posted on December 29, 2018
Time is running out in both 2018 and the lives of orcas! Lifeforce must take more actions to protect them!
Lifeforce has been fighting to save these orcas from extinction since 1993. We were on the water stopping and reporting the harassment of orcas by boaters. We continue to fight for true changes to Save the Orcas!
Industries such as commercial/sport fishing, whale watch companies, and tourism are opposing orca protection efforts.
A diversity of wildlife adventures can replace the old ecologically harmful tourism and whale watching industries. For example, bird watching and wildlife photography are now popular, lucrative tourism industries.
In 2019 Lifeforce needs to get back on the water to continue our vital work! This includes expanding boater education and monitoring boat traffic.
Your valued moral and financial support of Lifeforce’s volunteer work would be greatly appreciated. You can contribute to helping our volunteer work by making a donation to Lifeforce Foundation through Paypal.
Lifeforce PayPal Donations.
Orcas and Oceans Need Our Help!
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director
posted on December 21, 2018
 December 21, 2018
Re: The Lone Gray Whale
The lone Gray whale who was in the Courtenay River area on December 19th appears to have moved on. Gray whales do dig into sandbars for crustaceans but it is rare for them to travel into a shallow river.
Since the whale was off the air park it was a very dangerous situation that posed a public safety hazard to the whale and the public.
In view of the possibility of a seaplane collision, Lifeforce recommended to DFO that air flights should be shut down and/or whale locations must be determined through DFO contact prior to landings and take offs.
If the whale had continued to remain here Lifeforce urged DFO to use Gray whale playbacks to attract him/her out of the area. Lifeforce has developed this method 15 years ago to attract orcas away from oil spills. It was successful in attracting the lone orca out of Comox Harbour this summer by DFO.
We hope you will enjoy watching our “Lone Gray Whale” video to see the whale and to learn about safety for whales and people. Lone Gray Whale Story.
Please Help Lifeforce continue our volunteer protection work.
through making a donation to Lifeforce Foundation through Paypal. PAYPAL DONATIONS.
Thank you!
For further information: Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Ocean Friends VISIT LIFEFORCE OCEAN FRIENDS.
posted on December 9, 2018
 News Information
Updated December 9/18
Re: A Very Merry Humpback Playing With Log
On December 2nd, as Christmas time approaches, Lifeforce Ocean Friends found a four year old humpback named “Lorax” playing with a log off Comox Harbour, BC. View A Very Merry Humpback Playing With Log: Humpback Playing With Log Video.
posted on November 29, 2018
November 28, 2018
Updated November 29th
News Release
Re: Enact Emergency Orders Now to Save the Whales!
Now there has been another death of an endangered “Transient” mammal eating orca and a young Humpback. The orca is believed to have died within a week from yet to be determined cause(s) while it appears the Humpback died from a catastrophic vessel strike! The orca was found on November 14th and the Humpback on November 16th.
The Canada-based ecology organization, Lifeforce, has been recommending in our petition that there must be an Emergency Order under the Species at Risk Act that includes increasing boat distances, education and enforcement to protect all orcas. Save the Orca Families Now!
Since the increased presence of Humpback whales in the Salish Sea there have been increased injuries and deaths. Threats have included serious injuries from entanglement in fishing gear to boat collisions. A lone young one, "Ocular", was found just off Comox, BC in July. Injuries included a severe cut exposing the spinal cord.
In addition, DFO researcher Jared Towers documented another Transient T002B2 as a neonate in September and then saw her mom again a few days later without her baby.
“Actions must be taken to reduce the injuries and deaths to cetaceans as well as the harm to boaters. Moratoriums on fishing must be implemented to rebuild the broken ocean food chain. In addition, if the Oil and LNG Industries are permitted to expand then the increased tanker traffic will cause more whale deaths and irreversible damages to fragile marine habitats”, stated Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce, “A Green Economy and Future must be everyone’s focus now. If not, it may well be too late to stop the imminent threats to all life!”
From the Lifeforce report “It is Black and White: No More Compromises! Keep the SRKWs Alive!”:
Marine Mammal Regulations have recognized that public boaters cannot determine the difference between Southern Residents, Northern Residents and Transients. Boat distances and other protection measures applied to all. Therefore, further restrictions must apply to other orca ecotypes.
Other ecotypes are threatened by the same main impacts on the SRKWs. They Are Not Thriving! As claimed by whale watch companies and others. NRKWs are estimated at only 309 members. Between 1998 and 2001 there was a decline due to the lack of salmon. There are only approximately 300 Mammal Eating Transients from California to Alaska.
Alarm Bells should be heard and quick responses taken if a population declines below 1000 members. Lifeforce raised the question in the 90s that if we are fighting to protect at that time the 500 belugas in the St. Lawrence and 300 Right Whales on the East Coast why are we not doing anything for the orcas? Now the present 800 belugas and 500 Right Whales have increased protection in Canada. So include the all orca ecotypes!
Full protection is necessary especially in view of the plight of A pod and their boat injuries (3 severe hits in one family alone!). Food for both the NRKWs and the Mammal Eating Transients are also highly polluted with mercury, PCBs and many other toxins. This is certainly a probable deadly impact on their future survival as well.
Protective measures for all should start now!
Further information: lifeforcesociety@gmail.com
posted on November 29, 2018
 Here is the Lifeforce Editorial about the lone orca who stayed in Comox Harbour, BC for over a week this summer.
Too Close for Comfort and Safety! |
posted on November 22, 2018
 Dear Supporter:
Our projects this year have received an incredible amount of public and media attention.
Some of our decades long campaigns have helped stopped the exploitation of endangered orcas in captivity and in the wild. In 2017, the Vancouver Parks Board eliminated the loopholes in the 1996 Cetacean Bylaw to finally end commercial captivity for entertainment.
We also continue to protect endangered orcas and oceans by lobbying the Canadian and US governments. Progress is being made to get increase protection for endangered orcas. Our petition to Save Endangered Orcas Now! has grown to over 200,000 supporters.PLEASE SIGN PETITION HERE.
The Lifeforce “3 Es” looks at How Humans “Eat, Entertain, and Experiment”. These education campaigns provide humane and healthier alternatives so animals are not harmed.
We have educated people locally and globally. Our messages to respect and protect all life have been far reaching. The Lifeforce founding motto is, “In Respect for All Life”.
I hope that over the holidays you will think of ways to help all life throughout the year. Your valued moral and financial support of our volunteer work is also greatly appreciated.
Let Us Celebrate Peace For All Life,
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director
Paypal Information etc. at YOUR DONATION AND MEMBERSHIP HERE. |
posted on November 9, 2018
 November 9, 2018
Will it be Big Business versus Orcas and Oceans? Will there have to be an International Boycott to Save Dying Orcas and Oceans?
So far, the Canadian government’s failure to enact an Emergency Order under the Species at Risk Act appears to be protecting big businesses such as fishing and whale watching. But the US Orca Task Force recommended a 3-5 year moratorium on companies watching the endangered Southern Resident orcas.
If outdated, harmful business practises threaten orca protection then the Canadian based ecology organization, Lifeforce, could call for an International Tourism Boycott to Save Dying Orcas and Oceans!
Whale Watching Will Survive!
The Whale Watch Industry will still have a diversity of wildlife to view. This includes Humpback, Grey and Minke whales. In addition, there are other orca populations numbering only approximately 300 each. Companies only spent 10% of their tours watching the endangered 74 Southern Resident Killer Whales (SRKWs) because they now spend less time in inland waters. Of course enforcement is needed to make sure companies follow the new regulations and not repeat how they continuously chased SRKWs for decades.
A Green Economy
Wildlife and wild spaces have proven to provide greater economic benefits than hunting and fishing. Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and Canadian Coast Guard, has held leadership positions with a number of companies dedicated to the development of green technologies.
