posted on September 27, 2023
 Stopping the Abuse and Exploitation of Orcas will only happen if everyone with their families and friends lobby their politicians!
For over 40 years Lifeforce fought to get protection for animals on land and in the waters....
For example: Lifeforce(LF) fought against the numerous Vancouver Aquarium expansions from the 80s on; in 1996 LF got a Vancouver Aquarium Cetacean Ban; LF stopped the capture of belugas in Canada; LF helped Greenpeace stop the capture of Southern Residents Orcas by Sealand, BC (They had planned to capture a few orcas every few years then “rotate” them with other family members!). In addition, Lifeforce investigations also led to the first bans on bans on both wild and domestic animal acts in circuses on Vancouver Island, BC.
Please read the following actions and contact information for the US and Canada. We hope other countries will follow. We also include an attachment about the Orca Capture History at the Lifeforce Foundation Facebook: ORCA HISTORY FB.
Freedom for Orcas and All Prisoners!
Time to Legislate an End to Orca and other Marine Wildlife Captures and Captivity!
It is the last hope for the long term prisoners such as Corky who was captured in 1969. As of 2022, Corky is the only surviving captured orca from her Northern Resident family group.
Corky became the first orca to produce offspring in captivity at Marineland, CA. On February 28, 1977, she gave birth to the first captive calf. However, the infant male failed to nurse and died of pneumonia after just eleven days. Corky and Orky had six more calves but none survived, the oldest, named Kiva, lived just forty-six days. In 1987, Corky was sold to SeaWorld and was moved with Orky to the park in San Diego, CA. There, she mated with Icelandic male orcas, and both calves died within days of their birth.
Bring Corky Home!"https://doublebaysanctuary.org/..."
The exposed plight of Lolita and others must lead to the enactment of legal bans on all such circus captives. Lolita’s pool was only 20 feet deep, 35 feet wide and 80 feet long! Circus animals are caged or restrained in other inhumane ways.
It is time to start laying more accepted Animal Cruelty Charges against the Aquarium and Zoo Industry to protect cetaceans, elephants, nonhuman primates and countless others! Animal Protection Laws are stronger and more accepted by courts. It is time to implement country wide legislative bans on cetacean captivity and other wildlife!
The Canadian Cetacean “Ban” must also be improved by removing the exemption for “scientific research on cetaceans and if so-called “care” is needed!” They can still be imprisoned and subjected to experiments.
The US, Canada and other countries must implement Bans on All Cetacean Captivity without any exemptions for research etc..
An example of Aquarium Industry new plans to obtain cetaceans includes research marketing. In 2021, 5 belugas were sent from the Marineland in Niagara Falls to Mystic Aquarium in Connecticut that claims to specialize in beluga research. Two died less than a year apart.
Jane Goodall
As news of Lolita’s passing spread around the world, the Jane Goodall Institute is calling for an immediate worldwide ban on the capturing, keeping, and breeding of cetaceans in captivity.
Boycotts Will Help Too!
A proposed UK law will make it an offence to sell or advertise captivity abroad. This “Animals Bill” is moving forward in the House of Lords and if passed into law, it could stop the sale or advertising of tickets in the UK to captive whale and dolphin facilities abroad to help end whale and dolphin captivity.
Tell Politicians that whales suffering in captivity are a major issue and you want a Total Cetacean Ban on Captivity!
The Canadian “Cetacean Ban” permits: “scientific research pursuant to a licence issued by the Lieutenant Governor in Council of a province or by such other person or authority in the province as may be specified by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.” Further: Aquariums are “... authorized to keep a cetacean in captivity in the best interests of the cetacean’s welfare ...”
The Canadian research loophole was a compromise that must end!
Live in Canada? Contact Your Provincial and Federal Politicians
Lobby your elected officials to enact state legislation that prohibits the display of marine mammals! MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT: MP LIST.
Mail may be sent postage-free to any Member of Parliament at the following address:
[Name of Member of Parliament]
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada |