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Re: Lifeforce’s New Challenge To David Booth
posted on December 15, 2012

Re: Lifeforce’s New Challenge To David Booth

Lifeforce hasn’t heard from Canuck player, David Booth, about our challenge for him to be the prey in a mock hunt. We had hoped that Mr. Booth would relate to the fear, pain and suffering of wildlife? Hmmm, so only when all the odds are in his favour but against sentient animals? How many more casualties has he targeted during the hockey lockout?
Trophy hunt supporters had claimed that it is all humane and legal even though you can’t bait a bear in BC like Booth did in Alberta. And where is the trophy hunting ethics in killing the rarest, biggest, and fittest of the target species. That can impact the species’ gene pool and threaten their survival.
Lifeforce’s new challenge to David Booth is to take us along with him on his hunting trips so we can document what wildlife endure being hunted down, shot, and slowly bleeding to death. Violence begets violence so in order to promote “Shoot With a Camera NOT a Gun”, Lifeforce would teach Mr. Booth the greater nonviolent challenge to photograph and video wildlife.

For further Information: Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Director, lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com

Please add your comments:
Peter Hamilton Georgia Straight December 17th
Animal rights activist wants to shoot Canucks hunter David Booth—with a camera
Animal Rights Activist wants Canucks hunter to shoot with camera.

Re: Vancouver Canuck Hockey Player Kills Mountain Goat and Other Wildlife
The Vancouver based ecology, animal rights organization, Lifeforce, is challenging David Booth to let us hunt him so he can put himself in the same position as defenceless, hunted wildlife.
He is promoting and joking about trophy hunting so he should stand up and suffer in similar ways that animals are subjected to. We hope that Booth will experience similar fear, panic, and other hardships as do hunted wildlife. Hopefully a “Mantracker” type challenge will get Booth to relate to the plight and pain of innocent wildlife. Hopefully Booth will finally understand their suffering, stop his killing plans, and denounce trophy hunting. Wildlife are not inanimate objects or trophies they sentient living beings.

More information is at http://www.lifeforcefoundation.org/newsitem.php?id=158