It must not be business as usual. There must not be increased tanker traffic, noise and pollution from any Kinder Morgan Pipeline, LNG Plants, Delta Port expansion, Westshore Coal Terminal, and on and on.
In addition, governments must stop wasting time and money studying orcas to death such as the death of an endangered orca by infection caused by an unnecessary tracking device. There should be a moratorium on research boat traffic!
Oceans will continue to become more polluted and devoid of life. The complex Ocean Food Chain is broken. One of the most crucial choices to make is to either stop fishing now or lose it forever. Humans have a choice to pick among grocery stories and gardens. Wildlife have no choices so should now get the fish quotas!
Saving Orcas and Oceans
“This failure to immediately act to save the remaining 74 SRKWs will continue to lead to everyone sadly watching dying orcas and oceans”, stated Lifeforce Director, Peter Hamilton, “This Summer the world witnessed an orca mom J35 mourned the death of her newborn for 17 days, and soon afterwards the young J50 slowly dying and subjected to failed experiments. People must counteract any political and business deals that has led to this and Green House Warming. If needed, we will boycott to bring a green economy that will restore orca populations and oceans.”
Nearly 200,000 people have signed the Lifeforce petition to enact the Canadian Emergency Order> Save the Orca Families Now! Petition PETITION.
Lifeforce has been on the water fighting to save these orcas from extinction since 1993. We fought for more protection for 25 years and after 25 years we are still fighting. Time is running out! Let’s Turn the Tide Against Deadly Business Practises!
Peter Hamilton
Thank you! For Voicing Your Support to “Save the Orcas Now!”
You can contribute to protecting these orcas by signing and sharing the petition and through making a donation to Lifeforce Foundation through Paypal. PAYPAL DONATION.
posted on November 2, 2018
 November 2, 2018
The Minister of Environment and Climate Change and the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans’ had recommended to enact an order to protect the endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales under the Species At Risk Act. BUT! In spite of the high risk of extinction to these orcas the federal government stated today that they will not issue the emergency order.
“Protections under the Species at Risk Act must be immediately implemented. This must include many actions including moratoriums on fishing to rebuild the broken ocean food chain and increase enforcement to stop boat traffic,” stated Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Director, “ If not then say goodbye to the orcas and ocean life!”
We Need Everyone to Contact All Politicians:
1. If you live in Canada write or phone your Federal MPs and Provincial MLAs. And get others to do so! Tell them to get the Emergency Order under the Species At Risk Act implemented! And get people to sign this Petition!
2. If you live outside of Canada spread the word about this important Petition. If you live in WA State tell Governor Inslee and politicians to take immediate actions now in addition to urging Canada to do so. Orcas and Oceans Need International Protection!
Also Boycott Tourism to Canada! Many tourists come to see the wonders of orcas and wildlife NOT to see them dying!
Lifeforce has been fighting to save these orcas from extinction since 1993. We fought for more protection for 25 years and after 25 years it looked like times may have changed. Major business changes are essential in order to rebuild ecosystems. It cannot be business as usual. Sadly, this is not the case and this failure of the Canadian government may well be the final death blow to both orcas and fragile ecosystems!
Nearly 200,000 people have signed the Lifeforce petition to enact the Emergency Order> Save the Orca Families Now! Petition PETITION TO TRY TO SAVE THE ORCAS!
posted on November 2, 2018
 Lifeforce would greatly appreciate your help to continue our necessary work. Please Spread the Words... Freedom NOT Captivity! and Peace for All Life NOT More Experiments on Orcas and others!
Please see our Membership and Donation Form to learn how you can receive our Ocean Friends Education kits, boat research trips, and much more.
Peace For All Life... For All Year,
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founder
posted on October 27, 2018
 Governor Inslee’s Southern Resident Orca Task Force is inviting further public comment on the updated draft recommendations for actions to recover southern resident orcas. The recommendations focus on the following issues affecting the survival of the southern resident orcas: Lack of prey; Toxic contaminants and Disturbance from noise and vessel traffic
The Task Force convened October 17-18 to discuss and refine the draft recommendations. The updated draft reflects the outcomes of those discussions.
Comments must be submitted no later than midnight, Monday October 29, via the Task Force online public comment portal .Public comments received on this updated draft will be provided directly to the Task Force for consideration at their meeting on November 6, 2018. The final Year 1 report and recommendations are due to Governor Inslee on November 16, 2018.
Lifeforce urges everyone to support the following:
On the Task Force online public comment portal:
1. Draft Recommendations: Mark all as “Strongly Support” except:
a. #35 is about more research on these orcas. They have been studied to death for over 15 years. Choose “Strongly Opposed”
b. #13 is about blaming pinnipeds for human overfishing and proposals to kill them. Targeting one species won’t stop the lack of salmon problems. From herons to bears to dolphins there are numerous species that eat fish. People can go to grocery stores but wildlife has no choice. Choose “Strongly Opposed”
2. Top 5 Priorities. Choose these best options:
Protecting Habitats: #4
Increasing Food: Increase dam spills for spawning #8
Boat Noise and Traffic: Limit Whale Watch Companies # 18
Education and Enforcement: Boater Certification #19 and Increased Enforcement #20
3. Comments Section: Post this Lifeforce Open Letter to Governor Inslee and Orca Task Force and any additional thoughts.
Open Letter
Dear Governor Inslee and Orca Task Force:
Re: Helping or Harming Endangered Orcas?
Please go to Lifeforce Ocean Friends for the complete Comment Information and Links: LIFEFORCE OCEAN FRIENDS.
Thank You for Helping the Orcas!
posted on October 10, 2018
 October 10, 2018
Your Comments Needed for Southern Resident Orca Task Force Meeting!
Lifeforce Report
Our full response to Governor’s Inslee Orca Task Force: “It is Black and White: No More Compromises! Keep the SRKWs Alive!” will be completed soon. It covers issues that may not be addressed by the Governor’s Task Force. This report includes the 10 recommendations that are summarized at Ocean Friends Facebook to help the SRKWs and others.
Task Force Comments
The next meeting of the Southern Resident Orca Task Force will take place on Wednesday, October 17and Thursday, October 18. The full agenda will be posted on the Task Force website. If their schedule allows, TVW, Washington's public affairs network, will broadcast the plenary portions of the meeting. The broadcast will be available afterward in the TVW archives. Please check the TVW website for more information.
Public Comment to Governor's Task Force Report
Public comments continues to be accepted in writing in a more simple form. Go to Lifeforce Ocean Friends Recommendations and link to Public Comments at OCEAN FRIENDS.
Lifeforce has been fighting to save these orcas from extinction since 1993. You can contribute to protecting these orcas by signing and sharing the petition and through making a donation to Lifeforce Foundation through Paypal. DONATE HERE.
Thank you! For Voicing Your Support to “Save the Orcas Now!”
posted on October 3, 2018
 Washington Governor Inslee’s Southern Resident Orca Task Force has received actions to recover southern resident orcas. The draft recommendations were generated by the three Working Groups looking at Lack of prey; Toxic contaminants and Disturbance from noise and vessel traffic.
This is great news but there are in fact 4 main threats to the SRKWs. The orca captures started by the Vancouver Aquarium in 1964 continues to have a major impact because it takes over 50 years to try to correct the resulting abnormal age/sex ratio. The 68 young orcas and the unreported others who died during captures were mostly from the SRKWs. A generation was lost.
A Fourth Working Group: Aquarium Captivity for Entertainment and Experiments must be immediately formed.
The “public” is invited to comment on the draft report, which provides the context for the work of the Task Force and lists the possible actions identified and recommended by the Working Groups. Comments must be submitted no later than midnight, October, 7, via the Task Force online public comment portal at governor.wa.gov/orcareport. In this Comment Contact there is a questionnaire. But in Part 9 Lifeforce hopes that you will list the Immediate Actions to Save Orcas as listed below as Lifeforce has stated.
