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Stop Vivisection Canada!
Stop Vivisection Canada!

Point Roberts Orcas and More
Point Roberts Orcas and More

Lifeforce ECOTV - Experimentation

Canada: Part of the Pain Part 3

History of Vivisection Canada Canada: Part of the Pain (A Six Part Series) These were the first vivisection videos taken by an organization who wants to stop animal experiments. In 1981 Lifeforce Founder Peter Hamilton and camera person Chas Leckie travelled to numerous research laboratories throughout Canada. The goal was to expose the secretive experiments on animals. The public taxpayers and donors have a right to know. These same and/or similar experiments continue today. Our upcoming campaigns will have never seen before vivisection video/photos. We will urge politicians to give more access to vivisection information in Canada. This new campaign will show how the repeated use of “animal models” have not cured human diseases and injuries. One example is the crippling of animals in spinal cord experiments funded by those at the Rick Hansen Institute and the Christopher Reeve Foundation. Medical breakthroughs that help people have resulted from studying people.