No More Zoos In Stanley Park posted on November 1, 2005
Don't be Tricked Again. Bigger pools mean more captives. Expansion mean zoo animals. DO YOU WANT THE VANCOUVER AQUARIUM TO BRING IN MORE WHALES AND ZOO ANIMALS WHILE EXPANDING INTO MORE STANLEY PARK GREEN SPACE? If the Vancouver Aquarium expands again whales, dolphins and other animals will suffer while precious Stanley Park will be harmed.
1. The Parks Control Bylaw does not prohibit further importation of whales and dolphins. The watered-down bylaw allows this crime against nature to continue.
2. Aquarium expansions are restricted in the Lease Agreement. The Park Board must aprove it. However, the Vancouver Aquarium continues to gain more land. One major expansion, not publicly approved, was the fake salmon stream that doubled their land control while opening the area for more animal exhibits. The area was supposed to have been returned to green space.
3. The Aquarium expansions fail to phase out the captivity of whales and dolphins. Previous expansions did not improve conditions for the captives. Bigger pools mean more captive whales and other marine mammals. The ploy is to overcrowd in an attempt to get public sympathy. Future generations of free-living marine wildlife will continue to be exploited because the Aquarium Industry depends on wild captures and the barbaric international dolphin slave trade.
4. The proposed Aquarium Expansions would destroy acres of precious green space in Stanley Park. As a National Historic Site, Stanley Park is a free ecology classroom with a diversity of wildlife and natural habitats -a gift of nature providing a vital link between people and wildlife. Stanley Park is a true legacy and an urban sanctuary that is now threatened. It must be protected for future generations. We must stop further development in Stanley Park.
5. Government will fund this multi-million dollar circus instead of essential services to protect people, animals and the environment. Aquarium attendance numbers are meaningless since tourists are unaware of the hidden abuses.
6. Vancouver residents voted against a zoo in Stanley Park. The proposed Aquarium plans would expand their zoo business by imprisoning birds, beavers and other species associated with zoos.
7. The proposed Aquarium expansion will cause the continued physical suffering, psychological suffering and premature deaths of whales and dolphins. These sentient creatures continue to suffer for profit and entertainment. Inhumane breeding trades would continue to separate mothers and babies -it must be stopped.
Make your vote count for the animals and Stanley Park. The voiceless animals and Stanley Park are depending on you. |