Next steps: Public comments received on this draft report will be provided directly to the Task Force for consideration at their meeting on October 17-18, 2018. Note: The draft report does not yet include Task Force recommendations to Governor Inslee. Task Force members themselves also have the opportunity to delete, recraft, or add recommendations. The final report of recommendations is due to Governor Inslee on November 16, 2018. The timeline is posted on the Governor’s website.
I support these Immediate Actions to Save the Orcas:
1. A Fourth Working Group: Ending Aquarium Captivity for Entertainment and Experiments must be immediately formed.
2. Stop Boat Traffic! Including Research Boat Traffic!
Implement a Moratorium on Whale Watching the SRKWs whose family numbers only 74.This would also help reduce private boaters from locating and copying the companies.
3. Stop Starvation!
In order to get food for the starving orcas there must be minimum 5 year moratoriums on salmon, herring, and others.
4. Increase Boater Awareness Education!
The public, industries and others must be better educated! Training by marine associated businesses and associations must include Marine Mammal Regulations and how to properly operate boats for the safety of both orcas and people.
This must include a) stopping boats from driving over orcas by using a Construction Zone type SLOW/STOP paddle when boats are usually NOT intercepted and b) No Go Zones. Example: It is basically impossible to follow regulations in most areas of the Canadian Active Pass.
5. Call Them! Don’t Bomb Them! Stop Noise Pollution
The use of passive orca playbacks must be a priority for oil spill responses NOT seal bombs and other possible harmful methods presently listed as response methods. Playbacks can attract orca pods away from oil spills and other dangers.
6. Stop Invasive Experiments that Resulted in the Death of a SRKW! Stop Research Boat Traffic!
Sentient, endangered orca families must not continue to be treated as research tools. They are being studied to death and it must stop! Research vessels drive right over orcas and within meters. And Private boats copy the research boats!
For example, a dart tracker caused an infection that led to the death of an endangered SRKW. There is no need to use dart trackers because underwater hydrophones are presently in the oceans. Skin biopsies can also open pathways for life threatening infections. Adverse impacts from shooting them include slight to strong reactions! This included “quivering” with fear!
The impacts from non invasive research by boats must also be assessed. This would include breath samples, scat samples, and other studies.
For further information: lifeforcesociety@gmail.com
See our new campaign poster “Keep Us Alive” at Ocean Friends
Sign and Share the Petition: Save the Orca Families Now!
Lifeforce have been fighting to save these orcas from extinction since 1993. You can contribute to protecting these orcas by signing and sharing the petition and through making a donation to Lifeforce Foundation through Paypal.http://www.lifeforcefoundation.org/support.php
Thank you!
posted on October 2, 2018
 October 1, 2018
Curious Humpback Damages Whale Protection Boat
One of two curious Humpback whales accidentally banged the head against the Lifeforce Ocean Friends boat and shattered a window. This happened last Thursday afternoon in waters off Comox Harbour, BC. Lifeforce Director and Operator said, “Having a bus-sized, 20 ton whale bang into your boat was a bit unsettling but fortunately the whale and I were not cut because it was safety glass. The whale actually came back to perhaps look at what had happened.”
“Other Humpbacks have lifted their heads a few feet out of the water when “Head Viewing” as seen in the beginning of this video too. However, this one came too far out of the water to check out this strange floating object and species. Perhaps this particular Humpback may not be that boat wise or as graceful as others. After the window was shattered one’s pectoral flipper banged the boat and one floated too close slightly lifting the boat. Since this is unusual behavior I waited for them to move away as they circled then I turn on the engine and slowly moved away.” added Hamilton.
Humpbacks are known to approach and check out boats and boaters. This is frequently called “mugging”. It is their choice and is illegal to attempt to initiate it. For both whale and human safety they must not get habituated to boats. This is Lifeforce’s 10th “mugging” encounter in the past 3 years and during all previous encounters there were no such incidents. These bus-size whales are very sensitive to their surroundings and usually do not touch the boats. I have always just shut off the engine to enjoy this rare gift of nature. The previous visits ranged from 5 to 60 minutes with 1 to 3 whales present. This last one lasted about 20 minutes.
Don’t Blame Them!
“Humpbacks are not to blame because we are visitors in their home waters. Their numbers are increasing since their near extinction caused by the whaling industry. This should be a reminder to all that Nature can be unpredictable and accidents can happen,” stated Peter Hamilton, “This has resulted in serious harm and injuries for both whales and humans. Humpback whales have collided with boats. Accidents included severe facial injuries to one boater and another person being paralysed. Humpbacks and other species have also been seriously injured from major cuts by boat propellers. In 2017, a Humpback was hit by two different boats within a short period of time near Campbell River. They also get entangled and injured from derelict fishing gear. On July 8th Lifeforce found a Humpback seriously injured in waters off the Comox Valley, BC. This baby had several injuries such as a fresh severe deep cut exposing part of the spine between the dorsal and tail. News Report:
Hamilton also said, “Hopefully this unfortunate Humpback accident provides the opportunity to further raise public awareness of how to protect whales and humans. Boaters must keep a minimum distance of 100 meters from humpbacks. It is also recommended to stay greater distances from all cetaceans if they have babies. Lifeforce provides educational material such as “Humpback and Gray Whale Watching”. In 2017, Lifeforce produced a Nature’s Moments “Humpback Heaven or Hell?” video showing people what to expect when travelling in Humpback territory. Humpback Heaven or Hell? Can be viewed at HUMPBACK EDUCATION VIDEO.
Lifeforce is a Canadian based non-profit ecology charity created in 1981. Our Ocean Friends projects initially started as Marine Life Programs in 1993. Lifeforce Founder, Peter Hamilton, studies behaviour and travel patterns of humpbacks and orcas. The Lifewatch Boater Awareness helps educate boaters about Marine Mammal Regulations and safety for both people and the whales. More information: OCEAN FRIENDS.
The video “Curious Humpback Damages Whale Protection Boat” is available at VIDEO.
For Further information: Peter Hamilton at lifeforcesociety@gmail.com
Lifeforce have been fighting to save these humpbacks and orcas from since 1993. You can contribute to protecting them and repairing the boat by making a donation to Lifeforce Foundation through Paypal. PAYPAL.
posted on September 22, 2018
 September 22, 2018
Re: Immediate Actions to Protect Orcas!
Washington State Governor Inslee’s “Southern Resident Killer Whale (SRKWs) Draft Task Force Report” will be released on October 1st. The report is addressing the numerous actions that governments and businesses have failed to implement over the years to protect the endangered SRKWs. Will both the US and Canadian governments call for Immediate Actions to Protect Orcas? It’s a Matter of Life or Extinction!
For Public Comments you can copy and paste the following 5 immediate life-saving actions - Please use this link to submit any feedback or comments to the Southern Resident Killer Whale Task Force (SUBMIT 5 IMMEDIATE ACTIONS HERE.).
I support:
1. Stop Boat Traffic!
Implement a Moratorium on Whale Watching the SRKWs whose family numbers only 74.
2. Stop Starvation!
In order to get food for the starving orcas there must be 5 year moratoriums on salmon fishing.
3. Increase Boater Awareness Education!
The public, industries and others must be better educated! Training by marine associated businesses and associations must include Marine Mammal Regulations and how to properly operate boats for the safety of both orcas and people.
4. Call Them! Don’t Bomb Them!
The use of passive orca playbacks must be a priority for oil spill responses NOT seal bombs and other possible harmful methods presently listed as response methods. Playbacks can attract orca pods away from oil spills and other dangers.
