Petition To Save The Orca Families Now! posted on February 20, 2018
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Save the Orca Families Now!
Save the Orca Families Now!
Dear Minister Dominic LeBlanc and Minister Catherine McKenna,
This petition requests that you take immediate action to protect the endangered Southern Resident orcas who live off British Columbia and Washington State.
As the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans and the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, you both are responsible for taking action to implement an emergency order under the Species at Risk Act for these orcas who have been facing imminent threats to their survival and recovery.
The three major causes of their rapidly declining population is lack of food, vessel traffic/harassment, and pollution. There are only 76 Southern Residents remaining!
If you fail to make an emergency order you will be contributing to the extinction of these iconic, intelligent beings who live in family pods for their entire lives. Will you tell Cabinet to Save the Orca Families?