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The Ponds Of Tears!
posted on January 1, 2019

The Ponds Of Tears!

The Big Pond Problems
For over 25 years I have been studying the behaviour and travel patterns of cetaceans. There is so much more that we have yet to learn from these complex, intelligent whales and dolphins. History has proven that humans were more interested in profits from the killing and captivity of these sentient beings. Industries have also broken the fragile ocean food chain that we all depend on. Fishing moratoriums on salmon, herring and many others must be implemented or there will be barren ponds forever. Saving the ecosystems of Little Ponds is also in grave need.

“Ponds of Tears”
While I have included images of the precious nature moments there are also the “Ponds of Tears” that shows the sadness that continues. Precious lives continue to endure the suffering.

I continue to expose the Lifeforce “3 Es” that look at How Humans “Eat, Entertain, and Experiment”. Our education campaigns expose the endless animal abuses while humane and healthier alternatives are available. Lucrative industries continue to profit from their suffering.

Starting in the 80s, Lifeforce exposed the atrocities of experiments on animals, animals in captivity exploited for entertainment and animal cruelty for food. Lifeforce accomplishments include the shocking photos of spinal cord experiments on kittens; investigating and laying the first Canadian Cruelty to Animals Charges that stopped the chronic restraint of wild caught baboons in research; the first bans on both wild and domestic animal acts in circuses; helping stop the Sealand, BC capture of the endangered Southern Resident orcas in 1982, proposing a Vancouver Cetacean Bylaw that now bans captivity at the Vancouver Aquarium; abuses in animal transport and much, much more.

We must go “Green” to phase out all the pollution industries. And I have always realized that the answer to ending experiments on animals is our “Stop Vivisection Canada!” campaign. This gives this billion dollar industry the maximum of 10 years to phase out – similar to replacing gas with electric vehicles. Read about the facts and the lucrative businesses ranging from animal breeders to manufactures of literally “torture” devices.

Peter Hamilton