5. Stop Invasive Experiments that Resulted in the Death of a SRKW!
Sentient, endangered orca families must not continue to be treated as research tools. They are being studied to death and it must stop! For example, a dart tracker caused an infection that led to the death of an endangered SRKW. There is no need to use dart trackers. Invasive Experiments Information Here.
For further information: lifeforcesociety@gmail.com
posted on September 16, 2018
 Lessons to Learn? Will Orcas Continue to Die?
J50 was gravely ill and was dying. She and her family should have been left in peace not chased by boats, shot with darts and subjected to other failed experiments. A Sea World veterinarian was an advisor and NOAA receives money from Sea World. The Vancouver Aquarium, who breeds belugas with the Sea Worlds, has made it perfectly clear that they want to keep “rescued” cetaceans and supply them to aquariums worldwide. Both of them claim that captive orcas are necessary for education and research. Aquariums captured a generation of young orcas that continues to devastate the SRKWs that was started by the Vancouver Aquarium. We must not let them now keep “rescues” under the guise of conservation.
The Springer case was not the same as the dying J50 Scarlet who was with her family. Springer somehow got separated from her family. She needed some care and help to be transferred back to her northern home waters and family. The Vancouver Aquarium had even tried to keep Springer in a sea pen at their research station near Vancouver. They asked if Lifeforce would support it. I told them No! The plan must be for her to be return to northern waters where her family lives. The US team did that and she immediately was reunited!
Lifeforce has been with the J, K and L pods since 1993. But that was 25 years of government failure to protect them! Now the time that they had for hope for their survival is quickly running out. They may well become extinct! Unless endangered species laws are immediately implement in Canada and the US. This must include moratoriums on fishing to rebuild the broken ocean food chain, stopping the causes of environmental pollution, increasing enforcement of boat traffic laws and banning aquarium imprisonment under the guise of “education”.
Attached is an inspirational photograph “Our First Sunset-Keep Us Alive!” taken the day another orca called J49 was the first birth in 2012 to his mom J37.They are both alive as Lifeforce Steps Up Our Campaign to:
Save the Orca Families Now!
posted on September 13, 2018
 Here is a poem I wrote about J50 Scarlet who has not been seen since September 7th with her mom and other family. She is declared dead.
The attached poem is about Scarlet and the plight of all orcas if immediate action is not taken!!!
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founder
posted on September 12, 2018
Re: The Cruel J50 Capture Plans!
Lifeforce had reminded NOAA and DFO that this is J50’s family who all have just went through 17 days of mourning the death of another family member? It is unimaginable that they would even consider putting this pod through it all again!
Any proposed capture plans for the orca Scarlett/J50 would be cruel and presents a high risk of harm to her, her mom Slick/J16 and her family. This is the same family that with mom Tahlequah/J35 recently mourned the loss of her baby and carried the lifeless body for 17 days. Separating Scarlett and mom Slick would cause them unimaginable suffering. It would break a precious bond between them and their lifelong family.
A capture attempt could result in injuries and drowning. There is no guarantee that J50 would even survive the heartbreak, stress and captive experiments. Then the mother and family will never have any closure. That means more grief for this suffering family if captured. Being with family, not in an alien pen with humans, is the best “medicine” for any recovery. In Nature wildlife do pass on with their families but not torn apart from them. J50 is gravely ill so let them be!
Sea World Funds Capture Plans
The young, sick orca J50 may be captured through a Sea World fund with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. Sea World setup this fund to counter public opposition to captivity resulting from the Blackfish movie. The movie exposed the cruel captures and captivity of orcas including the Lifeforce footage of the tragic life of Tillicum.
The Vancouver Aquarium business deals with Sea World included beluga insemination experiments that led to many deaths. And if their pools are ever used again to imprison cetaceans for entertainment and experiments under the guise of “rescues” it would continue the free source of sentient whales and dolphins to supply aquariums worldwide!
J50 and others must never be exploited as "untapped resources" for “research tools” in cement prisons!
Spread the Word! Spread this Petition!
Save the Orca Families Now! Enact Emergency Measures Now!
The Upcoming NOAA Meetings are in the US Only
You Can Contact the Canadian DFO at: Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson at min@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
And You Can Simply Tell NOAA: “Stop the Cruel Capture Plans for Orca J50 and Family! And No Drugs in the Salmon!” By email at KillerWhale.Help@noaa.gov
More information at Lifeforce Ocean Friends: LIFEFORCE OCEAN FRIENDS.
New Release Update
September 13, 2018
Re: The Cruel J50 Capture Plans!
Sea World Involvement in Capture Plans
The young, sick orca J50 may be captured through a Sea World fund with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. Sea World setup this fund to counter public opposition to captivity resulting from the Blackfish movie. The movie exposed the cruel captures and captivity of orcas including the Lifeforce footage of the tragic life of Tillicum. A Sea World veterinarian has been part of the team advising what should be done with J50.
The Vancouver Aquarium business deals with Sea World included beluga insemination experiments that led to many deaths. And if their pools are ever used again to imprison cetaceans for entertainment and experiments under the guise of “rescues” it would continue the free source of sentient whales and dolphins to supply aquariums worldwide!
J50 and others must never be exploited as "untapped resources" for “research tools” and so called entertainment in cement prisons!
Seattle Times September 13
Ralph Munro, former secretary of state for Washington, helped stop the capture era after witnessing a roundup of orcas in Budd Inlet. ...“Having personally seen the stress of taking a whale from the pod, I think that they might be better to let nature take its course,” Munro said in an email. “It is terribly traumatic on the whale and the pod when they are separated.” He also questioned the participation of SeaWorld in the response plan for J50. A SeaWorld veterinarian is part of the team advising the effort, and SeaWorld is also helping to fund some of the killer-whale research undertaken by NOAAA “What the heck is NOAA doing, accepting money from Sea World over the past few years? Was that ever told to the public?” Munro said. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/environment/noaa-lays-plan-to-capture-ailing-orca-j50-announces-public-meetings/
posted on September 8, 2018
 US and Canadian agencies still have not ruled out putting drugs in salmon that other orcas would eat because the sick J50 cannot be specifically targeted. That could cause life threatening health problems. And their inhumane capture plans includes “...in a situation where she’d be likely to die anyway.” If that ever happened then Let Her Be! to die in peace with her mom and family!
Any proposed capture plans for the orca Scarlett/J50 would be cruel and presents a high risk of harm to her, her mom Slick/J16 and her family. This is the same family that with mom Tahlequah/J35 recently mourned the loss of her baby and carried the lifeless body for 17 days. Separating Scarlett and mom Slick would cause unimaginable suffering. It would break a precious bond between them and their lifelong family. A capture could also result in injuries and drowning.
NOAA and DFO must stop these “last resort” cruel capture plans. Even if J50 ever was separated from her family they can reunite on their own or be reunited NOT captured. If stranded on a beach she must be refloated and reunited. (Note: BC Transient “Tumbo”, who suffers from scoliosis, has been separated and found his family). At times Nature will take its peaceful course as one passes on with their family not torn apart from them.
On September 3rd J50 appeared to be active by officials. And on September 5th she was quite active when observed by Lifeforce’s Peter Hamilton in waters near Comox, BC. She was later travelling and keeping up with the mom and others.
Spread the Word! Spread this Petition!
Save the Orca Families Now!
Save the Orca Families.
And You Can Simply Tell them: “Stop the Cruel Capture Plans for Orca J50 and Family! And No Drugs in the Salmon!” By email at KillerWhale.Help@noaa.gov
More information at Lifeforce Ocean Friends:Lifeforce Ocean Friends.
posted on August 30, 2018
 August 30, 2018
The Canadian Federal Court of Appeal has ruled against the federal government’s approval of the Trans Mountain pipeline project. The Court’s position was that it was never approved legally in the first place. As it stands now this controversial pipeline cannot be built.
