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Lifeforce Trailblazers Moving On
posted on August 23, 2015

Lifeforce Trailblazers Moving On

For decades, Lifeforce has provided the most progressive strategies in the ecology and animal rights movement. From our first investigations of vivisection laboratories to stronger protection for endangered orcas others followed in our footsteps. Even our opposition (such as aquariums) capitalized on our innovated programs.

Now we are moving on to new locations that need our expertise. We will be based on Vancouver Island to conduct our Marine Life Programs, prevent wildlife killings, investigate invasive experiments on aquarium captives and “rescues”, and much, much more.

We will continue our work in the US in hope that the Orca Centre in Point Roberts, WA will not be torn down due to the old age of this 70s building. We will try to continue with our educational displays there. Over the years we provided a strong volunteer force that I hope was appreciated by locals. Many didn’t understand the time it takes. There were the endless volunteer hours (protecting orcas from harassment and helping injured wildlife), the project expenses (that often were paid for out of my pocket), and the emotional stresses.

If only Lifeforce had a dollar for every time we were asked, “When are the orcas coming?”. I was up from sunrise to way past sunset to gather that location information.

The fond memories include the lone False killer whale who followed boats for about 10 years. (see Video http://lifeforcefoundation.org/ecotv_play.php?id=3 ) and the newly born orca who passed Point Roberts on the first day of life.

Not so great memories were the threats by whale watch companies who didn’t like being monitored and advised if they were too close to orcas. Some of our photographs lead to warnings and charges against boaters. Also, the constant pollution from the Westshore Coal Terminal was certainly not healthy.

As you may know that moving can be a nightmare but there is no comparison to the hardships of animals being exploited by industries such as aquariums, zoos, circuses, vivisection, trophy hunting, and others. For example, dolphins are routinely shipped between aquariums.

As part of the Lifeforce move I will be writing some books. There are so many untold and forgotten stories that must be told... or else shameful histories could be repeated.

Our mailing address since 1981 remains the same at Lifeforce Foundation, PO Box 3117, Vancouver, BC V6B 3X6. Our phone number will also remain the same at 604-649-5258.

I will prepare an Annual Report of our actions in the coming months.

Peace For All Life,

Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founding Director