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News Releases

Stanley Park Restoration: City, Provincial and Federal Funding
posted on January 29, 2007

Open letter regarding the Stanely Park Restoration and Federal Funding.

The public support is to restore the areas damaged by storms in Stanley
Park. Donations were raised to restore the natural beauty of this precious
park. It would be illegal to spend it on commercial development.
However, it has been suggested that areas could be developed into other
human-made attractions such as tropical flora exhibit. Also, the Parks Board
Chair stated that a hurricane in the 60s opened the park to provide
opportunities to build zoo attractions. History must not repeat itself.
On behalf of the Lifeforce Foundation, I urge you to put in writing that all
monies from the Public, the City, the Province and the Federal government
will only be spent on restoration that would restore Stanley Park's natural
wildlife habitats - not on commercial development and more animal prisons.
Since Stanley Park is a National Historic Site any such restoration plans are subject to a Federal Environmental Impact Study prior to any final approval of restoration plans.

Stanley Park has a diversity of natural West Coast fauna and flora that
provides a free ecological experience. We must protect this fragile,
vulnerable treasure from any further commercial development. There is
potential for this National Historic Site to provide even a greater wildlife
experience as found before the devastation. In the past Lifeforce has
provided Stanley Park Nature and History Walk brochures for self-guided
walks. Lifeforce offers our assistance to develop such programs and natural
experiences for present and future generations.