This decision could regain confidence in a political system that often is less than honest. It will stop millions of tonnes of additional greenhouse gas emissions from polluting our planet. It will help stop the continuous use of dirty energy instead of clean energy.
The court also unanimously ruled that the federal government’s approval of the project violated its legal obligations to protect endangered orcas under the Species at Risk Act.
More to follow about Lifeforce's work to get the Canadian government Enacting Emergency Measures under SARA to protect orcas.
Please read our August 29th Open Letter on the Lifeforce Petition “Save the Orca Families Now!”
Save the Orca Families.
Saving J50 must not put all orcas at risk. The Southern Resident Killer Whales (SRKW) must not be treated like lab guinea pigs that can result in unknown threats to them. Species at Risk Emergency Orders must include the immediate moratoriums on salmon fishing and increased enforcement to stop boat harassment. The lack of salmon caused by the broken ocean food chain and vessel harassment continues. In 2018 Lifeforce has reported numerous boaters not adhering to the 200 meter law.
Lifefeforce has urged DFO and NOAA to not put any antibiotics into the salmon. The salmon cannot be targeted to be consumed by only J50. The risk to J50 is an issue but the risks to all resident orcas must not be allowed.
Emergency Measures Must Be Enacted Now!
Lifeforce has been fighting to save these orcas from extinction since 1993. You can contribute to protecting these orcas by signing and sharing the petition and through making a donation to Lifeforce Foundation through Paypal.Donate to Paypal.
posted on August 3, 2018
 The lone 27 year old Transient T073B present in Comox Harbour since July 23 has left during the late afternoon on August 2. Fisheries and Oceans Canada has been successful in attracting him out of the Harbour utilizing acoustic playback equipment. He was seen heading north off Cape Lazo at approximately 3PM.
Lifeforce had discussed with DFO using sound attractors as the best option. As part of Lifeforce’s Peter Hamilton research he had found that passive sound attractors if used under legally required permits could attract orcas away from oil spills and other dangers such as this Comox Harbour situation.
Lifeforce has studied orca behaviour and travel patterns for over 20 years. We continue to publish education guides. We monitored the behavior of this orca and reported our findings to DFO.
Over the past 10 days thousands of people have been fortunate to enjoy and learn about this wild orca. It has brought rare lifetime experiences but also posed serious threats of injuries to the orca. What lessons have we learned to be more respectful of this orca and others in the future?
1. Some misguided locals claimed that all boaters were being respectful and there were no problems. The facts are that there were numerous violations of boater harassment reported to DFO resulting in their onsite enforcement.
2. Lifeforce Ocean Friends conducted our Lifewatch Boater Awareness Program for six days until DFO started enforcement. We documented numerous harassments of the orca by a continuous onslaught of boaters, kayakers and paddle borders. Extreme violations included boaters speeding towards him every time he surfaced well within the 200 meters and boaters repeatedly circling and driving over him for periods up to 40 minutes.
3. T073B may have had both physical and psychological health problems. Although he looked healthy there could have been other issues. He was exhibiting signs of stress. He was agitated and protected himself by forceful tail slaps towards boaters unlike calmer slaps for other behaviours.
4. The sailboat turning incident was not funny as posted by some “locals” it showed an increased threat to public safety and his dangerous habituation. In a similar situation a young orca named Luna was separated from his family and “played” with boats in Gold River. Unlike another lone orca, “Springer”, who was reunited with her family due to “politics” Luna was not and killed by a propeller hit.
5. Fireworks and Boat Races in Comox Harbour
It was rather unbelievable that anyone would think that this could be safe. Would a large gathering of night time boaters for hours for a 15 minute fireworks display in the Harbour be worth the risk of him getting severely injured by a propeller cut and any other accidental collision with boaters?
The Comox Harbour is too small to restrict a large number of boats to any area and therefore would be in violation of the regulations including staying 200 meters from the orca. In addition, at all times the boat traffic in and out of the Harbour should have been restricted to the Goose Spit side (as long as the orca continues to stay on the other side) and a Slow Speed Warning implemented.
6. Positive Conclusion with Sea Cadets
During the Lifeforce Boater Awareness actions we found numerous violations with the local the HMCS Quadra sea cadet program. It was incredible that we found out that Marine Wildlife and Regulations information were not part of their training. As I had hoped they contacted Lifeforce today to work together to educate staff and students.
So how did most humans do to respect and help this orca? Many failed!
Ocean Friends.
posted on July 17, 2018
 Dear Friends:
We all must respect that we are the visitors in the whales' homes and implement regulations that will end the wanton interferences in their lives.
It has taken years to get better regulations but they are still not perfect. As you see in our letter below the humpbacks are constantly hit by boats and entrapped in fishing gear. It is believed that 50% of all Humpbacks on our coast are scarred from entanglement. Their number of fatalities are unknown.
Presently, anyone can approach them as close as 100 meters. That is not safe for both the whales and humans who have been seriously injured too.
Please send your thoughts and Lifeforce information to the Prime Minister and the Ministers below. Their emails are: justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca; dominic.leblanc@parl.gc.ca; Catherine.McKenna@parl.gc.ca; marc.garneau@parl.gc.ca. It would be very helpful if you also send it to your local MP.
Open Letter
To: Premier Justin Trudeau; Minister Dominic LeBlanc; Minister Catherine McKenna; Minister Marc Garneau
Re: Another Injured Humpback!
So all orcas will now have an increase from 100 to 200 meters when DFO had proposed it only for Southern Residents. That is important because every orca population number less than approximately 300 members. The 200 meters is still not enough as they get up to 400 meters in the US. Lifeforce will continue to fight for equal laws.
Unfortunately, Humpback Whales who get seriously injured by boats, will not get any increased protection! Humpbacks, still only have a meager 100 meter “protection” zone from boaters. Under the new regulations all boat hits and entanglements must be reported BUT boaters will still get way too close!
We previously sent you this information:
(Photo Below) Information and Photos: MERS
There are lots of human activities on the water that threaten the lives of humpbacks, orcas and others. Humpbacks’ lives are continuously threatened. This includes boat hits, fishing gear entanglement, and fish farms.
On July 8th Lifeforce found another Humpback seriously injured in waters off the Comox Valley, BC. This baby has several injuries such as a fresh severe deep cut exposing part of the spine between the dorsal and tail. News Report: https://www.comoxvalleyrecord.com/home/injured-humpback-whale-spotted-near-comox/
A few weeks earlier Lifeforce reported to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans a commercial vessel driving over four Humpbacks in this same area.
Please advise us if you will implement at least a 200 meter zone for Humpback whales.
In Respect For All Life,
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Ocean Friends
https://www.facebook.com/Ocean-Friends-1442963759271400/ |
posted on July 16, 2018
 In spite of new Canadian regulations other whales, such as Humpbacks, still only have a meager 100 meter “protection” zone from boaters. Under the new regulations all boat hits and entanglements must be reported BUT boaters will still get way too close!
There are lots of human activities on the water that threaten the lives of humpbacks, orcas and others. Humpbacks’ lives are continuously threatened. This includes boat hits, fishing gear entanglement, and fish farms.
On July 8th Lifeforce found another Humpback seriously injured in waters off the Comox Valley, BC. This baby has several injuries such as a fresh severe deep cut exposing part of the spine between the dorsal and tail
A few weeks earlier Lifeforce reported to Fisheries a commercial vessel driving over four Humpbacks in the same area.
Please Sign and Share Our Petition > PROTECT ALL WHALES!
posted on June 29, 2018
 News Information
Updated June 29, 6PM
Re: Separated Mother of Walrus at Vancouver Aquarium Dies
On June 29th, Samka, the mother of the young walrus, Balzak, died about 1.5 years after her baby was sent to the Vancouver Aquarium from the Quebec Aquarium.
