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Vancouver Aquarium Attempting to Violate the Rights of People and Animals
posted on May 23, 2006

The City of Vancouver has been at the forefront of the moral evolution towards respecting animal rights and protecting wildlife. This includes prohibitions on exotic animal circus acts, bans on rodeos and phasing out the Stanley Park Zoo. However, the Vancouver Aquarium has asked the Parks Board to rescind past promises. If passed this would be a violation of the democratic process and a major step back to the barbaric Dark Ages of imprisoning animals.

The Aquarium has asked the Board to rescind the following approved resolutions;

1. "THAT any request by the Vancouver Aquarium for an expansion of the area currently occupied by the Vancouver Aquarium under its lease with the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation be referred to a public referendum to be held during the next general civic election.
2. "THAT the plebiscite ask the following yes or no question, "Are you in favor of phasing out the containment of whales and
dolphins in Stanley Park?"

The Vancouver Aquarium must stop acting like dictators and should:

1. Put all zoo and aquarium expansion plans before the public for public input. This must include all species, land expansion and costs. Species, such as polar bears, penguins and Arctic wolves, whom suffered in the previous zoo may be subjected to future exploitation.
2. Try to get any expansion exemption by properly requesting to renegotiate the lease agreement to remove any "no expansion clause".

The Board cannot fulfill their mandate to act in the best interests of Vancouverites, Stanley Park and wildlife without this vital information being brought before the public.

Lifeforce was instrumental in stopping major aquarium expansion, phasing out the Stanley Park Zoo and implementing a bylaw to restrict the importation of cetaceans into Stanley Park.

Those wishing to speak to this important issue that would destroy precious parkland and imprison more animals must contact the Vancouver Parks Board by Monday noon (May 29) the day of the meeting that starts at 7PM. Email them at pbcomment@city.vancouver.bc.ca or phone to sign up to speak @ 604-257-8451.