed on the Lifeforce Facebook:

Donations are greatly appreciated.Thank you.

World Week For Animals In Laboratories 2014

posted on April 24, 2014

World Week For Animals In Laboratories 2014

Please Join Stop Vivisection Canada!
Join Stop Vivisection Canada!

We Need Your Help!

posted on March 27, 2014

We Need Your Help!Dear Friends:
Stop the Vancouver Aquarium Captivity Expansion!
The Vancouver Aquarium in Stanley Park started the orca slave trade and has a history of wildlife exploitation. They are planning to make their largest expansion to date. This will be with Canadian tax monies and donations that include polluters such as Teck Mining. These plans include more cetaceans!

In addition, it includes river otters (that Vancouverites voted against during a 90s referendum to close the Stanley Park Zoo), beaver (who are found living freely in Stanley Park), and suggested Arctic Foxes and other wildlife.

As of August 2012 at least 39 cetaceans died as a result of this Aquarium’s captivity. This includes 9 orcas, 7 narwhals, 10 Belugas, and 13 Pacific white-sided dolphins. They have also “loaned” 3 belugas to US Sea Worlds.

Read more at the Vancouver SADquarium Facebook. This includes the video of the Aquarium beluga hunters attacking Lifeforce volunteers. One hunter was charged.
Vancouver Aquarium Facebook.

You Can Help!
History has proven that More Pools Means Captive Cetaceans and other wildlife. Further, the ongoing expansions destroy precious park land that provides natural habitat for a diversity of wildlife. Stanley Park is a free eco classroom.

Lifeforce spearheaded the fight for the 1996 Cetacean Bylaw to phase out all cetacean captivity. We must improve this Bylaw that the Vancouver Aquarium vehemently opposed and got watered down. We must give the public a referendum vote in the November 2014 Vancouver Civic Election.

Please Email: Vancouver Parks Board Commissioners at pbcomment@vancouver.ca and Mayor and Councillors at mayorandcouncil@vancouver.ca;
Boycott the Vancouver Aquarium! Support a Waterless Education Centre! Support the true Rescue and Rehabilitation Facilities in BC and WA!

Marine Life Programs
The season is quickly approaching for whale and wildlife watching on the West Coast. Commercial companies and pleasure boaters continue to violate laws to protect orcas and other marine wildlife.
Recently a March 2014 DFO Press Release stated that a Campbell River Whale Watch Operator was convicted twice. The last conviction led to a $6,000 and a 10 year ban.
There is still a lack of enforcement and strong, consistent laws. While this has greatly improved on the US side, Canada has still not released new Marine Mammal protection regulations.
While other government funded organizations are getting approximately $100,000 annually, Lifeforce gets the job done on only $10,000. Lifeforce photos have led to fines against those harassing orcas. We hope you will consider making a donation by check or through Paypal to our Marine Life Programs it is greatly needed and appreciated. See Support Lifeforce at Please Donate to Help.
Peace For All Life,
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director

Stop The Vancouver Aquarium Captivity Expansion!

posted on March 15, 2014

Stop The Vancouver Aquarium Captivity Expansion!

The Vancouver Aquarium in Stanley Park started the orca slave trade and has a history of wildlife exploitation. They are planning to make their largest expansion to date. This will be with Canadian tax monies and donations that include polluters such as Teck Mining. These plans include more cetaceans!

In addition, it includes river otters (that Vancouverites voted against during a 90s referendum to close the Stanley Park Zoo), beaver (who are found living freely in Stanley Park), and suggested Arctic Foxes and other wildlife.

As of August 2012 at least 39 cetaceans died as a result of this Aquarium’s captivity. This includes 9 orcas, 7 narwhals, 10 Belugas, and 13 Pacific white-sided dolphins. They have also “loaned” 3 belugas to US Sea Worlds.

Read more at the Vancouver SADquarium Facebook. This includes the video of the Aquarium beluga hunters attacking Lifeforce volunteers. One hunter was charged.
Vancouver SADquarium.

You Can Help!
History has proven that More Pools Means Captive Cetaceans and other wildlife. Further, the ongoing expansions destroy precious park land that provides natural habitat for a diversity of wildlife. Stanley Park is a free eco classroom.

Lifeforce spearheaded the fight for the 1996 Cetacean Bylaw to phase out all cetacean captivity. We must improve this Bylaw that the Vancouver Aquarium vehemently opposed and got watered down. We must give the public a referendum vote in the November 2014 Vancouver Civic Election.

Please Email: Vancouver Parks Board Commissioners at pbcomment@vancouver.ca and Mayor and Councillors at mayorandcouncil@vancouver.ca;
Boycott the Vancouver Aquarium! Support a Waterless Education Centre! Support the true Rescue and Rehabilitation Facilities in BC and WA!

More information at www.lifeforcefoundation.org

Stop Sochi Winter Olympics Dolphin Abuses

posted on January 17, 2014

Stop Sochi Winter Olympics Dolphin Abuses

Please write:

Russia President Vladimir Putin
Urge him to free the Sochi orcas. And there are reports that at least 2 belugas and 1 other dolphin will be also sent to Sochi.

Also, request that Russia stop their orca and beluga capture businesses that plan to sell them aquariums worldwide.
Send President Putin Letters.

Canadian Olympic Committee
This violates the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) Environmental Mandate, which makes conservation a top priority, and Agenda 21, which insists the games will be conducted, “with the preservation of the natural environment in mind,” and strongly suggests that “all upcoming Olympic developments will be carried out with a commitment to environmental consciousness and sustainability.”

Elkford Deer Kill Permit Revoked

posted on January 10, 2014

Elkford Deer Kill Permit Revoked

The contractor, who have done other “culls”, started killing deer on Jan 6th in Elkford, BC. He immediately violated the permit by killing 10 deer in the daytime. A kill was witnessed by adults and a child. Due to numerous complains, on January 7th the BC government advised Lifeforce that they suspended the permit for a period of 1 week to allow the Conservation Officer Service to investigate.

On Jan 10th Fernie Conservation Officer, Frank DeBoon, told Lifeforce that the permit was revoked due to noncompliance and it will be determined by the Wildlife Branch if they will go ahead with reissuing the permit over the next few days.

“The Conservation Officer Services should be commended for acting swiftly and responsibly. The BC Wildlife regulations are there to make sure that all government requirements are adhered to. Those who wantonly violate their permit conditions should be fined and disallowed any future permits,” stated Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Founder and Director “Lifeforce will continue to urge the BC Minister Steve Thomson to permanently cancel the permit, to not issue any further permits to this contractor, and to fine those responsible for violations under the BC Wildlife Act."

Lifeforce will also continue to discuss humane, nonlethal methods to government officials and politicians. We have offered our services to implement methods developed by Lifeforce and others.

Contact the Minister Steve Thomson > FLNR.Minister@gov.bc.ca;

For further information: lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com

Read more at Boycott BC Deer Kills.

Please write to Elkford Mayor and Council to stop the contract killings info@elkford.ca; mayor@elkford.ca This is part of Elkford’s site
Get Intimate with nature
Elkford remains a place where nature prevails – and humanity borrows a bit of space. The thrusted and vaulted limestone peaks of the Elk mountain range harbour wild places that engender profound human emotion. ...
"Wilderness" remains core to what the community is and wants to be.


Elkford will go ahead with their Deer Killing plans. Lifeforce has been discussing our next steps.Permit Reinstated.