“The cause of death is to be determined but can it ever be ruled out that after mourning having her baby taken away from her she finally succumbed to death from a broken heart? Grief is not only a human emotion. It is seen in both domestic and wild animals. The orca Bjossa at the Vancouver Aquarium would not let staff remove her third dead baby from the pool,“ stated Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Founding Director.
He adds, “Aquarium businesses are playing a deadly game with their captives’ emotions. Walruses will nurse for up to three years but they were separated after 1.5 years. Once the precious bond is broken it may never completely heal.”
The “Research Outpost” Opened June 27th
Is this rebranding as a “Research Outpost” an attempt to brainwash the people into thinking that questionable experiments on sentient wildlife should be condoned for human profits? A goal as they say is to use "captives and rescues as untapped resources". That can include cetaceans too!
At the end of the day and depending on how long the walruses will survive, the aquarium will only know about captive walruses. Continued studies of wild walruses will provide the true information that will hopefully help humans understand and respect their freedom!
Why did it take 1.5 years before they showed the walruses to the public? They cannot always get wildlife to cooperate by with food deprivation and other methods!
Taking these walruses away from their moms broke their precious bonds and was cruel. They can nurse up to 3 years but were taken away at 1.5 years. Why? Was it to get the moms pregnant again to supply aquariums with babies to exploit others for entertainment and experiments?
UBC has abducted at least 22 two week old baby sea lions from their moms and six Fur seals to use in experiments at the Vancouver Aquarium. In other experiments with 2 dolphins the aquarium researchers tried to force them to wear blinders and after over a year they gave up on one of them. The US Navy is also among their associates.
To protect ecosystems scarce funds must be spent on protecting natural habitats not spending billions of dollars building aquarium and zoo prison laboratories. The World Wildlife Fund found that a diversity of wildlife populations have been reduced to 48% from 1970 to 2010. The aquariums and zoos had failed with their “conservation” propaganda!
Sadly, that has been at the cost of sentient wildlife suffering under the guise of “conservation”!
For Further Information: lifeforcesociety@gmail.com
posted on June 25, 2018
 After decades of fighting for increased boat distances and government enforcement in Canada some of it will happen. At least all orcas will be given more protection with 200 meter boat distances not just the Southern Residents. They are all threatened! Years ago the US agreed to boat distances of up to 400 yards and increased government enforcement with a “Whale Cop”.
About Orcas
Fish Eating Southern Resident Community number only 75.
Fish Eating Northern Resident Community number approximately only 290.
Mammal eating Transients number approximately only 250.
Offshore orcas are less than 300.
“Canada’s new Marine Mammals Regulations must protect all orcas, belugas and whales.” stated Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Founder, “The government recognizes the need to protect the 800 endangered St. Lawrence River belugas by increasing boat distances to 200 meters it must increase the distance between vessels and all orcas. The US government have improved their orca protection by increasing the allowable distances to up to 400 meters. Companies and researchers must not be exempt from 200 meters and back to 100 meters when watching Transients. If whale watch boats are properly shut down at 200 meters and if these orcas approach it would not be a violation (of course all boaters must move out of their pathways). Orcas must not be studied to death by cumulative experiments. Modern technology for any necessary, limited humane experiments eliminate any need for close approaches. Invasive procedures, such as tracking devices, must not continue.”
“Humpbacks also need increased protection. So far in 2018 one Humpback has been severely cut by a propeller and three other incidents involve boat collisions and/or violations in British Columbia,” added Hamilton.
The Ministers should also recommend an Emergency Order under the Species at Risk Act. This is what Lifeforce and over 140,000 people who signed our petitions have asked them to do!
Lifeforce have been fighting to save them from extinction since 1993 and when new Canadian regulations were first proposed in 2004. You can contribute to protecting these orcas through making a donation to Lifeforce Foundation through Paypal. Go to Paypal.
Thank you!
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founder
posted on June 1, 2018
 Updated June 1
Orca Awareness Month
BC and WA Have Proclaimed June as Orca Awareness Month!
The major factors in the decline of orca populations include aquarium captures (at least 68 were captured and others drowned). The capture of all young orcas resulted in a devastating abnormal age and sex ration.
Other factors include depleted food, toxic pollution, military and other noise pollution, excessive experiments, and ongoing boat traffic harassment. As we have previously reported they can also be seriously injured by boat hits and entanglement in fishing equipment.
All Orcas Need Protection!
Fish Eating Residents
The fish eating Southern Community of Resident J, K & L pods were designated as Endangered in November 2005 under the US Endangered Species Act and also in Canada. All three pods are found in Southern BC and WA waters from approximately June to December. There are only 76.
Still Captive
Campaign to Free Lolita (SRKW) captured in Pacific Northwest in 1970 at Miami Seaquarium.
There are also the fish eating Northern Resident Community that number approximately 290.
Still captive
Campaign to Free Corky (NRKW) captured in Northern BC in 1969. Now captive at Sea World San Diego.
Mammal Eating Transients
The mammal eating Transients number only approximately 250.
Offshore orcas
Less than 300.
Canadian and Parks Board Cetacean Captivity Bans
As long as the aquarium industry is allowed to get a free source of cetaceans by claiming that many rescues cannot be released the cetacean captivity and research businesses will continue. And that could include orcas, narwhals and others for aquariums worldwide!
Equal Laws Are Still Needed!
Boat distances are mandated for up to 400 yards in the US but are mainly only 100 yards in Canada.
Please sign the Change.org Petition “Equal Laws to Protect Endangered West Coast Orcas! EQUAL LAWS.
As Lifeforce did in the 90s regulations must be distributed by DFO to marinas, boat dealers, boater insurance companies, and through boat and fishing licensing.
Enact the Species At Risk Act!
On May 24th the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Dominic LeBlanc and Minister of Environment and Climate Change Catherine McKenna stated that the Southern Residents, face “imminent risks” to their recovery and they will close several fisheries in key whale foraging areas. The Ministers should recommend an Emergency Order under the Species at Risk Act, because they are “of the opinion that the species faces imminent threats to its survival or recovery.” This is what Lifeforce and nearly 135,000 people who signed the petition have asked them to do! ENACT THE EMERGENCY ORDER.
Banning Invasive Experiments
Sentient, endangered orca families must not continue to be treated as research tools for lucrative research grants both in the wild and in captivity. As Lifeforce has repeatedly stated, “They are being studied to death and it must stop!” BAN CRUEL EXPERIMENTS.
Further information: Ocean Friends lifeforcesociety@gmail.com and
Ocean Friends Facebook
Lifeforce Foundation
Educational information about Orcas such as Orca Field Guides, Humpback and Gray Whale Watching Regulations and the Lifeforce book “Orca: A Family Story”.
Photographs and Videos Re: Harm to Orcas and Orca Freedom in the Wild
a. Aquarium Captures
b. Salmon Depletion
c. Boat Harassment and Noise Pollution: Commercial and Private
d. Pollution: Oil and Coal examples
e. Transients babies > New ones in 2018 T65A6 and T023A5
f. Freedom and Life in the Wild
posted on May 25, 2018
 On May 24th the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Dominic LeBlanc and Minister of Environment and Climate Change Catherine McKenna stated that the Southern Residents, face “imminent risks” to their recovery and they will close several fisheries in key whale foraging areas.
This is a major breakthrough to protect the endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales and others who are facing extinction.
The Ministers should recommend an Emergency Order under the Species at Risk Act, because they are “of the opinion that the species faces imminent threats to its survival or recovery.” This is what Lifeforce and nearly 135,000 people who signed the petition have asked them to do! SAVE ORCAS AND OCEANS PETITION.
