Will It Be Big Business Versus Orcas And Oceans? posted on November 9, 2018
 November 9, 2018
Will it be Big Business versus Orcas and Oceans? Will there have to be an International Boycott to Save Dying Orcas and Oceans?
So far, the Canadian government’s failure to enact an Emergency Order under the Species at Risk Act appears to be protecting big businesses such as fishing and whale watching. But the US Orca Task Force recommended a 3-5 year moratorium on companies watching the endangered Southern Resident orcas.
If outdated, harmful business practises threaten orca protection then the Canadian based ecology organization, Lifeforce, could call for an International Tourism Boycott to Save Dying Orcas and Oceans!
Whale Watching Will Survive!
The Whale Watch Industry will still have a diversity of wildlife to view. This includes Humpback, Grey and Minke whales. In addition, there are other orca populations numbering only approximately 300 each. Companies only spent 10% of their tours watching the endangered 74 Southern Resident Killer Whales (SRKWs) because they now spend less time in inland waters. Of course enforcement is needed to make sure companies follow the new regulations and not repeat how they continuously chased SRKWs for decades.
A Green Economy
Wildlife and wild spaces have proven to provide greater economic benefits than hunting and fishing. Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and Canadian Coast Guard, has held leadership positions with a number of companies dedicated to the development of green technologies.
It must not be business as usual. There must not be increased tanker traffic, noise and pollution from any Kinder Morgan Pipeline, LNG Plants, Delta Port expansion, Westshore Coal Terminal, and on and on.
In addition, governments must stop wasting time and money studying orcas to death such as the death of an endangered orca by infection caused by an unnecessary tracking device. There should be a moratorium on research boat traffic!
Oceans will continue to become more polluted and devoid of life. The complex Ocean Food Chain is broken. One of the most crucial choices to make is to either stop fishing now or lose it forever. Humans have a choice to pick among grocery stories and gardens. Wildlife have no choices so should now get the fish quotas!
Saving Orcas and Oceans
“This failure to immediately act to save the remaining 74 SRKWs will continue to lead to everyone sadly watching dying orcas and oceans”, stated Lifeforce Director, Peter Hamilton, “This Summer the world witnessed an orca mom J35 mourned the death of her newborn for 17 days, and soon afterwards the young J50 slowly dying and subjected to failed experiments. People must counteract any political and business deals that has led to this and Green House Warming. If needed, we will boycott to bring a green economy that will restore orca populations and oceans.”
Nearly 200,000 people have signed the Lifeforce petition to enact the Canadian Emergency Order> Save the Orca Families Now! Petition PETITION.
Lifeforce has been on the water fighting to save these orcas from extinction since 1993. We fought for more protection for 25 years and after 25 years we are still fighting. Time is running out! Let’s Turn the Tide Against Deadly Business Practises!
Peter Hamilton
Thank you! For Voicing Your Support to “Save the Orcas Now!”
You can contribute to protecting these orcas by signing and sharing the petition and through making a donation to Lifeforce Foundation through Paypal. PAYPAL DONATION.