A Humane Orca Protection Plan posted on June 15, 2023
Lifeforce’s New Plan for Orca Protection promotes modern technological advances that will increase information about the travel patterns of the Southern Resident killer whales and other cetaceans.
This can include land based whale watching/monitoring (with high power telescopes and other research equipment); land based drone monitoring; hydrophones and motion sensing cameras on navigation markers and at land bases; the tracking/vocal identifications by the use of vast government, university and other hydrophone networks in the Salish Sea and oceans; satellite monitoring and much, much more.
Some of our recommendations to governments have been implemented!
Reducing Research Vessel Traffic!
Government agencies, companies and others must recognize the threats by ongoing unnecessary research vessels.
For decades, orcas have been treated as research tools for lucrative grants and careers. The continuous long close follows and getting on top of frightened orcas must be stopped. Alternatives are available to stop the excessive, barbaric experiments and studying them to death!
Please Sign, Share and Send this Petition to your Political Representatives!