This is great news but the battle continues! Please continue to share this petition. Lifeforce will keep you updated. The orcas may now have a chance at survival!
posted on May 11, 2018
 May 11, 2018
News Information:
Empty the Tanks Forever!
“Empty the Tanks’ is a worldwide event to end the plight of captive cetaceans. A protest will be held at the Vancouver Aquarium (VA) on May 12th at 11 AM to 1 PM.
In spite of the ban on cetacean captivity by the City of Vancouver, the VA states that they will fight to keep “rescues” at the aquarium for any longer “care” until whenever they may find another aquarium. They will use new show pools. A “hospital” was not approved in the current 2006 expansion plans.
The aquarium industry knows that cetacean captivity is not supported so they are going to try to rebrand it as saving “rescued” cetaceans. Even the proposed Canadian ban on cetacean captivity presently could permit imprisoning whales and dolphins if the bias Aquarium Industry and DFO claims that they cannot be released!
The "rescues" of cetaceans are rare and temporary facilities are set up if needed. Even back in 1964 a dry dock was used for the orca the VA harpooned and lived for 86 days. The VA only would want permanent pools for an extensive whale and dolphin business to get lucrative grants to experiment on them and to sell to aquariums and zoos worldwide under the guise of "conservation"(such as the one in Spain managed by the VA).
Rescue and release organizations must have the alternative plans and equipment ready. The VA should have portable field stations with portable pools etc.. and satellite stations province wide such as the West Van DFO research station. Rescues are done on a case-by-case basis using portable pools, sea pens, netted harbours, dry docks. In Eastern Canada DFO has relocated baby belugas with other nursing moms all in the wild. It is taking a chance but better than a life in captivity for entertainment and experiments.
Euthanasia is used by all international wildlife rescue organizations. And just look at the high mortality rate of seals at the Vancouver Aquarium. In the wild wildlife fight, injure and even eat cetaceans. Animals can be so severely injured or ill and would die in the wild. If you oppose keeping healthy cetaceans in captivity then why support keeping sick and injured ones in aquariums worldwide!
“To keep “rescued” cetaceans would perpetuate captivity. For decades the wildlife that aquariums and zoos claimed cannot be returned to wild has been a free worldwide animal market. It must be stopped!” stated Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Founder, “Aquarium industry biases can influence any DFO decisions to permit captivity. These noisy public places are not suitable for any treatment and recovery. They are subjected to human disturbances even during the many nightclub type events and parties in the evenings. That is why true wildlife rescue includes “hospital peace and quiet” during rehabilitation and releases.”
Hamilton adds, “The VA is still promoting the age old era of Victorian menageries for entertainment profits,” stated Peter Hamilton, They also hope to get more lucrative research grants for cetaceans because they have said that “captives” and “rescues” are untapped tools (See Marine Mammals in the Lab: Tools for Conservation and Science, 2007). The repeated rotation of sentient wildlife to try to keep selling admission tickets is inhumane. It is an attempt to rebrand their captivity business as conservation that has failed to protect species over the past decades. It is time to protect endangered habitats and to use modern technology to educate without exploitation!”
For further information: lifeforcesociety@gmail.com
posted on April 21, 2018
 Orcas are the largest members of the dolphin family. Porpoising is a common behaviour. Here is a normal porpoising with the rare belly up porpoising that Lifeforce documented in March. This was not a back flop that orcas also will do quite often. Lifeforce's Peter Hamilton has studied cetacean behaviours for over 25 years.
These special lives are yet another reason to try to save orcas and oceans > Petition to Save Orcas and Oceans.
posted on April 5, 2018
 Here is our Ocean Friends Education Kit that includes loads of information about orcas, humpbacks and other marine wildlife. It also includes Bird Wise to test your knowledge of local birds. There will be a new Humpback Field Guide and a Mammal Eating Orca Field Guide in the near future. The $25 includes an Ocean Friends Membership with a personalize Ocean Friends Certificate. Kids love it! Here's a photo.
Please join the Lifeforce Ocean Friends Facebook for all the news about our Wild Ed Adventures! Click Here to Be an Ocean Friends Facebook Follower. |
posted on March 16, 2018
Object: Enact the Emergency Order to Save the Orcas and Oceans!
Dear Minister Dominic LeBlanc and Minister Catherine McKenna:
I am writing to you on behalf of over 100,000 concerned citizens that have signed our petition, asking you to save the Southern Resident Killer Whales (SRKW) and others. Other organizations have asked you to take emergency actions by the beginning of March. This species is on the brink of extinction, with only 76 family members left. They can be saved, but we need you to take immediate action.
The “Oceans Protection Plan” is a major step forward but it can’t wait for another 5 to 11 years of studying orcas to death! We are asking you to implement an Emergency Order to save the SRKWs under the Species At Risk Act. The emergency order should include:
• Guarantee Safe, Abundant, and Healthy Food - Moratoriums must be implemented to rebuild the presently broken ocean food chain. Harmful fish farms, that threaten wild salmon, must be closed;
• Stop Vessel Traffic Noise and Harassment;
• Prevent and Clean up Pollution;
• Enforce Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) - MPAs must restrict activities, such as fishing, that interferes with and threaten orca’s lives. They must be increased in Canada and the US;
• Stop Invasive Experiments and the Cumulative Impact of Research on Orcas - As other orca populations are also at low numbers all satellite darting (spearing) and skin biopsies, that permit a pathway for infections and cause deaths, must be stopped.
The fragile ocean food chain has been broken for many years and needs to be immediately restored. Taking the necessary action to save the remaining SRKWs and others will also contribute to the general health of our oceans and wildlife.
We trust you will do what is right and we sincerely look forward to hearing from you, as soon as possible. I hope that we will soon discuss a detailed plan with you to protect the wildlife and ecosystems.
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Ocean Friends
Contact: lifeforcesociety@gmail.com
Enact the Emergency Order To Save Orcas and Oceans!. |
posted on February 20, 2018
 Please sign and share:
Save the Orca Families Now!
Save the Orca Families Now!
Dear Minister Dominic LeBlanc and Minister Catherine McKenna,
This petition requests that you take immediate action to protect the endangered Southern Resident orcas who live off British Columbia and Washington State.
As the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans and the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, you both are responsible for taking action to implement an emergency order under the Species at Risk Act for these orcas who have been facing imminent threats to their survival and recovery.
The three major causes of their rapidly declining population is lack of food, vessel traffic/harassment, and pollution. There are only 76 Southern Residents remaining!
If you fail to make an emergency order you will be contributing to the extinction of these iconic, intelligent beings who live in family pods for their entire lives. Will you tell Cabinet to Save the Orca Families?
posted on February 12, 2018
 Dear Friends:
First the Good News is that BC Supreme Court upheld the Vancouver Parks Board right to implement a bylaw to prohibit cetacean captivity in City parks but said the present lease agreement would exempt the Vancouver Aquarium (VA).
Also a lot of people were foolishly persuaded and thought a VA announcement that they would stop the public display of cetacean was great news . However, the VA simply plans to rebrand by keeping/trading cetaceans who are “rescued”. This battle will continue!
Also, the recently announced Fisheries Act “Improvements” Will Not Stop Cetacean Harassment and Captivity!
These are part of the Lifeforce letters:
To: Dominic LeBlanc, Fisheries Minister and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
All Orcas Need Better Protection!
Fisheries/DFO finally will increase some boat distances to the Southern Resident orcas but not other at risk orca populations. Please See Lifeforce Petition: Equal Laws to Protect West Coast Endangered Orcas! Petitioning Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and Canadian Coast Guard:https://www.change.org/p/dominic-leblanc-minister-of-fisheries-oceans-and-canadian-coast-guard-dominic-leblanc-parl-gc-ca-equal-laws-to-protect-west-coast-endangered-orcas
All Cetacean Captivity Must End!
