Last Chance To Comment On Orca Protection! posted on October 27, 2018
 Governor Inslee’s Southern Resident Orca Task Force is inviting further public comment on the updated draft recommendations for actions to recover southern resident orcas. The recommendations focus on the following issues affecting the survival of the southern resident orcas: Lack of prey; Toxic contaminants and Disturbance from noise and vessel traffic
The Task Force convened October 17-18 to discuss and refine the draft recommendations. The updated draft reflects the outcomes of those discussions.
Comments must be submitted no later than midnight, Monday October 29, via the Task Force online public comment portal .Public comments received on this updated draft will be provided directly to the Task Force for consideration at their meeting on November 6, 2018. The final Year 1 report and recommendations are due to Governor Inslee on November 16, 2018.
Lifeforce urges everyone to support the following:
On the Task Force online public comment portal:
1. Draft Recommendations: Mark all as “Strongly Support” except:
a. #35 is about more research on these orcas. They have been studied to death for over 15 years. Choose “Strongly Opposed”
b. #13 is about blaming pinnipeds for human overfishing and proposals to kill them. Targeting one species won’t stop the lack of salmon problems. From herons to bears to dolphins there are numerous species that eat fish. People can go to grocery stores but wildlife has no choice. Choose “Strongly Opposed”
2. Top 5 Priorities. Choose these best options:
Protecting Habitats: #4
Increasing Food: Increase dam spills for spawning #8
Boat Noise and Traffic: Limit Whale Watch Companies # 18
Education and Enforcement: Boater Certification #19 and Increased Enforcement #20
3. Comments Section: Post this Lifeforce Open Letter to Governor Inslee and Orca Task Force and any additional thoughts.
Open Letter
Dear Governor Inslee and Orca Task Force:
Re: Helping or Harming Endangered Orcas?
Please go to Lifeforce Ocean Friends for the complete Comment Information and Links: LIFEFORCE OCEAN FRIENDS.
Thank You for Helping the Orcas!