June Is Orca Action Month! posted on May 31, 2020
June is Orca Action Month!
There have been major steps forward to protect the endangered SRKWs and other orcas! Lifeforce has declared one of our petitions “Equal Laws to Protect West Coast Endangered Orcas!” a Victory! However, we still have to stop harmful, unnecessary experiments with the excessive research boat traffic and to continue the fight for Orca Freedom!
The major factors in the decline of their populations include aquarium captures that wiped out a whole generation (at least 68 were captured). The capture of all young orcas resulted in a devastating abnormal age and sex ration. Other factors include depleted food, toxic pollution, military and other noise pollution, and excessive experiments with continued boat traffic harassment.
June is also the beginning of new Federal Regulations in BC. Boaters must maintain 400 m from all orcas in order to protect the endangered Southern Resident. Whale watch companies and protection organizations may have permission to get up to 200 m to Transient Orcas. These new laws are to protect the endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales (SRKWS) and other cetaceans. Learn more at Be Safe for the Whales and Boaters! (bewhalewise.org)
The Shocking Truths!
Throughout Orca Action Month Lifeforce will be posting past memories of the SRKWs that Lifeforce has protected since the 80s. We fought against captivity and fought for improved laws not the meager volunteer “guidelines”.
Lifeforce will also reveal the shocking truths that we told Governments months ago > COVID-19 and Orcas; Antibiotics and Vaccine Experiments on Wildlife and Captive Orcas and a lot more!
Orcas need healthy food, clean water and safe homes. Lifeforce has advised governments that fishing moratoriums MUST include catch and release to avoid transmission of coronaviruses!
Please advise us if you want to receive these Orca Action Month Updates. Send us your email at lifeforcesociety@gmail.com to be put on the Saving Orcas Email List!
During Orca Action Month Lifeforce will also be offering our few last copies of “Orca: A Family Story” for $20 including postage. ($20 CAN in Canada, $20 US in the US and Other Countries). To receive your book Please Contact Lifeforce at lifeforcesociety@gmail.com when made your payment to Lifeforce through Paypal > ORCA DONATIONS! THANKYOU!
All book sales and other donations will go directly to the nearly 40 years of successful Lifeforce Campaigns that have helped orcas and others with whom we share this planet.
For Freedom,
Peter Hamilton
Further information: lifeforcesociety@gmail.com