“The public acceptance of keeping these majestic creatures in captivity has changed and we think the law should also change to reflect that so we’re going to ban the taking of cetaceans,” Fisheries Minister Dominic LeBlanc told reporters in Vancouver. “We think Canadians massively support that principle.”
If you agree that “The public acceptance of keeping these majestic creatures in captivity has changed …” then I hope that you would be consistent in your principles and will protect all healthy and unfortunate cetaceans from a life of suffering in an aquarium tank.
The proposed Canadian ban on cetacean captivity would permit imprisoning whales and dolphins under the Aquarium/DFO bias claims that they cannot be released! AND Bill C-68 allows the minister to make exemptions for cetaceans that are injured and those that need to be rehabilitated. The goal of wildlife rescue is to release them and if they are truly unable to be returned to their homes then they are euthanized. Unlike the Vancouver Aquarium, East Coast DFO and rescue organizations have reunited nursing belugas with pods instead of a life in captivity. (Note: a high percentage of the “rescued” seals die every year at the VA centre.)
For decades the aquarium and zoo industry used their pro captivity agenda to profit from a worldwide free wildlife market that includes this whale and dolphin laundering. Their exploitation of “animal ambassadors”, who did not volunteer to be captured and imprisoned, failed as now 50% of wildlife populations shave been lost in the past 40 years. The Billion Dollar Aquarium and Zoo industry should spend the money on protecting habitats not prisons and fake education.
The Vancouver Aquarium states that they will fight to keep “rescues” at the aquarium for any longer “care” until whenever they may find another aquarium but not humane options such as sea pens and a chance at freedom. Sadly, they and others will try to perpetuate captivity.
Please read our petition: https://www.change.org/p/pbcomment-vancouver-ca-end-cetacean-captivity-at-vancouver-aquarium/u/22282195
Whales and dolphins still need our help! For over 35 year Lifeforce has continued our fight for cetacean rights and freedoms. Our campaigns were effective and copied by many organizations that unfortunately turned it into a business and even “slept” with by working with the enemy.
Please consider making a donation to help us stop the Aquarium and Zoo Industry plans to perpetuate cetacean captivity for entertainment and experiments. It will also help us continue our public education to boaters that we started in 1993 to protect orcas, humpbacks, and others. We have our Ocean Friends Nature’s Moments programs on television and continue to create amazing education materials. Unlike most other organizations, we are on the water to document the continued need for better for DFO enforcement.
Lifeforce volunteers do all the work – no high paid staff. Your membership and donations go further with Lifeforce.
Freedom for All Life,
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founder
posted on February 2, 2018
 To: BC NDP Premier John Horgan and Green Party Leader Andrew Weaver
and ON Premier Kathleen Wynne:
The "Sled Dog" Industry abuses will never end! It is inherent in their cruel business! Time to shut it down through public boycotts and legislation!
Please Sign and Share this Petition:
Time to End All Dog Sled Exploitation!
posted on January 18, 2018
 It will be the cruel captivity business as usual if the public, organizations, politicians and others fall for Vancouver Aquarium (VA) half-truths! The aquarium industry knows that cetacean captivity is not supported so they are going to try to sell it as saving “rescued” cetaceans for "conservation" experiments. Even the proposed Canadian ban on cetacean captivity presently could permit imprisoning whales and dolphins if the bias Aquarium/DFO claims they cannot be released!
For decades the aquarium and zoo industry used their pro captivity agenda for a worldwide free wildlife market that includes this whale and dolphin laundering. Their exploitation of "animal ambassadors" who did not volunteer to be captured and imprisoned failed as now 50% of wildlife populations shave been lost in the past 40 years. The Billion Dollar $$$ Aquarium and Zoo industry should spend the money on protecting habitats not prisons and fake education.
The Vancouver Aquarium spin doctors got the media credit they had planned for in spite of their continued law suit to overturn the bylaw. The headlines claim that “VA Bans Whale and Dolphin Captivity” when they vehemently fought against any ban. Further, in violation of the Cetacean Bylaw, the VA states that they will fight to keep “rescues” at the aquarium for any longer “care” until whenever they may find another aquarium but not humane options such as sea pens. Sadly, they will try to perpetuate captivity.
Jan 18/18
News Release
Vancouver Aquarium Up to Their Old Captivity Tricks!
While garnishing headlines claiming that they will no longer keep cetaceans in captivity the Vancouver Aquarium (VA) will try to perpetuate the captivity of cetaceans by keeping “rescues” in display pools!
The VA said that they would continue to fight to temporarily “house animals” that aren't ready to be moved to other aquariums. However, that could mean years of captivity in Vancouver! If they keep the circus pools available they will continuously fill them under the guise of “rescue”! That could mean a variety of rotated captives as a refined business plot!
They haven’t given up on cetacean captivity. They have already sought a judicial review and wait for the judgement.
“To keep “rescued” cetaceans would perpetuate captivity. For decades the wildlife that aquariums and zoos claimed cannot be returned to wild has been a free worldwide animal market. It must be stopped!” stated Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Founder, “Aquarium industry biases can influence any DFO decisions to permit captivity. Lifeforce’s inquiry to DFO asking if there are any neutral review panels went unanswered. In addition, noisy public places are not suitable for any treatment and recovery. They are subjected to human disturbances even during the many nightclub type events and parties in the evenings. That is why true wildlife rescue includes “hospital peace and quiet” during rehabilitation and releases.”
Hamilton adds, “The VA is still promoting the age old era of Victorian menageries for entertainment profits,” stated Peter Hamilton, They also hope to get more lucrative research grants for cetaceans because they have said that “captives” and “rescues” are untapped tools (Marine Mammals in the Lab: Tools for Conservation and Science, 2007). The repeated rotation of wildlife to try to keep selling admission tickets is inhumane. It is just an attempt to rebrand their captivity business as conservation. It has failed to protect species over the past decades and is time to use modern technology to educate without exploitation!”
Please Sign and Share: Stop Captivity Petition.
The present expansion plans were approved in 2006. Lifeforce has stated that these new aquarium expansion plans must be approved by the Parks Board and the City.
The "rescue" of cetaceans are rare and temporary pens can be set up if needed. Even back in 1964 a dry dock was used for the orca they harpooned and lived for 86 days. They only would want permanent pools for an extensive whale and dolphin business to get lucrative grants to experiment on them and to sell to aquariums and zoos worldwide under the guise of "conservation".
It is time they stop this cetacean slave trade !
For further information: lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com
posted on January 13, 2018
 This past 2017 brought a lot of hope for achieving the rights of sentient animals with whom we share this planet. The Lifeforce list of accomplishments was long as you can read in Lifeforce Eco News 2017 (email lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com for the PDF). In addition, more news can be found at www.lifeforcefoundation.org
To Move On in 2018
We are proud of our continued successes since 1981 but our work continues. Our strategic ground breaking campaigns has changed the way humans treat animals worldwide. Other organizations and new generations are still learning from our campaigns.
For example, in the 80s Lifeforce laid the first Criminal Cruelty to Animals Charges against Canadian vivisectors. Our investigation stopped the inhumane, scientifically fallacious experiments on wild caught baboons. They were restrained for four months and it was funded by the Heart Foundation. Lifeorce continues to work to end experiments on animals. See Stop Vivisection Canada! https://www.facebook.com/StopVivisectionCanada/?ref=ts
The Lifeforce “3Es” addresses the interrelationship of human, animal and ecological issues. We look at how people can respect all life when we eat, entertain and experiment. I include a membership/donation form that will help us bring more peaceful lifestyles for all life. I hope you will remember all that Lifeforce has done and can continue to do with your support.
Please Help Bring Peace On Earth For All Life ... For All Years!
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founder