Humpbacks Need Your Help! posted on July 17, 2018
 Dear Friends:
We all must respect that we are the visitors in the whales' homes and implement regulations that will end the wanton interferences in their lives.
It has taken years to get better regulations but they are still not perfect. As you see in our letter below the humpbacks are constantly hit by boats and entrapped in fishing gear. It is believed that 50% of all Humpbacks on our coast are scarred from entanglement. Their number of fatalities are unknown.
Presently, anyone can approach them as close as 100 meters. That is not safe for both the whales and humans who have been seriously injured too.
Please send your thoughts and Lifeforce information to the Prime Minister and the Ministers below. Their emails are: justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca; dominic.leblanc@parl.gc.ca; Catherine.McKenna@parl.gc.ca; marc.garneau@parl.gc.ca. It would be very helpful if you also send it to your local MP.
Open Letter
To: Premier Justin Trudeau; Minister Dominic LeBlanc; Minister Catherine McKenna; Minister Marc Garneau
Re: Another Injured Humpback!
So all orcas will now have an increase from 100 to 200 meters when DFO had proposed it only for Southern Residents. That is important because every orca population number less than approximately 300 members. The 200 meters is still not enough as they get up to 400 meters in the US. Lifeforce will continue to fight for equal laws.
Unfortunately, Humpback Whales who get seriously injured by boats, will not get any increased protection! Humpbacks, still only have a meager 100 meter “protection” zone from boaters. Under the new regulations all boat hits and entanglements must be reported BUT boaters will still get way too close!
We previously sent you this information:
(Photo Below) Information and Photos: MERS
There are lots of human activities on the water that threaten the lives of humpbacks, orcas and others. Humpbacks’ lives are continuously threatened. This includes boat hits, fishing gear entanglement, and fish farms.
On July 8th Lifeforce found another Humpback seriously injured in waters off the Comox Valley, BC. This baby has several injuries such as a fresh severe deep cut exposing part of the spine between the dorsal and tail. News Report: https://www.comoxvalleyrecord.com/home/injured-humpback-whale-spotted-near-comox/
A few weeks earlier Lifeforce reported to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans a commercial vessel driving over four Humpbacks in this same area.
Please advise us if you will implement at least a 200 meter zone for Humpback whales.
In Respect For All Life,
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Ocean Friends
https://www.facebook.com/Ocean-Friends-1442963759271400/ |