A World Respecting All Life > Stop The Wars, Stop The Killings! posted on December 9, 2023
 Lifeforce hopes that you are enjoying our Wildlife Humour videos and photos throughout the Holidays. There are many more to find if you scroll through the entire Lifeforce Facebook.
For centuries, all human races have caused endless wars plundering all life. We enslaved and killed each other and wildlife. And it continues. From wildlife who are killed for food, imprisoned for amusement; hunted for trophies and much, much more. Some even claimed it was culture and ceremonial over the centuries perpetuating human slavery.
For over 40 years Lifeforce has tried to stop the sufferings of people and animals. In order to extend our circle of compassion to all life, humans must “Respect All Life” because violence will beget violence. Sadly, the speciesism and wars continues. I had hoped that all humans would eventually stop disrespecting life. We wonder if it will ever end. Let’s now try to change that!
Please Help Protect Life!
If you can, please buy our wildlife humour books and/or make a greatly needed donation to continue our vital volunteer work. There is an armchair Nature Book Hike “Art in Action: All Life Matters”; an updated of Orca: A Family Story and Wildlife Humour Books. See the EBooks and Paperback Books at: Lifeforce Wildlife Books.
Numerous Animal Rights violations that we fought against for decades also continue today! Please Donate to Rights for All Life at Lifeforce: Please Donate to Lifeforce.