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Delta Will Study Coal Dust Pollution
posted on April 27, 2013

Delta Will Study Coal Dust Pollution

Finally getting studies conducted: Delta to test coal emmissions from Roberts Bank.

Lifeforce sent letters to Delta politicians and others. We included a list of health and environmental hazards >
Dear Mayor and Council:
Westshore Terminals has been polluting Vancouver, Delta, Point Roberts, Tsawassen and other areas for years. There should be more public outcry. The wind blows coal dust all over the place (see attached photo). I told their pr guy if they continue to sell coal then put a dome over it . He said too expensive. Black dust on boats, windows, cars etc.. Westshore PR guy said they will come to clean the boats etc. but what about everyone’s lungs. There was a report years ago and it claimed that coal dust was only found in some air borne particles. A current study is needed.
And how is this impacting marine ecosystems and the marine life such as the endangered orcas?
The issue is not just how the coal trains pollutes communities but also how the mountains of coal pollution at the terminals can impact health of people, animals and the environment.
I hope this is addressed with the coal train issues.
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Founder