Myth is no reason to prolong animals' agony



Re: Farmyard and conservatory lift our spirits, Letters, Dec. 7

There was no $1 million for the Children's Farmyard that was refused by the park board, as falsely claimed by letter writer Tamara Flick-Parker.

There's no doubt that it angered many people who protested plans to close the Stanley Park petting zoo. Heck, I would question the decision too if it were true.

The pro-zoo organizers have lost their credibility with their propaganda bordering on fear-mongering.

This lobby is not interested in promoting the free parks that wildlife treasures.

The truth is that peaceful retirement homes would be provided for all. At present, most are kept under substandard conditions.

In the 1990s Vancouverites voted for "no zoo" in Stanley Park. This remnant of a past era should be closed.

Peter Hamilton

Lifeforce Vancouver


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