Boycott British Columbia Deer Kills posted on December 30, 2011
 In addition to the seasonal government hunting licenses to kill deer there is this new government plan to kill "urban deer". There will be at least 225 more deer targeted. BC "wildlife management plans" continue to create imbalances of wildlife populations. Human overpopulation, urban sprawl, destruction of wildlife habitats and other contributing factors to human/wildlife conflicts must all be taken into consideration when developing policies for human, animal and environmental protection.
Please join the new Boycott BC Deer Kills Facebook at:
Boycott BC Deer Kills
On January 10, 2011 the Mayor and Councillors approved of a deer kill in Penticton, BC. Please Sign these Petitions:
NEW!!! Stop Penticton Deer Kill Plan
Stop Kimberley Deer Kill Plan
Stop Invermere Deer Kill Plan
Stop Grand Forks Deer Kill Plan
Concerned about the deer massacres in B.C.? In addition to the Lifeforce petitions you can send polite letters to the cities involved so far.
Download Concernedaboutthedeerkills.pdf
See Humane Solutions to Human and Wildlife Conflicts
Download HumaneAlternativesDeer.pdf
February Update
"As someone who has hunted, it's not a pretty sight," he said, musing about public reaction in downtown Victoria to a deer caught in a cage beating itself to a pulp trying to escape. Then the deer is shot with a boltgun "and doing the funky chicken with blood coming out of its ears," he said. "That's why I am looking at dual solutions.” (Killing deer is not pretty, Metchosin mayor warns )
NEW Petition! Boycott the CRD Deer Kill Plans
Boycott CRD Deer Kill Plan
NEW Community Flyer
Here is a Boycott BC Cities Killing “Urban Deer”! flyer. It can be customized for local communities. It will be updated as we fight for the freedom of these deer.
Download A Tulip or a DeerFlyer.pdf
February 10, 2012 UPDATE
Georgia Straight: Peter Hamilton: Stop killing deer for human mistakes in B.C.
March 6, 2012 UPDATES: 2 Boycott BC Deer Kills
Dear Mayor and Council of Invermere:
Please see the attached 388 signatures stating:
We the undersign support a worldwide boycott of any city in British Columbia, Canada that kill the urban deer. Shortly after February 24th Invermere started killing deer. We ask your city to implement humane, non-lethal methods to address any concerns. Will Invermere cancel your kill permit? I will boycott Invermere if you continue to kill innocent "urban deer"!
Dear Mayor and Council of Penticton:
I would also like to let you and the Councillors know that there are presently 529 signatures on the Stop the Penticton Deer Kill:
We the undersign support a worldwide boycott of any city in British Columbia, Canada that kill the urban deer. We ask your city to implement humane, non-lethal methods to address any concerns. Will Penticton cancel your kill permit?