Grow Veggies Not Chicken Eggs posted on March 2, 2009
Dear Mayor and Councillors:
Re: Grow Veggies Not Chicken Eggs
Lifeforce is a Vancouver-based ecology organization that looks at the interrelationship of human, animal and environmental issues. When trying to resolve problems one must take into consideration the long term impacts on all life.
For over a decade we have opposed any “city farming” plans that involve animals. We hope that Vancouver will not allow the keeping of poultry or any other livestock because it would result in major health and animal welfare issues. Please find the attached letter to you in which we outline the many reasons why we oppose farming chickens in Vancouver and other cities.
As part of Vancouver’s Greenest City Action Team we should be promoting eating healthy veggies not chickens products. We must decrease, not increase, the number of animals presently being raised and consume in order to protect people’s health, stop animal cruelty and to reduce Global Warming. Backyard chickens are not a just and sustainable food system – it would be part of the crises not the solution.
Please feel free to contact me for any details or further information.
In Respect For All Life,
Peter Hamilton
Founding Director
Lifeforce Foundation
Phone: 604-649-5258
Email: lifeforcesociety@hotmail.com |