Stop Air Canada Monkey Trafficking And Vivisection posted on February 2, 2011
 Stop Air Canada Monkey Trafficking
The new Stop Air Canada Monkey Trafficking Facebook is part of Lifeforce's campaigns to expose the harm to people and animals caused by vivisection. The use of “animal models” is both cruel and scientifically fallacious.
Air Canada continues to transport monkeys. Recently 48 monkeys from breeding farms in China were flown into Toronto Airport en route to a laboratory in Quebec. Air Canada previously made a decision to discontinue the transportation of beagles destined for research laboratories following complaints from its passengers. Please help stop the cruelty by writing to: Calin Rovinescu- President/CEO Air Canada > Calin.rovinescu@aircanada.ca
UBC Monkey Experiments
In order to phase out vivisection in Canada Lifeforce launched the Stop Vivisection Canada! campaign in 2010. We are urging people to send our online postcard to politicians. Canadians email it to their MPs and others mail it to the Prime Minister.
Recently the Vancouver Courier published a story about animal experiments at the University of British Columbia. The article criticized those who opposed vivisection for many of the same old excuses that I have heard over the years. I sent information to clarify the how the research system actually works and why animal models are scientifically fallacious. The paper asked to publish my summary of the issues. I hope that it will help clarify the issues for those who have been brainwashed by the multi-billion dollar vivisection industry.
For all the information:
Download StopAirCanadaMonkeyTraffickingandUBCVivisection.pdf |