Lessons To Learn? Will Orcas Continue To Die? posted on September 16, 2018
 Lessons to Learn? Will Orcas Continue to Die?
J50 was gravely ill and was dying. She and her family should have been left in peace not chased by boats, shot with darts and subjected to other failed experiments. A Sea World veterinarian was an advisor and NOAA receives money from Sea World. The Vancouver Aquarium, who breeds belugas with the Sea Worlds, has made it perfectly clear that they want to keep “rescued” cetaceans and supply them to aquariums worldwide. Both of them claim that captive orcas are necessary for education and research. Aquariums captured a generation of young orcas that continues to devastate the SRKWs that was started by the Vancouver Aquarium. We must not let them now keep “rescues” under the guise of conservation.
The Springer case was not the same as the dying J50 Scarlet who was with her family. Springer somehow got separated from her family. She needed some care and help to be transferred back to her northern home waters and family. The Vancouver Aquarium had even tried to keep Springer in a sea pen at their research station near Vancouver. They asked if Lifeforce would support it. I told them No! The plan must be for her to be return to northern waters where her family lives. The US team did that and she immediately was reunited!
Lifeforce has been with the J, K and L pods since 1993. But that was 25 years of government failure to protect them! Now the time that they had for hope for their survival is quickly running out. They may well become extinct! Unless endangered species laws are immediately implement in Canada and the US. This must include moratoriums on fishing to rebuild the broken ocean food chain, stopping the causes of environmental pollution, increasing enforcement of boat traffic laws and banning aquarium imprisonment under the guise of “education”.
Attached is an inspirational photograph “Our First Sunset-Keep Us Alive!” taken the day another orca called J49 was the first birth in 2012 to his mom J37.They are both alive as Lifeforce Steps Up Our Campaign to:
Save the Orca Families Now!