Peace On Earth For All Life! posted on November 22, 2018
 Dear Supporter:
Our projects this year have received an incredible amount of public and media attention.
Some of our decades long campaigns have helped stopped the exploitation of endangered orcas in captivity and in the wild. In 2017, the Vancouver Parks Board eliminated the loopholes in the 1996 Cetacean Bylaw to finally end commercial captivity for entertainment.
We also continue to protect endangered orcas and oceans by lobbying the Canadian and US governments. Progress is being made to get increase protection for endangered orcas. Our petition to Save Endangered Orcas Now! has grown to over 200,000 supporters.PLEASE SIGN PETITION HERE.
The Lifeforce “3 Es” looks at How Humans “Eat, Entertain, and Experiment”. These education campaigns provide humane and healthier alternatives so animals are not harmed.
We have educated people locally and globally. Our messages to respect and protect all life have been far reaching. The Lifeforce founding motto is, “In Respect for All Life”.
I hope that over the holidays you will think of ways to help all life throughout the year. Your valued moral and financial support of our volunteer work is also greatly appreciated.
Let Us Celebrate Peace For All Life,
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director
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