Time As Run Out To Save Orcas! posted on November 2, 2018
 November 2, 2018
The Minister of Environment and Climate Change and the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans’ had recommended to enact an order to protect the endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales under the Species At Risk Act. BUT! In spite of the high risk of extinction to these orcas the federal government stated today that they will not issue the emergency order.
“Protections under the Species at Risk Act must be immediately implemented. This must include many actions including moratoriums on fishing to rebuild the broken ocean food chain and increase enforcement to stop boat traffic,” stated Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Director, “ If not then say goodbye to the orcas and ocean life!”
We Need Everyone to Contact All Politicians:
1. If you live in Canada write or phone your Federal MPs and Provincial MLAs. And get others to do so! Tell them to get the Emergency Order under the Species At Risk Act implemented! And get people to sign this Petition!
2. If you live outside of Canada spread the word about this important Petition. If you live in WA State tell Governor Inslee and politicians to take immediate actions now in addition to urging Canada to do so. Orcas and Oceans Need International Protection!
Also Boycott Tourism to Canada! Many tourists come to see the wonders of orcas and wildlife NOT to see them dying!
Lifeforce has been fighting to save these orcas from extinction since 1993. We fought for more protection for 25 years and after 25 years it looked like times may have changed. Major business changes are essential in order to rebuild ecosystems. It cannot be business as usual. Sadly, this is not the case and this failure of the Canadian government may well be the final death blow to both orcas and fragile ecosystems!
Nearly 200,000 people have signed the Lifeforce petition to enact the Emergency Order> Save the Orca Families Now! Petition PETITION TO TRY TO SAVE THE ORCAS!